
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · Fantasía
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70 Chs

The Dance of Steel and Ice

Amidst the deafening clash of swords and the cries of battle, Nathan watched with a mixture of pride and concern as his soldiers valiantly held their ground against the overwhelming numbers of the enemy. The once-green field had transformed into a grim tableau of chaos and courage.

Horses charged into the fray, bearing knights whose shouts of "For the prince, for the Arcanum Legion!" cut through the cacophony of battle. The rallying cry echoed not just in their voices but in their hearts, a reminder of their shared purpose and unwavering determination in the face of adversity.

As the melee ensued, Nathan couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility pressing upon him. His soldiers fought with valor, but he knew that sheer bravery wouldn't be enough against such overwhelming odds. They needed an advantage, a spark of hope to turn the tide in their favor.

His gaze flicked to Barch and Frostblade, who stood beside him as stalwart pillars of support. With a subtle nod, he signaled for the activation of the 'Empowerment Sigils'. These intricate and carefully designed formations, drawn meticulously on the backs of the soldiers, pulsed with a faint, otherworldly light as they awakened to life. As the soldiers tapped into their own inner reservoirs of aura, the sigils responded, glowing brighter and pulsating with power.

The transformation was immediate. Agility heightened, strength magnified, and endurance bolstered, the soldiers felt a newfound power coursing through their veins. It was as if a dormant flame had been ignited within them, fueling their resolve. Their movements became swifter, their strikes more potent, and their bodies more resilient.

Nathan's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he watched the effects of the Empowerment Sigils ripple through his soldiers. It wasn't just a physical boost; it was a surge of morale. The soldiers, previously wearied by the relentless enemy onslaught, now fought with renewed vigor, their spirits rekindled by this unexpected wellspring of strength.

Yet, even as hope blossomed on their side, Nathan couldn't afford to underestimate the enemy. He knew that their true strength lay not just in these sigils, but in their unity, their determination, and their unyielding resolve to protect their homeland.

As the battle raged on, Nathan couldn't help but notice the distinct advantage the enemy held – their magicians. He possessed the ability to use both his aura and magic through mana, but revealing this fact at this moment could have unintended consequences. Thus, he decided to rely on his aura for the time being.

With a strategic mind, Nathan swiftly issued orders to his archers. These mounted archers skillfully maneuvered through the chaos of the battlefield, keeping a safe distance from the enemy while drawing their Acidfire Burst Bolts. These bolts, deadly and unpredictable, had become a game-changer in their arsenal.

The first volley of bolts soared through the air as the horse-mounted archers maintained their distance from the danger. Upon impact, the bolts exploded with a deafening roar, shattering the enemy soldiers' shields and sending corrosive acid splattering in all directions. Chaos erupted among the enemy lines as the corrosive liquid ate through armor and flesh, causing screams of agony and confusion.

The distraction caused by the Acidfire Burst Bolts worked in Nathan's favor. With the enemy magicians momentarily stunned by the surprise attack, he seized the opportunity to tip the scales further. He signaled to Barch, who led a contingent of skilled three-star knights towards the enemy magicians.

The knights, mounted on horseback and armed with their weapons, charged towards the magicians with unwavering determination. Their swords gleamed in the midst of battle as they clashed with the spellcasters, disrupting their concentration and preventing them from casting their devastating spells.

Nathan watched as his soldiers fought valiantly, their unity and determination evident on the battlefield. With the enemy magicians distracted and the soldiers emboldened by their newfound strength, the scales of the battle continued to tip in their favor.

Yet, amidst the chaos and triumph, Nathan couldn't ignore the heavy toll of war. Fallen comrades lay on the battlefield, a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made. Each life lost weighed on his heart, a burden he would carry long after this battle was over.

Nathan's eyes scanned the battlefield, assessing the situation as Barch led a contingent of skilled knights to deal with the enemy magicians. With his attention momentarily free, he turned his gaze towards Baron Callum Frostblade, who was wielding his icy aura technique with deadly precision.

Frostblade's presence on the battlefield was a testament to his mastery of the unique ice-tinged aura blades. With a swift, fluid motion, he channeled his power, freezing the enemy soldiers in their tracks. Ice crystals formed around them, encasing their bodies in a frosty prison.

Then, with a single, decisive strike, Frostblade shattered the frozen soldiers into countless pieces of ice that scattered across the battlefield. The sound of breaking ice echoed through the chaos, sending a chilling message to the enemy forces.

Nathan couldn't help but be impressed by Frostblade's formidable abilities. It was clear that the baron was a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, and his presence bolstered the morale of their troops.

With Barch engaged in eliminating the enemy magicians and Frostblade unleashing his icy onslaught, Nathan felt a surge of pride for the allies who fought by his side. The battlefield had become a stage for their combined strength and unwavering resolve, and the tide of battle continued to turn in their favor.

But Nathan knew that this battle was far from over. The true test of their mettle was yet to come, and as he looked around at the bloodied but determined faces of his soldiers, he knew that they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Coming out of his awe from watching Frostblade's icy prowess, Nathan's focus shifted to the ongoing battle where Baron Barch was locked in a fierce combat with the enemy magicians. His heart sank as he witnessed the interruption, the enemy's four formidable four-star knights joining the fray. Barch, though a five-star knight, faced a daunting challenge.

In a moment of urgency, Nathan's voice rang out across the battlefield, a clarion call that pierced the chaos. "Frostblade!" he shouted loudly, directing his words to the baron who had displayed such mastery of his aura. "Barch has been interrupted by those four-star knights. Even as a five-star knight, he won't hold for long. You must go and eliminate those four-star knights, and while you're at it, deal with the two five-star mercenaries too."

Frostblade, unwavering in his commitment, turned towards Nathan, his eyes reflecting determination. "What about you, Prince?"

Nathan's resolve burned brightly as he replied, "While you confront those six formidable opponents, I will engage the other four four-star knights and keep them occupied. I'll do my best to eliminate them, but make haste after you're done and come to my aid."

With a nod of understanding and an unspoken vow, Frostblade affirmed his dedication. "Don't worry, Your Highness. I'll use every ounce of strength these old bones have to eliminate the enemies as swiftly as possible."

Their roles defined and their determination resolute, Nathan and Frostblade exchanged a final look before they parted ways, each heading towards their respective battles. As they moved, a sense of trust and reliance bound them together on this perilous battlefield, where their actions would determine the fate of their realm.

Frostblade swiftly nodded in agreement, his experienced eyes scanning the battlefield for the path that led to Barch, where the four formidable four-star knights now clashed. While Nathan went to the other side, they carved a deadly path through enemy ranks, their horses trampling over lesser soldiers who dared to obstruct their way.

Upon reaching Barch's location, Frostblade and Barch seamlessly joined the fray. Together, they confronted the four four-star knights who were testing Barch's formidable skills. The clash of steel against steel and the crackle of auras meeting in fierce combat filled the air as they engaged their foes.

Meanwhile, Nathan leaving those two, with Moonshadow Blade in hand, carved his own path through the battlefield. His strikes were swift and precise, a dance of death amidst the chaos. With each swing of his blade, enemy soldiers fell, heads flying, their lives extinguished in the face of his relentless advance.

Nathan's presence on the battlefield was nothing short of awe-inspiring. His aura radiated an intimidating power, and his fearless roars reverberated through the ranks of the enemy. Some soldiers, frozen with fear, could only utter pleas for mercy or words of disbelief at the ferocity they witnessed.

"Spare me! I surrender!"

"How can that be a child? He's a monster in human skin!"

As Nathan continued his relentless assault, his only response to those who dared to challenge him was a single, unyielding statement. "People say everyone should get a second chance, but those who try to attack my kingdom and threaten me can just die."

In the midst of the battlefield, Frostblade and Nathan embodied two different but equally terrifying aspects of war. Frostblade, a six-star knight, displayed his mastery of combat with precision and experience. Nathan, on the other hand, was a force of nature, a wild dragon unleashed upon those who dared to challenge him.

Together, they fought with unwavering determination, their actions a testament to their commitment to defend their realm at any cost. The battle raged on, and the outcome hung in the balance as they confronted their formidable foes on the blood-soaked battlefield.

Amidst the chaos of clashing blades and swirling auras, Barch displayed his exceptional skill as he dueled with the two remaining four-star knights. His moves were a precise and deadly dance, each strike calculated to disarm and incapacitate his opponents.

However, the battlefield took another turn when the two five-star mercenaries, formidable adversaries in their own right, entered the fray. The delicate balance of power on the battlefield now teetered precariously. Frostblade, ever the vigilant and experienced warrior, recognized the urgency of the situation.

Upon hearing Barch's words, Frostblade gave a solemn nod. Without a moment's hesitation, he turned his steed and galloped towards the two five-star knights, his aura blades gleaming with a deadly chill. His mission was clear: first, eliminate the immediate threat posed by the five-star mercenaries, and then swiftly join Nathan in the ongoing battle.

As Frostblade engaged the five-star knights in combat, Barch's determination remained unwavering. He knew the odds were against him, facing two skilled four-star knights, but he was resolved to hold them off long enough for Frostblade to finish his task.

Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, Baron Frostblade, the seasoned 6-star knight, found himself facing two formidable 5-star mercenaries. Their eyes burned with determination as they closed in, weapons at the ready. Frostblade knew he had to rely on his icy aura and exceptional swordsmanship to prevail in this intense duel.

The battlefield was a nightmarish landscape painted in shades of crimson, with pools of blood mingling with churned earth. The air was thick with the pungent scent of death and suffering. Frostblade's silvery armor glistened under the harsh daylight as he faced off against his adversaries.

The two 5-star mercenaries, battle-hardened and ruthless, lunged forward with swift and coordinated strikes. Frostblade, ever composed, parried their blows with his ice sword, the blade emitting an eerie frosty glow as it clashed against their weapons.

With a fluid movement, Frostblade unleashed the 'Frostbite Slash', infusing his sword with frigid energy. He struck one of the mercenaries across the chest, and upon impact, a layer of frost spread across the mercenary's armor. He cried out in pain as the numbing cold seeped into his bones. His movements slowed, allowing Frostblade to evade his counterattack.

The second mercenary, seeing his comrade's predicament, pressed his attack. Frostblade swiftly switched to the 'Glacial Parry' technique. He created a translucent ice barrier, deflecting the incoming strikes effortlessly. The mercenaries' attacks were absorbed by the ice barrier and dispersed harmlessly.

As the first mercenary struggled with the effects of Frostbite Slash, Frostblade seized the opportunity to go on the offensive. He channeled his icy aura into the ground, causing the earth to tremble. Sharp ice spikes erupted from the ground around him, skewering the second mercenary who had been preoccupied with the ice barrier. The mercenary's cry of agony echoed across the battlefield as he was impaled.

With one adversary down, Frostblade faced the remaining mercenary, who was now enraged by his comrade's fate. Frostblade split his ice sword into multiple smaller blades, launching them at the remaining foe with precision. The 'hailstorm of blades' descended upon the mercenary, who desperately tried to dodge and deflect them. Some blades struck his armor, causing icy shrapnel to scatter, while others found their mark, leaving deep gashes on his body.

The mercenary, battered and wounded, realized he was outmatched. His resolve wavered as Frostblade's relentless assault continued. Frostblade, fueled by his mastery of icy combat techniques, pressed his advantage.

In the end, it was Frostblade's experience and mastery of his icy aura that triumphed on the battlefield. With his adversaries defeated, he stood amidst the gruesome aftermath, a testament to his skill and the power of his icy techniques. The battle raged on around him, but for now, Frostblade had emerged victorious in this icy confrontation.

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