
Dungeon Sovereign

Abandoned by his parents, Kalle struggled to support himself and his sister by working full-time after dropping out of college. When mysterious portals manifested across the Earth, unleashing fantastical monsters, Kalle found himself thrown into a dangerous situation as he had to keep himself and his sister safe. Not only from monsters that came out of the dungeons but also from people who got drunk from the power that they got from these dungeons. Fortunately, Kalle didn’t have to fight alone. An ancient god, one that the other gods feared, chose him as his successor and Kalle was given his power. The power to conquer dungeons and make them his. From goblins with wooden clubs to fire-breathing dragons, they would all be under Kalle’s command as he conquered more dungeons. But as he conquered the dungeons, Kalle began questioning the true origin of these enigmatic existences. Were they really a mere coincidence, or was there a greater cosmic force at play?

darran_ · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Conquering The Dungeon (2)

Knowing that he would lose if he ever ran out of mana in a battle of attrition, Kalle decided to act quickly.

Seeing the pentagram made out of dark mana was about to form for the second time, Kalle made the decision to once again charge forward.

He activated the double enhancement on his feet and flew forward toward the two goblins.

Of course, the two goblins saw him clearly and the goblin warrior wasted no time to leap forward in front of the goblin mage and block Kalle's way.

Kalle had expected this before he even jumped forward as he had realized how protective the goblin warrior was of the goblin mage.

It was as if the goblin warrior's life purpose was to keep the goblin mage safe.

So instead of waiting for the goblin warrior to try and attack him when he landed, Kalle prepared to go on the offensive instead.

Raising his silver staff before he even landed, Kalle waited for the perfect moment for the goblin warrior to leap forward once again as he felt the goblin warrior enhance its own hands with mana.

It seemed to have used enchant weapon on its own hands as it didn't have any weapons anymore due to Kalle breaking them.

Kalle knew that even though the goblin warrior would definitely lose its arms if he hit it with the silver staff, that would only be the worst-case scenario for the two goblins.

The goblin warrior would lose its arms and fall down, succeeding in preventing Kalle from reaching the goblin mage fast enough to stop the weakening spell from activating.

So instead of playing into the goblin warrior's game, Kalle decided to do something that he had never done before.

He already got his staff raised way before he landed on the ground. And when the goblin warrior used its leap skill once again to leap into him, Kalle swung down his staff and released it.

Of course, he didn't forget to use enchant weapon on the staff and enhanced his right hand with the basic body enhancement.

It was his first time ever releasing the silver staff from his hand and he felt powerless for a split second when his hand felt empty.

However, the feeling soon went away when he saw the staff fly and hit its target.

With such a close distance between them and the power in Kalle's hand when he threw the staff, the goblin warrior wasn't able to react properly when the staff hit its body squarely in the chest.

As a result, the goblin warrior lost all of its momentum from its leap as it was smacked backward by the staff.

Not only breaking its momentum, the staff also broke the goblin warrior's ribs once more with the tremendous force carried within it.

It didn't take long before the goblin warrior fell down, lying face up as it gasped for air.

Kalle soon found the perfect landing spot as he aimed his feet at the goblin warrior's body.

Not forgetting to move the basic body enhancement to his feet, Kalle stomped down as hard as he could when he landed, utterly crushing the goblin warrior's chest with his feet.

The goblin warrior that had been resilient so far in staying alive and protecting the goblin mage had finally died with its chest matters turned to mush.

Forget about standing up once more, the goblin warrior couldn't even take a single breath as blood spilled everywhere on the ground and Kalle's feet.

Kalle had successfully dealt with the annoying goblin warrior.

However, there was still one problem left.

Looking in front of him, he was a few meters away from reaching the goblin mage, but the pentagram made out of dark mana was already 95% done according to Kalle's guess.

There were only several meters separating the two of them and Kalle could almost instantly cross it even with his ordinary leap skill.

However, that short amount of time still took some time.

And Kalle didn't want to risk fighting the goblin mage with a sliver amount of mana remaining. Which would happen if he used the dispel spell once more.

The goblin mage would definitely succeed in casting the spell and Kalle would have to deal with the spell that felt like a curse instead.

Unfortunately for the goblin mage, Kalle came prepared.

'Staff, this distance is sufficient right?'


After hearing the short answer from the staff, Kalle quickly raised his hand and commanded in his mind.

'Summon, goblin A, goblin B!'

With a simple command from his thoughts, two goblins with silver streaks on their bodies materialized out of thin air.

The place that they spawned was none other than beside the goblin mage that was almost finished casting its spell.


Spawning with their wooden clubs in their hands, the two goblins didn't waste a single second as they swung both of their wooden clubs straight toward the goblin mage.

The enhance weapon skill that got stronger after being contracted with Kalle, and their superior capabilities compared to ordinary goblins made their attacks deadly as the wooden clubs soon met the goblin mage's head.

The unprotected head soon was met with powerful force as the two wooden clubs crashed hard from two opposite sides.

The goblin mage who didn't have any fast reflexes nor a close-ranged weapon like the goblin warrior soon had its head exploding into pieces as the two wooden clubs smashed it.

The weakening spell which was on the verge of manifesting suddenly crumbled down as all the dark mana rushed towards the goblin mage's headless body.

The dark mana forced its way onto what was remaining of the goblin mage's body and started corrupting its green skin. 

Turning it to black as the body began rotting at a visible speed.

The skin that had meat in it quickly shriveled as the skin now hugged the bones tightly.

It didn't stop there either.

The bones soon also crumbled down before finally, the skin followed after it.

The dark mana only stopped its consumption when there was nothing left of the goblin mage other than the wooden pentagram staff that it held in its hand all the time.

Kalle saw the whole process and couldn't help but forcefully swallow the urge to puke.

Not only did the dark mana feel eerie but what it had done also scarred his mind.

'Whatever it was, I won't get anywhere close to it…' He thought to himself when he saw what the dark mana was capable of doing.

Fortunately though, Kalle's attention was soon pulled elsewhere.

'Congratulations, you have conquered this dungeon! You can now claim it for yourselves,' the staff's voice rang loud and clear in his head.

--------Author's Note-------

Since this novel is participating in a WPC, 10 Power Stones in a week = 1 bonus chapter!