
Dungeon Break In Real Life

[Notice] Welcome Welcome new player! Your world is currently being ravaged by monsters. You have been given the ability to combat these monsters! Good luck! Kaiden is a freshman in college. He used to be a hardcore gamer until he decided to turn his life around. Being accepted into college, he expected to make a few friends, but did he expect a dungeon break? Did he expect to make a life-changing decision? Did he expect this decision would cost someone's life? Of course not. how would he approach these new challenges? update: I will put more thought into it on the next arc or volume, the early chapter is a bit messy but that's because I lazily write while laying down. i will take it seriously in the next arc lol. im thinking of reworking this novel now that i (kinda lol) know what to do. i still have the story fresh somewhere so im going to at least fininsh it. before that, i have short work im working on so, it might slow down a bit.

Cero_Sir · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Battle Against The Goblin Elites

[ Shop ] [ GC: 25 ]

[ Weapon ]

[ Armour ]

[ Skill ]

[ Magic ]

[ Item ]

I should have used the gold before I died.

[ You have purchased the Skill "Dagger User" for 15 gold coins]

[ You have purchased 2 elixir ]

"Mission check"

[ Mission: Survive for 60 minutes ]

( 56/60 )

[ Reward: 60 gold coins]

4 minutes... I need to survive for 4 minutes.

I drank the elixir quickly as the goblin started to move.

[ «Flicker» ]

I ran away again.

We shouldn't have fought, they were a normal civilian and I ordered them to fight... It's my fault this time.

Next time, I won't tell them to fight...

Actually, I don't think... I should be with them...

Yeah, that's right, next time, I will do things on my own. I won't get them involved.

[ You levelled up ]

[ Status: Kaiden ]

[ Level: 2 ( 3 ) ]

[ STR: 4 ] ( +2 )

[ DEF: 2 ]

[ DEX: 5 ] ( +1 )

[ SPD: 6 ] ( +1 )

[ END: 4 ] ( +2 )

[ INT: 3 ]

[ LCK: 5 ]

6?! It went up by 6? How?!

One of the goblins threw their spear, which I was able to dodge without looking.

I will figure it out later!

Are they still chasing me? How persistent!

[ «Flicker» ]

4 minutes, after that I will try and kill them all. I don't know if I'm able to, but heck I killed one of them and these guys won't let it slide. I have to kill them if I want to live.

They're quite fast, but every time they're catching up, I use Flicker to widen the distance again.

I should find a place to fight, somewhere that isn't an open area.

The park! There might be a public restroom, using that, I could lessen the amount of space they could use and make them unable to use formation, or better yet, make it harder to attack me in group.

[ Warning ]

[ Fatigue has passed 80. Your physical capabilities are now halved. ]

[ If it reaches 100, you will fall unconscious! ]

Damn it, I'm still out in the open! I can't fight them like this. Unless...

I stopped running and raised both my hands like I was surrendering. If this works, then I might have a chance.

I wait a few seconds before turning around. The goblins also stopped and just stared, perfect.

I drank my last elixir. The goblins had confused faces after seeing me pulling it out of thin air. They got themselves into some kind of formation.

They probably think I'm a magician, I have to clear up the misunderstanding.

I raised my hands once again and they looked at their leader for order. The leader had the same ugly smile as earlier.

I'm not surrendering you know. Not yet at least.

I point to one of them with my dagger, and then point it at the other beside him, then another.

I put up one finger to them and then hit my shield using the dagger.

They appear to be smart, so I hope they understand my gesture. Though I'm not sure if this means "let's have a 1v1" to them.

They put their guard down and looked at each other while seemingly laughing and pointing their weapon at me. As if they're jokingly saying "Well you see that? He wants to have a go with you" or something to one another.

The hob seemed amused, he muttered something incomprehensible to his minions.

After a few minutes, one of them stepped out, while the rest sat and clapped their hand cheering for the goblin.

They look almost human-like doing this stuff. This makes me wonder what's actually behind the portal. Is it just a dungeon, or straight-up another whole new world we didn't know existed?

For now, I shoved this question in the back of my head and focused on the battle.

Looks like the goblin is letting me have the first move, how nice.

I slowly close the distance with my shield forward. He did the same but with his spear out to take care of sudden rush.

Once we got to the attacking range, I was hinted to move to the right by Danger Sense.

But why? I have a shield to block his attack so I don't see why-

Suddenly, the goblin takes a quick step forward and thrusts his spear on the top edge of my shield, this makes my shield get knock back, allowing his spear through.


I barely managed to dodge it, receiving a tiny scratch on my neck. I touch it and see no blood, it's not deep.

"Damn... He almost got me!"

Fine, from now on, whether I know or not what's for, I will obey my Danger Sense without a doubt. I apologize for my arrogance earlier!

[ Notice: Mission Successful ]

[ Mission: Survive for 60 minutes ]

( 60/60 ) ✓

[ Reward has been delivered ]

Oh! Yes! I was being too careful to wait for this!

[ You have purchased the skill "Future Sight" for 50 gold coins and "Sprint" for 10 gold coins ]

Can't waste the opportunity of getting an A Class skill. The leftover is spent on this.

[ Sprint ]

[ Increase overall speed by 50% ]

Alright, time to kill-

The goblin attacked again, and this time I dodged it perfectly, I made the promise to obey the skill after all.

He went for another attack, but instead of dodging it, I had another idea

[ «Sprint» ]

I let go of my shield and caught the spear with my left hand.

The goblin is surprised and tries to free his weapon from my grip.

Meanwhile, I slipped my dagger under his shield and stabbed his neck from below, finishing the fight.

Blood gushing out after I pulled my dagger out, the goblin shrieked in pain while holding his neck.

[ You received 6 gold coin for slaying a goblin warrior ]

My legs started shaking, I don't know if it was caused by adrenaline, but this was the first time I'd witnessed this up close, and the fact that I did this willingly out of instinct, had me questioning myself and my skill.

It's fine, calm down, the skill is helping me. I've seen how brutal this monster could be, so I had no choice but to do what I needed to do. There's nothing wrong with what I'm doing.

After calming myself down, I looked towards the other goblins. They're standing in silence, losing all the excitement from earlier.

Hmm... What should I do?


This time, the hob stepped in. The hob is slightly taller than Russell, maybe 200 cm or more? ( 6'5 ft? ) Being a 174 cm ( 5'7 ft? ) dude, this is quite scary.

If I want to win, I need to make the first move!

The hob raises his club, but that doesn't matter!

[ «Flicker» ]


I missed my attack, it's like my body couldn't follow my instinct and attacked way earlier.

This makes me end up way behind the hob, facing the other goblins. They're shocked as well with my insane speed.

The flicker felt faster, is it because Sprint Skill is still active?

The goblins then started getting tense and grab their weapon.

They probably think I was attacking them instead. I see, might as well.

Somehow, I felt confident all of a sudden. My battle Instinct didn't tell me to stop either, more like it's encouraging me to fight. Is it the newly found speed? Must be it.

Diving into the group, I managed give them a few cut wound while dodging their attack. I can't deliver a fatal blow as their formation and shield gets in the way.

A goblin is attacking me from behind and I dodge it while switching my dagger to my left hand, managing to stabbed it in the chest with the "Pierce" Skill.

Puking a large amount of blood, he hugged me and make me unable to move, giving his comrades a chance to kill me.

However, this isn't an issue.

[ «Flicker» ]

Using Flicker to leave the group, I managed to bring the hugging goblin along, to which I quickly killed.

3 more, i can do this.

[ You levelled up ]

[ Status: Kaiden ]

[ Level: 3 ( 4 ) ]

[ STR: 5 ] ( +1 )

[ DEF: 3 ] ( +1 )

[ DEX: 6 ] ( +1 )

[ SPD: 7 ] ( +1 )

[ END: 5 ] ( +1 )

[ INT: 4 ] ( +1 )

[ LCK: 5 ]

There it is again! It went up by 6! Is it because I'm fighting?

As I was trying to think, the hob started roaring in anger and charge at me.

I will figure it out later!

I take the dagger from the goblin I just killed and went for the remaining 2 goblin warrior instead of the hob.

They're prepared to face me, but with the newly found speed, it makes them disoriented.

Using Flicker, I kicked away one goblin and face the other.

He couldn't keep up with my speed along with my dual dagger threatening to stab him in multiple places.

Handling the dagger starting to feel natural, must be the Passive skill.

This felt awesome! If I keep this up, I could kill all-

[ Warning ]

[ Fatigue has passed 80. Your physical capabilities are now halved. ]

[ If it reaches 100, you will fall unconscious! ]

[ "Sprint" has been deactivated ]

Feeling instantly slower, I failed to dodge the hobgoblin attacking me from behind, even after being warned by Danger Sense.

I flew several meters and hits the ground so hard it takes all the air out of my lung.

I struggle to breath and it's also hurt to try. Did he broke my ribs? The pain is intense. I can't think properly.

As I was choking on my own blood and trying to breath like a fish on land, they slowly approach the helpless me.

This is the end huh, it's fine, I could try again. This time, alone. I must do it alone.

Suddenly, an arrow flying out of nowhere and hit all 3 Goblins in their forehead.

"Huh?" I gurgled with a mouthful of blood.

Did they come from behind? Another human?

Should I looked ba-

[ You are dead ]