The Mayan ceremonial dagger had an inscription in the ancient language that read: "Offer thy heart". It's obviously an instruction left by the past inhabitants of this forgotten place, but who would be stupid enough to stab himself in the heart with a rusty old knife found inside a tombstone? After activating my battery pack the dagger shimmers brightly in a cyan light, the creatures are coming, I can hear their steps. 'It's do or die.'
A couple days passed after their Vlog and thanks to the peaceful atmosphere inside the safety of the Pegasus, the Dungeon Raiders were finally at ease and things started to fall back into place. As usual, Luna continued compulsively researching cyrptids to scratch the itch of her obsession and Medusa kept busy trying to set the comms center in the Pegasus with a passion that matched Luna's.
It could be argued that it was only because they were in dire need of a way to hail cities and other ships and that having a communication center in the ship would also allow them to communicate with each other if they got separated. But the truth of the matter was that if it wasn't the communications, Medusa would have simply found something else to either fix or improve.