
Dual Persona

Entering WPC 270. Please do vote and support the author if you like the novel. ******* Setting in the year 2045 in a parallel world, Dual Persona is the most popular MMO game in the world running for over 14 years with an average concurrent player count of over 23.2 million. More than 8 years ago, 16-yr-old Kai Spencer was an E-sports player whose ranking is always in the middle in his club but one day, he receives a blank account card, which hosts a sentient A.I., and with its help, he grew to be the strongest supporter. However, 4 years later, due to a scandal with a female idol, he retired from professional gaming and became a primary school teacher. Now, at present, a former teammate had dragged him into the world of E-sports once again. But, with the new levels, new battle strategies, new genius gamers, and a 3-year-old daughter to look after, will Kai be able to reclaim his title once again? ********* Author's other notable works: My Soul card is a Reaper War Online Weapon Seller in the world of magic Prince of Kpop *** Notable fanfics: The Sharingan Hyuga The last Slytherin

Snowstar · Ciudad
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6 Chs

A unique ign

A trace of surprise appeared on Kai as he stared at this teenage girl.

He never expected a teenager would know of him because it's already been 4 years since his retirement and neither was he active on any social media. He was sure that people had forgotten him. It looks he's wrong.

Meanwhile, the girl was displaying her fanatic side as she spoke in a loud tone, although not properly, "I… I'm a huge… huge fa… fan of you. I… I wa…"

"Alright, first, take a deep breath and calm down. Second, let's not disturb the others. So…" Kai gestured to her to keep quiet. As she shut her mouth, Kai said slowly, "It isn't safe for a girl of your age to roam at this time, you know."

Taking a deep breath, she replied, "I live upstairs."

"This is your store?" Kai was visibly surprised at first but then, he felt like it isn't that surprising when he think about it. His eyes fell on the card and the coke in her hands. "Perhaps, are these…"

"Oh, it's your order." The girl handed both of the items to Kai but she didn't leave the place right away. "Are you here on a business trip or do you live in the neighborhood?"

Maybe, she wasn't as nervous as earlier. Her speech turned normal quickly.

Kai didn't care about such petty things and simply answered as he took the seat, "I live around. Anyway, do you play Dual Persona?"

Looking at the empty seat beside him, she automatically invited herself in and sat on the chair, "Yes, I do. I'm in the 14th server."

Kai was once again surprised by her reply. "You are in the 14th server? Didn't that release just a few days ago?"

If she's a complete beginner, then, she shouldn't have seen him play, at least back when he was still a pro. "How do you know me, then?"

"I'm currently attending the Excel training camp. I learned about you from there. Your style of fighting is what I like the most.

Constantly buffing up yourself and your allies while at the same time, trying to take out the enemies with dual daggers, I have seen such aggressive styles from other pro players but you are one of the few that can successfully pull it off with ease. Sometimes, I would wonder whether you are an assassin in the disguise of an Enchanter.

Before I used to think that DPS classes are cool but you made me believe that an Enchanter can be cool too.

I will also become an Enchanter God like you, one day. Ah, I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Nakanose Aya."

"So, it's Aya-san, huh!" Kai nodded with a smile. Who wouldn't be happy to meet a person who admires them? Naturally, he wasn't any exception. Suddenly, a thought appeared in his head. He asked her, "You said you are on the newest server, right? What level are you?"

Aya answered, "22. I planned to reach 40 by the end of tomorrow. Once Monday arrives, I wouldn't get much time to level up."

"Which world did you choose?" asked Kai. After reaching level-20, players will have to leave the beginner world and choose one of the seven worlds to play there until they reach level-100. Each world has a different storyline.

Of course, you can change the world at any time but except for items in inventory, currency, equipment, skills, and level, everything else will be reset.

Things like familiarity with NPCs, merits with the Empire, guild membership, continuous side quests, etc…, were actually important things for a player. So, not everyone would risk it.

Moreover, once a player reached level-100 and completed the advancement quest, they will go to a new Galaxy named Acallaris where they can travel through the worlds without any restrictions. Until now, there were over 9 new worlds that exist in this galaxy. So, there is a ton of content for everyone.

The only problem is that players from all the different servers have access to this new galaxy. There will be high competition for materials and equipment. And so, pk will be very common.

After getting the girl's ign and the world name, Kai nodded and said, "If you will still be here tomorrow, I will take you to hidden lairs for fast level ups. In the meantime, I guess I will focus on reaching level-20," said Kai as he took out his original account card and inserted a blank one. His attention was no longer on the girl and is shifted to the screen, indirectly telling her to leave.

Eventually, Aya left the place with reluctance after asking him, again and again, three times whether he will really come back to the café. Kai gave her his word.

Once she left, Kai didn't waste any time clicking the button. The door slid to the right and closed.

He proceeded to start the game after choosing the server.

After a brief introduction, which for some reason, was the same animation for the past 14 years except for graphics, the character screen was opened.

Kai went with the same class as before. Upon selecting Enchanter, illustrations of weapons appeared.

*Choose the secondary weapon*

The list included a shield, bow & arrow, broadsword, dual scimitars, spear, cannon, dual daggers, sniper rifle, tome, wand, scythe, magic staff, gloves, broom, Bo staff, flask, ax, and lastly, a teddy bear.

"A teddy bear? Is there a new class?" Kai took out his mobile phone and searched for it, instead of going back to the previous screen.

"A trickster, eh? I guess this will be popular among the girls. Well, it doesn't matter to me, anyway." He shrugged his shoulders, keeping it aside, and proceeded to select a weapon, followed by clicking on next.

The appearance was kept default as he felt it is a waste of time. Kai then randomly typed a name in the character tab.

Like the other games, here, in Dual Persona, the in-game names can be the same as long as they don't belong to the same servers.

However, the player count is massive at the moment with millions of players playing on the same servers. Not to mention those hundred million players who stopped playing at some point in history.

That's why a majority of the new players would have no choice but to start on the newest server.

With a majority of the starting servers already crossing level-100 or leaving the game, it caused an imbalance among the servers.

To make sure that every server stays important, about a few years ago, the company allowed the other characters and language scripts while increasing the maximum characters limit to 30.

So, that gives a door of opportunity for the players to explore in finding unique names even if they start playing on the old servers.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Kai as he has already chosen the 14th server to experience the freshness of the game. But, as he was a few days late, the new server had already over a million players.

As a result, finding a unique name became tough for him.

After a series of unavailable names, Kai depended on in-game name generators found on the internet and tried them for a while.

About three minutes later, he found a unique one that is available.

*Gwilherm Praseodymium is set as your name*

"Well, let's see how much the game has changed from four years ago," Kai flexed his fingers and clicked on play.