
Chapter 38

It was the summer before his Fourth Year, and Dudley found himself in quite the exciting position. An invite to the Quidditch World Cup had arrived at the Dursley Home in Surrey for Dudley and his family. Unfortunately, the way things had worked out, only Dudley and Petunia had been able to go from the actual Dursley Family. They'd also been forced to bring Lily along with them.

Dudley's father was off in Hong Kong to talk to both officials and businessmen about whether or not Grunnings would get to continue business there after Britain had handed over the city to China. That was probably for the best to be honest, since even now Vernon wasn't overly excited by the idea of magic. Still, if anything was going to bring Dudley's dad around to the concept of magic being a Good Thing, it would have been a sporting event on the same level as the muggles' World Cup.

But alas, it was what it was. What was more unfortunate was that Harry couldn't manage to get the weekend off from work in order to look after Lily, forcing Dudley and Petunia to take her along with them. Dudley had been incredibly tempted to just put Lily in a magical sleep while they were gone or something, but his mother had been somewhat resistant to the idea.

And so, in the end it was all three of them, arriving at the World Cup and carefully making their way to the stands. And who should they end up running into along the way? Why, it could only be the Weasleys.


Turning, Dudley gives Ginny a broad smile as she waves at him, beaming right back. Meanwhile, Molly Weasley looks like she's seen a ghost. Technically she has, but it's not Lily that she's staring at. In fact, neither Arthur nor Molly seem to recognize Lily Evans whatsoever. The red head is rather unobtrusive these days to be fair. She knows better than to piss Dudley or Petunia off, especially when they let her be out and about like this.

No, what has Molly white as a sheet is Dudley himself and for obvious reasons. Flashing her a knowing glance and letting his smile evolve into a wicked grin, Dudley focuses most of his attention on Ginny.

"Ginny, hi! Didn't know you were going to be here! We were invited by Minister Fudge to spend the World Cup in his box with him and his other guests."

Now even Arthur Weasley looks like he's a little shocked. But then, the man is a Ministry Official who doesn't recognize Dudley, Petunia, or Lily as anyone particularly important. To hear that they've received invites to the Minister's Box would undoubtedly shake him up a little bit. Still, the man does his level best to hide his shock behind a warm smile.

"Ahem. It's a pleasure to meet you. Ginny has mentioned you before, I believe. Thank you for being a friend to her."

Dudley just nods, even as some of Ginny's brothers scowl. None more so than Ron Weasley, who absolutely hates the idea of his sister cavorting around with Slytherins. To be fair, he has good reason to given how Hermione turned out. But Dudley wasn't about to say that. Rather, seeing an opportunity to really tweak Ron's nose, he gives Ginny a look.

"Hey, why don't you join us in the Minister's Box, Ginny? I'm sure I can swing another seat for a friend."

Ginny's eyes widen at Dudley's invitation, and she looks absolutely thrilled… until she looks to her parents for permission and sees the expressions on their faces. Arthur is already shaking his head, while Molly looks stricken.

"Sorry, but best not to rely upon a maybe. We wouldn't want to offend Minister Fudge or anything like that, I'm sure he's planned out who gets which seat in his box ahead of time, Mr. Dursley."

Heh, fair. Molly's reaction… a little less so.

"T-That's right. Ginny will stay with us. With family."

Amidst her young daughter's protests, Molly pulls Ginny back into her chest, making the younger witch scowl before looking at the ground dejectedly.

"See you back at Hogwarts, Dudley…"

Amused to no end by the small act of defiance on Molly's part, as well as the look of dismay as she realizes she really can't keep them from interacting when the return to Hogwarts looms so close… Dudley simply shrugs.

"Yep, see you then!"

It's no skin off his back, and to be fair, Arthur Weasley might be right. There really might not be another seat for Ginny in the Minister's Box, and even Dudley would feel a little guilty if there wasn't. Though he could always have Ginny sit on his lap if necessary, he supposed. But it was a moot point now all the same.

Making their way on, the Dursleys soon run into the Malfoys, who take them up to the fancy Minister's Box at the very top of the Stadium. There, Dudley finds himself staring at the most spectacular sight of his entire life.

"Ah! Lord and Lady Malfoy! Heir Malfoy… ah, and of course, young Dudley again. And who is this lovely woman?"

From the broad smile on Minister Fudge's face, he knows exactly who Petunia are and is giving Lucius the chance to introduce her. It's not likely Dudley is going to call the man out on it though. Not only would that be incredibly rash and utterly stupid, but he's distracted enough by what else is happening in the box as it is. Thankfully, he's not the only one. Draco is likewise struck dumb, while his mother looks like she's trying hard not to be too scandalized.

"Quite, Minister. This is Dudley's mother, Petunia Dursley, of the relatively new House Dursley. As you know, Dudley and Draco are good friends at school, which is why I asked for them to be invited."

Lily, of course, goes completely ignored. Dudley is all too happy for that. Even he's not paying much attention to his buxom, dopy aunt. Not right now anyways. Hell, he barely finds it in him to pay attention to Minister Fudge as the man kisses the back of his mother's hand. Something that the Minister of Magic definitely notices, though he doesn't seem to take offense to it.

"Heh, well met, well met! Mm, allow me to introduce my own guests to all of you! Undersecretary Dolores Umbridge and Secretary Tiffany Umbridge some of you already know of course… and then there are our foreign guests!"

'Foreign guests' is distinctly underselling it. Standing in the box, having been preening at Draco and Dudley's attention since they first entered, are four naked women. Yep. Dudley's distraction was very fair, all things considered. Not only were all four women very much nude, they were also incredibly beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous, even.

As Minister Fudge introduces them, he doesn't seem to mind their nudity whatsoever. The man even goes so far as to caress the perfectly sculpted ass of the eldest one.

"This right here is the French Minister of Magic, Emma Dubois. With her is her daughter Apolline Delacour, and her two granddaughters, Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour."

Dudley's eyes damn near bulge out of his head at that. They represented three different generations of women?! They certainly didn't look like it! The one that Minister Fudge had named as the French Minister of Magic looked like she was the same age as Tiffany Umbridge, but apparently she was a grandmother! Her daughter and granddaughters looked more like younger sisters, however.

Even the youngest, Gabrielle Delacour, couldn't have been more than a year younger than her older sister Fleur.

All four were drop dead, with perfectly shaped bodies and silver-blonde hair. And, as previously mentioned, they were all completely naked, something that still hadn't quite been explained to Dudley.

At their introductions, Minister Dubois steps forward, Fudge's hand still on her ass as she gives him a broad smile, speaking in a rich, thick French accent.

"Ah yes. It iz to your credit zhat you saw reason, Minister Fudge. Zhat silly law forcing us to wear robes while in your country was ridiculously stifling… zhankfully, it was repealed."

Fudge grins at that and gives a commiserating nod.

"Of course, of course."

With that, they all move apart for a moment. It's in that moment that Narcissa Malfoy comes over to Dudley, Draco, and Petunia. There's a glittering in the Lady Malfoy's eyes as she looks to Dudley and Draco in particular.

"Well, boys. You've officially met your first veela and part veelas. I do apologize for not warning you, Petunia dear, but Lucius wanted Dudley and Draco's first experience to be… authentic."

Petunia lets out an explosive breath and shakes her head as she glances at the four naked witches, still scandalized.

"It… it's alright. What do you mean by veela?"

Narcissa happily fills Petunia in, and thus fills in Dudley and Draco as well. Though admittedly, Dudley is rather distracted by the way the French Witches are all glancing in his and Draco's direction constantly. And he suspects Draco is just as distracted.

Still, he gets the general gist of what Narcissa is telling his mother. Basically, Emma Dubois isn't even human. She's a magical creature known as a veela. They were native to Europe and spread out all across the continent, but due to Magical Britain's 'backwards' laws, they had never really spread to the British Isles. Regardless, while Emma Dubois was a full veela, her daughter Apolline, the Matriarch of the Delacour Family, was only half veela, leaving Fleur and Gabrielle as only one-eighth or 'part' veelas.

It explained why they all looked so similar. Minister Dubois was aging the most slowly, with Apolline aging the second slowest, and Fleur and Gabrielle aging much closer to how a normal witch would age.

But apparently, there were more to veela than just their looks. Listening with half an ear, Dudley learns from Narcissa's increasingly amused explanations that veela, even part veela, if not bonded to a male by marriage or mating, would grow increasingly hot and bothered by any man who dared to pay attention to their looks.

It apparently created something of a feedback loop of lust and attraction as they would in turn enhance their alluring presence until either lots of fucking took place, or the loop was interrupted by someone with more self-control. Dudley and Draco hadn't stopped staring at the four French nationals even once since they'd arrived in the box, and the veela were in turn staring right back at them now… hungrily, even.

"… It would appear that Minister Dubois, her daughter, and granddaughters are currently not bonded with any male."

As Narcissa finishes her explanation, Petunia's eyes widen and she finally realizes what's happening. Dudley's mother then scowls and steps forward, breaking Dudley's line of sight with Fleur Delacour.

"D-Do we need to do something?!"

Dudley, meanwhile, frowns. The loss of control was unsettling… but he'd already made up his mind, truth be told. He was going to marry Fleur Delacour. Even having Petunia break the connection didn't dissuade him of that decision. Though at the same time, he didn't want to be led around by his dick.

Thankfully, Narcissa's dry reply is the best answer Dudley could have hoped for.

"Exposure therapy is the best way to help them, my dear Petunia. I fear we're going to have to let the boys sit with these women throughout the match. It's the only way they'll learn."

Petunia looks stricken by that, but before she can respond, Emma Dubois makes her way over to them all.

"Greetings. Me and my daughter would like to extend an invitation to sit with us and my granddaughters to these fine young men."

Narcissa smiles and nods her head.

"Your invitation is appreciated and accepted."

The radiant smile Emma Dubois throws out leaves Dudley feeling weak in the legs. But now it's Narcissa who steps between them and the French Minister this time, moving in close as she grabs both him and Draco by the shoulder and lowers her voice.

"Once you have the attention of a veela, even a part veela, your only choice is to take control, boys. Otherwise they will walk all over you."

Draco looks downright red at how his mother is talking to him. Dudley is already chomping at the bit in comparison.


Narcissa's smile is thin as she shakes her head.

"What do you think happened to Monsieur Delacour? Apolline's husband and Fleur and Gabrielle's father? He's not around anymore, but the three of them certainly aren't worried about where their next meal comes from, are they? Do not fret, Draco. Your father and I will look after you boys and make sure nothing happens that cannot be taken back. You can consider this a safe environment in which to… learn how to control not just yourselves, but also women like these four."

Was Lady Malfoy seriously saying all that Dudley thought she was saying? He could hardly believe it, but he also wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, nor turn down a golden opportunity.

And so, he finds himself sitting in the back upper row of the Minister's Box. Him and Draco, with two of the French Party on either side of them. For Dudley, he finds himself sat between Emma Dubois and Fleur Delacour, much to his excitement. For Draco, it's Apolline and Gabrielle Delacour.

The naked women are all over them, but Dudley takes Narcissa's words to heart… and casually reaches over with both his hands, slapping his palms down between Emma and Fleur's legs. The two veela freeze at his forwardness, before moaning and humping his palms as he feels them up. At seeing this, Draco is quick to follow suit and from then on, the two of them have the four magical creatures mostly under control.

Dudley certainly doesn't want to end up bled dry like Fleur's father… but he's serious about making Fleur Delacour his wife. It's rapidly evolving into an obsession as he watches the naked young woman react to his touch out of the corner of his eye.

That means he's going to have to take all of the little tricks and tips, all of the methods of control he's learned since coming back in time… and turn them towards this new venture. Dudley would not fail, he refused.

Even as the Minister finally starts the game, Dudley continues working away at both Emma and Fleur's cunts. They're still humping at his hands enthusiastically after all, and he doesn't want to find out what happens if he stops now. Even when the Bulgarian Team's mascots turn out to be even MORE sky clad veela, Dudley doesn't let himself get distracted. He'll outlast them… he swears it to himself.


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