
Dungeon God Ragnarok

Jonathan North, an ordinary boy who falls for his fiancee was rejected instantly by her. He needs to defeat her if he wants to marry her. He battled her 13 times in 4 years and never won a single time. He was suggested to go adventure in the dungeon, however by going there e got betrayed and framed by his enemy. And was thrown under the deepest well of that dungeon which is known as the well of absolute death. Because nobody could crawl back from that hell. Then, how will our MC survive? Now, that's something interesting story to tell...

MrNine · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter-5: The healer

John was waiting in front of the dungeon before Loyd's party. He was 30 minutes earlier there.

Loyd came there at the exact time he gave to John. John saw with him a few new faces that he never saw before.

It was obvious that these guys are his party member.

"Hey, you have come earlier than I expected."

Loyd told him.


John nodded. He never likes to enlarge the talk with him.

"Okay, let me introduce you to the others there. Everyone knows who is this guy already, he is our Duke's son Jonathan North."

Loyd is trying to introduce them to each other as it was a formality in every dungeon party.

"His name is Zampa. He is our ranger. Good at snipping."

Loyd introduces a short guy. This guy has a laid-back face, he looks lazy.

"This guy is, Nion. He is our magician. He is good at earth magic. He is the highest level in our group. Level 18."

Nion was also the most aged person here. He has no special features.

"And this guy is Mi Lin. He is our tank. You can just know by looking at his shield and body."

Mi Lin was a bulky guy with a shield size half of him. He was also the tallest here. The last person Loyd introduce was himself,

"And you know my name brother, I am the swordsman of this team. The only position we lacked in this team was a magic swordman and a healer."

Loyd paused and said,

"You are the magic swordsman, now all we need to recruit is a healer then we will be the perfect team to raid the dungeon."

John nodded. Even he knows that there is a great advantage if the team has a magic swordsman and a healer because a magic swordsman can instantly switch positions in the team and support the swordsman or magician. As for healers, they are important people for a team because they minimize the final damage, and sometimes they play vital roles to save a party member's life.

"Nice to meet you all."

John said. Hearing him 2 nodded and 1 replied same here.

Then this team of 5 men started to raid the dungeon. It was pretty easy to clear the second floor with this team.

Specially archer Zampa and Tank Mi Lin. They are good. John saw there is a trace of professionalism on their face.

It was the same for the third floor too. They have cleared it pretty easily. And John felt no surprise anymore when they clear the 4th and 5th floors.

However, it becomes a new layer of difficulty when they reach floor 6. This time every one of them got more or less injured especially John.

He felt that this team really need a healer or it will be tough for them to fight on the upper floor.

"We really need to recruit someone tomorrow."

John said.

"yes, I have someone in my mind however she is not receiving my invitation."

Loyd said to John.

"Who is she?"

John asked.

"She is the daughter of Viscount Joseph."

Loyd replies to him.

"Well see you want to receive our invitation. I heard that she is getting an offer from a higher-tier team."

John said.

"Well, we need to find someone else."

Lloyd said.

"Yeah, or it will be tough for us."

Zampa said.

After raiding a few times more they finally cleared floor 6. After that, they quit on that floor for the day because they need a healer and of course, have a rest for the day.

But they didn't find a suitable healer for the next three days.

3 days later they saw a new girl, who is finding a party, and the good thing is she is a healer however her level is too low to join a team.

John didn't miss the chance and went to that lady.

"Are you looking for a party, miss?"

He asked her. The girl becomes nervous after hearing him at first. However, when she saw the smile on his face she calm down.

"Yea, I am looking for a party however it seems like my level is too low so no one seems to be interested in me to get me on their team."

The girl replied with a smile.

"I see, do you know me?"

John asked her.

"No this is the first time I have ever seen you."

The girl replies to him. She was somewhat cute to John. because she wants to forget about Luna so he wants to approach other girls. it is not like he wants to marry or get interact as a lover. he just wants to get a friend with them and wants to understand them better, he realizes that he never understands Luna in the first place he never knows what she wants and how to make her fall for him. Now then he understand her better but it was too late to make her fall for him.

"I see I am the son of the Duke, John, Jonathan North. We have a party that runs in the dungeon, we are also looking for a healer, so are you interested to join on our team?"

John asks her directly if she wants to join them.

"Will you be alright to recruit me at a low level like me?"

She asked him with unbelievable eyes.

"Yeah, I have taken permission from our leader he is okay with any level of a healer. As long as they can heal he is ok with it."

He replied with a smile. Hearing him the girl makes a relieved face. Looks like she was really in trouble and wants to big to a party. At first, he wanted to ask why she was that you got to join a team. many people have many reasons so for now he refrained to ask her.

Later that day he introduced her to everyone and it looks like everyone accepted her without any complaint. After all, the healer is an important member of any team.