
Plot armor for the antagonist?

1 week. That is the time I spent hunting on the forest picking up 35 coins in total. I also made quite the name for myself, others started calling me The Death Knight. I was surprised at first but when I looked at myself I looked like a 2 meter tall slim blackish-red knight . To keep the fact that I could shapeshift my hands into weapons hidden I kept using a katana to fight. It wasn't a big problem as I was much faster and stronger than most of them.

The few that where stronger than me I killed with speed and unexpectedly transforming my arm into a blade in the middle of a punch. It was very effective as a surprise attack and one that thankfully didn't get out. When I heard the rumors about me spreading I stopped using it at all. I would be one trump card down the drain if it got out after all.

Another trick I came up with was bioelectricity. Normal humans have it in miniature amounts. These monsters have it in much bigger amounts and once gathered together in my body it could go up to crazy levels. While I got all excited I later figured out that discharging bioelectricity as I wanted was harder than I imagined. Even with my control over my own body that could change the structure of DNA itself, it was impossible to control the bioelectricity to that level… for now.

While I had no way to control it, it didn't mean that I couldn't stimulate and discharge it. I got the idea from Vegeta in Dragonball. I could just charge it up and release it all in one swift move. While it would include me in the blast radius I don't think it will affect me much given my body. But as I couldn't know for sure I made some 'visits' to a few power stations. There were a lot of blackouts that day and my body created resistance to it.

I could also release small amounts of bioelectricity continuously to stimulate my biomass and improve my abilities. Overall it was a very good ability.

The most impressive thing though was that my electricity was blood red. Even without any improvements, I would still use it for dramatic effect.

After staying a few days in the forest guess who stumbled upon me.

It was the happy couple of this world. While I couldn't care less about the plot, dealing with the protagonist aura or whatever it is, isn't something I want to try my hand at right now. My current objective was to gather as many coins as possible. I suddenly headed in their direction and Shuichi having smelled me form far away probably told Claire to escape.

I suddenly sped up and appeared in front of them.

Zero: "Claire I know you are in there." – I said in a heavy voice.

The mascot suddenly froze.

Claire: "What do you want with me?"

Zero: "The information broker said that if you want more information you can find him at the same place every Sunday, same time. Keep in mind that you must at least have 1 coin to get information and he said he doesn't know everything."

While it wasn't the fastest way to get coins it might just give me the last ones without a fuss. Either way I had nothing to lose.

I also came across Madoka's crew, or family as he likes to call it. While he tried to recruit me I straight up killed every one of his dear members. He was enraged eyes glowing red as he tried to kill me but i was faster. Killing every one of his members while he ran all around trying to stop me. I unconsciously enjoyed the desperation in his eyes, the realization that whatever he did… it just wasn't enough.

This also made me realize… if I don't get stronger, chances are I'm going to end up on the same situation on day. By the end of the massacre Madoka didn't even have the will to fight anymore. He just stood there on his knees, unmoving as I cut off his head with my blade-arm consuming him in the process.

He had a total of 50 coins on him making my total go up to 85. The only useful ability was the x-ray vision and the sword skills of the blind(?) swordsman. The other ones where mostly body enhancements and shapeshifting forms. The biomass was plentiful and the bioelectricity gained from it even more so. My electric discharge should be able to reach 100 meters diameter now. I can't know exactly without trying but it is one of my most powerful moves.

[A.N: It isn't stated how many coins Madoka had but he had a bag full of it so I just guessed.]

Using my x-ray ability I scanned every area I passed through. It put a large amount of stress on my brain to be able to process all the information but I was able to do it. I found around 20 coins in just 500 meters. People had been here before but as this coins don't have a smell or anything else that stands out they were very difficult to find. Some of them were on the tree's, some on the bushes and most below the surface. They must have sank through the mud during the various rainy weather year after year. I am positive that I would find plent of them just hidden beneath the surface.

'First though, I'll have to hand the ones I have over to that Alien.'

As I made my way back to the ruined castle I found the Alien talking to a few other participants in this little gam of his. They left after getting a few bottles.

As I got closer I pulled out the bag of coins and handed it to him.

Alien: "You came again… and you seem to have quite a few coins. Thank you!"

Zero: "I'm just holding up my part of the deal… though you'll have to wait a little for the next batch."

Alien: "A problem?"

'Yea your 'friend' is in the way.

Zero: "There seems to be quite the powerful guy ahead so it might take a little longer, but it won't be a problem."

Alien: "Ah, you mean Kaito. The 'immortal' guy."

Zero: "So you know that he really is not immortal as well."

Alien: "If somebody is 'immortal' then you haven't found a way to kill them yet." – he said smiling slightly.

Zero: "Can't argue with that."

Alien: "You don't have to worry about Kaito… in fact I would appreciate if you could leave the game all together."

Zero: "Why?"

Alien: "Consider it my favor, you don't need to gather the coins anymore, in exchange just leave the zone that Kaito protects alone."

'He seems serious… so Kaito is probably there as a favor to the Alien, while also suiting his own purpose. While I would love to take his power… fighting Honoka is not something I am confident in. She is truly powerful and I don't know where her limits lay… but I know where mine do and Honoka is outside them.'

'Kaito, I can kill… or should I say consume, but getting on the bad side of the Alien is not in my favor. I don't know anything about him. For all I know he can be a bored god just having fun. There are too many uncertain variables. Anyway my primary objective is completed. I gained the perfect body in this world and that is much more than I could hope.'

Zero: "Very well, I'll collect some more coins, deliver them here and then I'll leave this place."- I said exhaling lightly. What I needed was enough time to gain a few more points for moving out of this world.

Alien: "Thank you for understanding."

As I left, I ran full sprint towards the forest, determined to get those points as quick as possible. I did not know how long the Alien's patience will hold for… and I didn't want to find out.

[A.N: Do read the Author Note below please before asking any questions. I always didnt read it and only now understand why i have to. *tee-hee face*]

Honestly i was getting kind of tired of this show and there isnt much to gain from the story overall. There are many unknowns as the anime and manga are ongoing, so i decided to end this little arc.

Do leave comments, reviews or vote if you like. DOesnt matter if you have nothing to say a simple greeting or cheering will suffice as i like to know that people read it.

Thank you for reading and i'll see you all on the next chapter.

Phantom17creators' thoughts