My strength was average, the same as before the transformation, I knew what I could and couldn't do. For the moment I didn't have any weapons and that was a big problem. Barehanded fighting is for the skilled ones, and even then they are at a disadvantage. First thing I had to do was try my abilities.
Thinking about my next step it was about time to go hunting. During the night was the best time. Fewer people, more shadows and I could make a run for it and shapeshift if need be.
As I walked the streets I finally found my target. A simple business man heading home, probably working till extra hours. I followed him slowly and just as he was about to turn I pulled him in an alley. Putting him in a chokehold I needed just half a minute to almost kill him. After subduing him I strengthened my hold over his head and twisted it fast, consuming him in the process.
After a few minutes a businessman was seen coming out of the alley and walking towards the ATM. He made sure to withdraw an appropriate amount before disappearing into the darkness.
'Now that I have enough money I can buy a weapon. A sword should be sufficient for now, weapons are hard to obtain due to the strict regulations and the traffic police doesn't usually carry them. Wait that might actually not be true… I don't know so I might as well try.'
'Most enemies will have a human form, so it will be easier if I take them by surprise and wound them. From what I've seen the wounds transfer from one form to another.'
As I was thinking about ways to take down my enemies I pulled my phone and called the police.
Zero: "I heard noises from my neighbor's house, he's supposed to be out of town for the weekend. Address is *****."
I ended the call and waited for the police to come. 10 minutes later they were already here. It was a 2 person team coming out of a police cruiser. As they got away from the car they started to head towards the house.
As they got closer I rushed in full sprint towards the closest one. He was young, probably inexperienced so he froze for a moment. That was all I needed as I grabbed him and used him as a meat shield, pulling out his QX-04 pistol and aiming it at the senior policeman.
The senior officer had pulled his gun out aiming it at me. The distance was small so I threw my hostage to him with all my strength, pushing them both on the floor. As he tried to aim his gun again I fired a bullet right at his shoulder, making him drop the gun. Without waiting any further I holstered my gun and jumped right at the officers, breaking their necks and consuming them.
As I got up grabbed the magazine of the other pistol and the spare ones in their belts.
'Now all I need is a sword and I'm good to go.'
While pistol was good for ambush it was loud so I only have one chance with it and I can't consume anyone I kill with a pistol. Once the fight starts it's better to have a melee weapon, and then finish them off with my hands.
Thinking so I made my way toward a hotel to spend the night.
As I wondered the streets, I checked many pawn and antique shops. Most of them had decorative sword not made for actual fighting, just to look good. Finally I found a decent weapon, a katana that was made for actual combat, not the best but also not the worst. It would have to do until I found a more decent weapon. I also found a small tanto combat knife that I could use as a backup.
While tinkering with my body all night I came up with an interesting move. I could store small objects in my body and eject them at fast speeds. So I though why not to use it with the tanto.
I went to the forest to try it out and as I aimed my palm towards a tree it the tanto launched faster tan I could follow fully embedding itself in the tree. This could be very useful as a surprise attack.
The next few days I spent hunting humans at night, while the effect became less and less obvious my strength could finally be on par with what Shuichi showed in the anime. It goes without saying that since I can't take damage from being punched or thrown I am at an advantage.
That being said I can't just go showing my face in a forest full of monsters with unknown abilities. Who knows, one of them might kill me by knowing my face. Changing my look back to the middle aged businessman I formed a mask covering my face and made my way towards the forest.
'While I could easily attract attention it won't do me any favors as I don't know who the enemy is and what their abilities are.'
Continuing further I used my thermal vision to survey my surroundings. While it looked normal in the surface, all the animals where coming from the north… or more exactly they were running south, meaning there is something that way that they fear. Pulling out my pistol I slowly made my way towards the disturbance.
Slowly I saw the guy that looked like a wannabe Death Knight. A skull with 2 horns for head, 2 long blade-arms and more than 2 meters tall. This should be Tadanori Sanbe, the guy who wanted to surpass the human limits, ridiculously talented in fighting, in addition to knowing a lot of fighting styles.
'Also… my first superhuman target. Let's see if my brains can win against your brawns.'
I slowly waited, hiding behind trees, for the moment when Sanbe undid his transformation. That was the perfect moment to strike. Keeping my aim leveled aiming at his arm. Lowering his attacking capability is my first target. Afterwards he will only have one arm to defend against my strikes and if I am fast enough I can probably take out his other arm. I can go on and on without rest but I doubt he can as well.
I'll attack using guerrilla warfare, chipping away at him little by little until I can consume him. Then my strength would increase tremendously.
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Thank you all for reading.
I’ll see you on the next chapter.