
Ancient symbols

"kill me while you can, if you let me live today, you are going to regret it later, I promise you, I make your life miserable, I will kill every single one of them with whom you are associated with you, no I will fucking destroy this entire city after burning the Lin clan" General Drago shouted at top of his lungs seeing diya who is leaving him after destroying his self-respect along with his body, earlier she slammed him into the hill and destroyed most of his bones.

The moment those words reached into diya's ears she halted her movement and she looked behind, general Drago was on his knees and he was looking at her with red fiery eyes.

Diya took a deep sigh and she clenched her fist and started taking slow and steady steps in the direction of general Drago and sometimes later she reached to him and looked at him with a blank expression.