
Dungeon Exploration: The Boring Office Worker’s Adventure

“Dungeons are the ultimate challenge for anyone. Conquering them will validate my existence.” - Lucas Moore Lucas Moore, a bored office worker who hates his job and life becomes the founder and leader of a guild that specializes in dungeon exploration and treasure hunting. He recruits talented adventurers, negotiates contracts with clients, and oversees the operations of the guild. He also learns that he possesses a rare skill that enables him to uncover the size, depth, difficulty, and potential rewards of the dungeons in detail, giving him an advantage over his competitors.

Uchiha_Laruto · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Prologue: Ministry of Dungeon Affairs (MDA) part II

Walter's eyes lit up with excitement upon hearing the mention of Arthur Sterling and the Silver Wings. "You're incredibly fortunate," he exclaimed. "I believe he and his guild exemplify how adventurers should conduct themselves. And his astounding record of 131 incident-free days is genuinely remarkable."

Jack chuckled dismissively at Walter's admiration. "I've heard rumours suggesting that he isn't as strong as he claims to be," Jack interjected. "Some say he takes credit for others' achievements, but the Silver Wings keep it hushed up because of his substantial family wealth and celebrity status."

Lucas found himself caught off guard, needing a moment to process the information. Meanwhile, Walter's face turned red, and he swiftly came to Arthur Sterling's defense. "You shouldn't speak ill of people behind their backs," Walter huffed. "I can't fathom why you would waste time discussing baseless rumors about someone widely regarded as the best adventurer of our time."

Ignoring Walter's outburst, Jack continued nonchalantly, his mouth full of food. "No problem for me, I'm done with work for the day," he casually stated.

Lucas's eyes widened in astonishment. "You've finished reviewing all the dungeon applications already?" Lucas inquired. "How is that even possible?"

Jack shrugged, a carefree expression on his face. "I approved them all without even reading them," he confessed.

Walter slammed his hands on the table, clearly agitated. "Why on earth would you engage in such reckless behavior?" he demanded to know.

"Because it's easier that way," Jack replied with a shrug. "The top six guilds consistently excel in dungeon clearing and treasure acquisition. They rarely make mistakes, and even if they do, their influence within the ministry ensures that any issues are swiftly hushed up."

"So you simply trust everything they present to you?" Walter inquired.

"Pretty much," Jack replied with a hint of exasperation as he yawned again. "They consistently send us the same reports, year after year. Nothing seems to change around here."

Walter shook his head disapprovingly. "That's highly unprofessional," he remarked.

Jack's patience waned, and his smile faded away. Turning his attention to Walter, he posed a question. "Let me ask you something," he began. "Have you ever caught anyone evading taxes?"

Walter twirled his fork thoughtfully before responding. "No," he admitted.

Lucas, surprised yet again, interjected. "Really, none at all?" he inquired incredulously. "Not a single case?"

"They have an army of lawyers, accountants, and administrators to ensure they remain squeaky clean," Jack revealed. "They are better equipped and better compensated than the President himself."

"But still," Walter argued. "We have a responsibility to carry out our jobs to prevent another Silent Crimson..."

His voice trailed off, and he cast a quick glance at Lucas. "I apologize," Walter hastily added. "I didn't mean to upset you."

Lucas waved off the apology. "It's alright. It's not your fault."

Jack, perplexed by the shift in the conversation, pressed further. "What's wrong?" he probed.

Lucas responded, attempting to downplay the situation. "It's nothing," he assured them.

"No, something is amiss," Jack insisted. "Tell us what's troubling you."

Walter, speaking in a hushed tone, revealed the truth. "Jack," he addressed his friend, "don't you know who he is?"

"Who?" Jack questioned, genuinely perplexed.

"Lucas Moore," Walter disclosed.

"Yeah, so?" Jack replied with confusion.

"He's the son of James Moore," Walter clarified.

"Who?" Jack asked once more, struggling to connect the dots.

"James Moore," Walter repeated. "The leader of the treasure collection party that vanished in mine AD-2789."

Finally, comprehension dawned on Jack's face. "Whoa," he exclaimed, taken aback. "What?"

"Yes," confirmed Walter. "Lucas here is his son."

"What?" Jack reiterated, his gaze shifting towards Lucas, his expression a mixture of shock and disbelief.

Lucas nodded, confirming Walter's statement.

Jack gasped, realizing the significance of the revelation. He struggled to find the right words to express his astonishment.

"Guys," Lucas spoke up, drawing their attention. "I have something important to share with you."

"What is it?" Jack asked, curious.

"I'm seriously considering quitting to join an adventurer guild," Lucas declared.

Walter couldn't help but giggle. "You must be joking," he remarked.

Lucas held his gaze, his determination unwavering. "No, I'm completely serious," he affirmed.

Walter blinked twice, struggling to comprehend. "Why in the world would you give up a stable government job to risk your life or end up permanently disabled?" he questioned.

"Because I want to pursue something meaningful and exhilarating in my life," Lucas explained. "And perhaps, along the way, I'll finally uncover the truth about what happened to my father."

Walter still appeared skeptical. "Is this truly about your father, or is it about the allure of wealth and fame?" he probed.

"It's for my father," Lucas replied with conviction.

Walter stumbled over his words as he tried to grasp the concept. "It's... it's... it's dangerous, risky, and foolish," he managed to say. "In ten to fifteen years, you could climb up to Level 7 in the ministry and have your own office. Are you willing to throw all that away?"

"I don't care about that," Lucas asserted. "I'm willing to take the risk."

Walter seemed on the verge of a panic attack, attempting to steady his own nerves. "Lucas, listen to me," he pleaded. "You're making a colossal mistake. You're sacrificing your life for nothing. You have a good job here, stability, and security. You earn a decent salary with benefits."

"I believe I can achieve more," Lucas countered.

Before Walter could respond, Jack interjected, trying to defuse the tension. "Guys, guys, guys," he interjected, his tone calming. "Can we take a moment to calm down?"

Jack turned to Lucas, a smile and a wink appearing on his face. He seemed more amused and impressed by Lucas's idea.

"Lucas, I think you're incredible," Jack expressed.

"Really?" Lucas asked, surprised.

"Absolutely," Jack confirmed. "I find your plan daring and audacious."

"Thank you," Lucas responded gratefully.

"Please forgive our friend here, who lacks imagination," Jack continued, gesturing towards Walter. "He's been conditioned by the system to work a job for the rest of his life. He doesn't understand what true excitement is."

Walter shot a look of indignation at Jack. "Lucas, let's be realistic," Walter interjected. "You can't simply become an adventurer out of the blue. It takes resources, training, and connections. You need to have something in place."

"I'll figure it out as I go along," Lucas asserted.

"You don't even have a plan?" Walter exclaimed. "I give up."

Walter flung his fork into his Tupperware salad, displaying his frustration like a child denied Christmas presents. The conversation seemed to come to an abrupt end.