
Dual cultivating assassin

What Happens when a soul of fighter from underground MMA fughts ends up in a body of just murdered orphan beggar i cultivation world ? Read about the rise of the Lei Fen, as he dual cultivates and assassinates his way to the top of the foodchain from the absolute bottom of the barrel.

Victor_PR · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Chapter 20- First hunt

As we reached the sect, we ran around it and directly to the dark forest, we needed to make for our lost time efficiency. Our expedition must be believable, I asked Hikari how many monsters per day is average in dark forest and she told me that 10-20 monsters a day is good.

So that means we need to catch up on 20-40 monsters per day that we should have hunted for five days. That makes 100 – 200 monsters to catch up. Since I knew looking for this match monster in two days, we wanted to dedicate to hunting was not doable I had an ace up my sleeve. I used some of my SP on items called monster lures, it is meant to lure nearby monsters to it once you use it, it also distracts them a bit so they are easier to hunt. I got 24 of these and every one lasts for an hour. That makes for two 12-hour hunts, one each day.

 But before that we ran deep into the forest to a place where rarely anybody comes and found a place to camp, we slept a little, hidden inside a portable barrier we bought for this in the sect. And early morning we started the hunt. I lead Yuki to the middle of the clearing and spoke.

"Yuki prepare yourself, I have few items called monster lures, I don't know how effective they are but they are meant to lure in monsters."

She smiled and stroke a boxing pose then she jumped lightly from one leg to another and threw a few air punches that crackled with lighting.

"Bring it! I was itching to try out my new martial art!"

I chuckled looking at her all eager to go wild. I activated the first lure and threw it to the ground. It didn't took long and we heard the monsters stampeding towards us, in no time we could see monsters arriving at the clearing from each side. I looked towards Yuki and spoke.

"Yuki pick a side and start killing them! Scream if you need help. Retreat if needed, our primary concern is to survive. Don't take unnecessary risks, retreat if you feel threatened. But monster should primarily run towards the lure so we should not be in danger, but be careful anyway." I spoke, concerned about Yuki.

"Sure, but don't worry and let me have some fun. Let's have a race who can kill more of these fuckers." We both chuckled and jumped to action.

Yuki covered her whole body with lightning Qi, increasing her speed and fire power tremendously. With smile on the face she jumped towards the silverish sabretooth panther-like monsters running in front of the group, she punched it in between the eyes with lightning speed, the monster fell down to the ground fried from inside as the three lightning streaks flew out of the back of it and chained towards nearby monsters. Each of those streaks jumped to four different monsters, straight out killing the weaker ones and damaging the stronger ones. Some of the stronger ones even ended up paralyzed from the lightning.

Yuki was smiling the entire time, enjoying the opportunity to fight to her heart's content. Using her footwork to jump around the battlefield while delivering quick punches spawning more and more chaining lightning streaks. Whether it was phase rabbit or huge bipedal bear everything ended up succumbing to the lighting.

I on the other hand was using my ice Qi infused polearm, with wide circular swings that fed one into each other cleaving thought the hordes like they are not there. The ground was frozen but it was not actually harmful effect, all it did was a layer of ice on the ground. My enemies could slip on it if they were not careful but cultivators or monsters weren't careless or stupid enough to do that, it was mostly just visual thing. But the fast wide swings of the polearm weren't just for show. I was able cleave though multiple monsters without issues, and with my speed and reach advantage monsters were having hard time to even get close enough to me to strike at me.

It was very enjoyable exercise for both of us, our comprehension of our martial arts was rising very fast and we ended up using most of the lures without a break one after each other. We only stopped when we had our spatial rings filled to the brim with monster carcasses. We were even forced to leave several of them behind because we had no way to carry them back.

My final tally of kills from this fourteen hour session was 1383 kills. When I reached thousand kills, I received my fist upgrade for dragon soul.


System suggests: 'Dragon soul'

Dragon soul – A pitch black naginata with a silver eastern dragon running from the back of the hilt to the tip of the blade.

Enhances cultivation speed

Doubles the effect of infusion techniques

Kill monster or people to unlock more features


I was very happy from that. Since it worked with my frost infusion perfectly it even enabled me to leave two everfrost stacks per hit, so now I needed just 13 hits instead of 25. Aside from that we both advanced in our martial arts. My Takaokami's wrath advanced to Advance stage 2. I wanted to switch to my second martial art but I felt it would be too risky if somebody saw me. But it was not too far behind since I felt that those four assassinations gave me quite a lot of comprehension in the way of Kuramitsuha's dread. So, I was planning to run some combat routines once we return to the sect and it should catch up in no time.

As for Yuki's martial art, she jumped in her Raiju's fist from Beginner stage 2 straight to the Advance stage 1. She was natural with Raiju's fist, she told me that the movements attacks and dodges everything flows for her perfectly, it's like her body knows what to do before she even thinks about it. 

Since we had still lures for ten hours of hunting, I decided that I am going to get few more storage rings so we can stay here longer next time. But for now, we went to sleep after long nonstop fighting. We woke up rather early and slowly made our way towards the sect. As we arrived to the sect, we went directly to the office responsible for buying out the carcasses from dark forest. We ended with a ton resource points and merit points since we offloaded almost two and a half thousands of monster carcasses. The handler that was taking care of buying out of the carcasses remained frozen for few minutes when he saw the load we brought in. He looked very skeptical when we asked for personal buyout room but when he saw the load he understood. He ended up apologizing profusely and he even told us that we should next ask directly for him, that he is going to handle us very fast and will give us good evaluation on the carcasses.

After that I marked the four assassin jobs as completed remotely from the room where we were selling the carcasses while Yuki spoke to the handler. Once that was done, we quickly went to get three more spatial rings and dual cultivation room for a week from next day for our hard-earned resource points. We wanted to cultivate after we stretched a little.

Once that was done, we headed to our home to greet Hikari. When we arrived there Hikari welcomed us and pretty much talked us into dinner with her parents. Honestly, we didn't need too much talking into. Once they arrived and we started to eat, elder Luo started with very interesting topic.

"You are going to work hard for the position of elder Weng's pupil Fen?" Elder Luo spoke. "There is a promising new assassin that works under mysterious name 'Dusk', he swept four jobs under the noses of Long and Li clan, cleaning up four of their affiliates in one night."

By this time, I was having very hard time keeping straight face, since elder Luo was talking about me. Dusk was my pseudonym I used for assassination jobs.

"He is going to have advantage when it comes to becoming her pupil if he keeps up, he just registered and he already completed four assassinations that were worth nine contracts together! But boy also seems like troublemaker, so maybe things will work out for you after all."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well the jobs weren't even marked as completed and we already had here a delegation from Long's and Li's that were asking for assassin that took those jobs, something regarding the act being very similar to what happened to their kids. They ended up leaving very pissed since nobody told them anything.But those fuckers are not going to abandon the hunt. Ahh do you remember Elder Ho? That prick that was doing waves because you beat up his son during last exam? "

I nodded. "Yes I remember!"

Elder Luo chuckled and spoke. "He joined those clans, they offered him nice warm spot as something of an enforcer, he looked satisfied."

"That's good, at least his family does not have to suffer. " I responded.

But this was when the loud *KNOCK* KNOCK* sounded from the main entrance to the house.