

(Warning): This book has less romance in it. It's all about how the mc finds redemption for himself. And this is the volume 1, the volume 2 will be about his love life and there will be loads of romance so salty tuned. I also need your supports thank you What happens when your family dies living you to the harsh cruelty around you. The one's who has shielded you from the harsh reality of the world Dune Darknight a born curse as he has been addressed right from when he was born, with abilities that could end an entire nation, white curly hair and red pinkish eyes. He was neither a spell caster, a vampire, nor a shape shifter. As people will call him a demon or the son of the devil It's time for the prophecy to come to pass what is the prophecy about what will become of him and the people around him watch as his life takes an unexpected turn but will it be for the better or for the worse with so many obstacles, mysteries to be discovered, and as secrets unfolds it's self.

sillymc · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter {6} college life begins (ii)

They already left the director's office chatting happily and where headed to their lockers, to get the books they will be needing for their first class.

To their surprise they got to understand that, everything each students needed for their classes, whatever related to school, even till they graduated will be provided and prepared by the school immediately after registration.

Therefore all the materials they needed for school had been placed in their lockers.

Books, textbooks and even gym clothes all in their respective lockers. They didn't have to bother about their bags being heavy, just pick out the few necessary things and bam they're all set.

Both Christine and Dune's lockers where right next to each other, so they didn't have to bother about splitting up.

Finally arriving at where classes will be held. They where amazed as they stood dazed staring at how large the classroom was.

About 2000 sq ft, the classroom was like a conference hall enough to contain a hundred students. In front of it was two large screen projectors of about 145 inches, and in front of both screen projectors stood a 46 inches tall podium, with a small mic attached to it for the use of a lecturer.

With some students already occupying most of the seats, you could say it was a very conducive learning environment. From the exterior to the interior of the school. it definitely is the best, Artemis college indeed lived up to it's name.

"As the best university in the whole of the united states that accommodates not only humans or supernaturals, but both and provides the best learning environment to ensure their effective and safe learning".

Two figures stood outside still in a knock senseless state at how exclusive, large and accommodating the classroom was, when they were both dangerously shoved aside almost losing their balance, with an unfamiliar female figure walking passed them.

Just before Christine could speak up, the person turned around. Wearing a pink tank top, white fury cropped coat, a short white flare skirt, and pink knee high boots while carrying a pink and white hairy hand bag. Her hair was also dyed pink. There were two other persons with her, also dressed in pink and white but with a different style.

She spoke to them in a brash tune while sizing them up down with an uppish look.

'I don't know who you guys are, or what your purpose serve as. But you where in my way, and if you're not going into the classroom, then do the students a favour and get your mortifying self out of the way'.

Stop being a f*¢king nuisance and get lost.

After her short yet churlish speech, with a hiss she concluded before walking inside the class room, but not before casting them a short side glance. With her accomplice right on her tail.

Christine left in a dumbstruck state, her mouth opening and closing with no words being able to be formed, her brain muddled and demented. For a flit moment there, she couldn't get her brain to function properly in terms of words. She turned around gaping at Dune who also looked equally surprised but, was more composed than herself.

Scratch that sh!t !!! about the school being a conducive learning environment, it was rather going to be unconducive for both Dune and Christine and they already know it.

They haven't even been abel to fine_tune themselves into the new environment and yet some persons for unknown reasons do not like them.

Okay Dune I know we shouldn't have been standing in front of the door that leads to the classroom, but that doesn't give her the right to speak to us in such a disrespectful and impolite manner, like she has a beef with us or something. I was even too surprised to refute her. Who the hell does she thinks she is the president's daughter or what.

And what's with her choice of color. Is she some pink cotton candy or is it world pink day hmph >.<.

Yeah I was startled myself but what can I say. We can't start a fight just because of some words now can we, just let it slide. We promised aunt Christine to keep a low profile and not cause troubles so we just have to let it go.

And I think I see why aunt Christine decided to not rent us a house in the student estate, because we're definitely going to burn it down.

No matter what we do, where we go, or how we act people still won't like us. And, no matter what they do, or say to us we gotta be the bigger person. So we just gotta forget about them like they don't exist and carry on with the things that are rather important to us, and that includes leading a peaceful yet successful college life.

Okay let's go in so we can take the sits closest to the window and at the back roll, we still got an orientation to attend, and could also use the remaining time left to explore the school whole, especially the cafeteria and gym room right before classes properly commences.

Christine '*=*'

Yayyyyyyy let's goooooooo ^_^.....

So I've decided to upload at least 3 times a week and everytime the view of the story increases I'll add 2 more chapters. So please invite your friends to read and also leave me encouraging comments and reviews.

Uploading days are Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays remember to meet the requirements for the bonus chapters.

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