
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · Fantasía
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70 Chs

Royal Confrontation

As Cardinal Creston entered the chamber for the long-awaited meeting with King Rodrick, he couldn't help but notice the gravity of the situation.

Cardinal Creston advanced along the pristine red carpet, his footsteps echoing softly in the grand chamber. As he approached King Rodrick, he took a moment to observe the nobles and representatives from each estate who had gathered to witness the pivotal meeting.

Their presence was a testament to the importance of the discussions that were about to unfold.

The nobles and their representatives, adorned in elaborate attire that showcased their wealth and influence, regarded Cardinal Creston with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

They were well aware of the recent turmoil that befell in the Axum, and the presence of a representative from the Sky God Church was met with a degree of skepticism.

The chandeliers above bathed the chamber in a soft, ethereal glow, their luminous stones casting shimmering patterns of light upon the marble floors. The chamber itself, with its towering columns and intricate tapestries, was a testament to the kingdom's grandeur.

Cardinal Creston's gaze shifted to King Rodrick, who sat upon his ornate throne, a figure of regal authority. The king's expression was one of solemnity, and his eyes bore the weight of the decisions that lay ahead.

Flanking him were his trusted advisors, their faces marked by a quiet intelligence and shrewdness that matched their ruler's demeanor.

As Cardinal Creston finally reached the end of the red carpet and stood before the throne, he offered a respectful bow, his expression composed but keenly aware of the tension in the room.

King Rodrick acknowledged the gesture with a nod, and spoke, his voice measured and commanding.

King Rodrick, his regal crown adorned with a Gryphon's Eye Emerald, Filled with kingliness gazed at Cardinal Creston with anger. His head rested on his right fist as he addressed the cardinal.

"So, what do our kingdom owe the pleasure for Cardinal Creston to come on his own?" King Rodrick's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Isn't the 'gifts' we received from Thornwood enough to burden our kingdom and our people?"

The nobles and representatives in the chamber exchanged uneasy glances. King Rodrick's words echoed their own sentiments, and there was a palpable tension in the air.

Cardinal Creston, his shrewd and manipulative smile firmly in place, responded, "Your Majesty, Rodrick, I stand here before you as a representative of the Sky God Church and Pope Benedictus himself, to address the matter of those 'gifts' and to make amends on behalf of our organization."

Hearing this, King Rodrick leaned slightly forward, his voice carrying the weight of his authority and the anger that simmered beneath the surface. "And how exactly are you going to make amends?"

He then released an aura of pressure in the court, causing those present to feel the weight of his displeasure. His voice thundered through the chamber as he continued, "Because I don't see Thornwood's head or him alive in this court."

hearing this Cardinal Creston in a cooperative yet sarcastic tone said, "Your Majesty, while I understand your eagerness to see Thornwood brought to justice, but I regret to inform you that Thornwood has already fled, and his whereabouts are unknown."

He paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to settle, before continuing, "I assure you, Your Majesty, that the Church shares your fervor for justice, and we are fully committed to cooperating with your kingdom's recovery efforts."

He then turns back and says while walking a little "But, to uncover the truth about Thornwood and ensure that those responsible for the suffering of your people face the consequences, we believe it is crucial for the Church to gain custody of the mages you have captured. With them in our care, we can swiftly move forward in this matter."

King Rodrick, still exuding an aura of pressure, rose from his throne and approached Cardinal Creston. His voice remained firm and resolute as he addressed the cardinal directly.

"Now that you've stated your request, Cardinal, listen carefully, with your ears open, and relay this message to the Church: While our kingdom may not be in its former glory as it was in past generations, we are not so weak as to accept aid from our enemies for our restoration."

As King Rodrick descended the steps of the throne one by one, he continued, "And regarding the matter of those mages, you should look outside the window, and you will find your answer."

It is hearing these words that Cardinal Creston turned his attention towards the window and not only him but all other nobles who were curious, outside the window they saw a large wooden platform erected in the courtyard.

On that platform stood Prince Nathan, surrounded by a crowd of his subjects. Positioned beside him on the stage were three individuals, their faces and bodies obscured by cloth coverings.

As Prince Nathan addressed the assembled crowd, Cardinal Creston strained to hear his words, recognizing the significance of the moment.

"My people of Valdyr kingdom," Prince Nathan's voice rang out, carrying a blend of solemnity and determination. His words held the attention of the crowd, who listened intently.

"I stand before you today not as a prince, but as a protector of our kingdom, and your protector," Nathan continued, his gaze sweeping across the faces of those gathered. "In these trying times, we find ourselves faced with choices that will define our future."

The crowd remained silent, the tension in the air palpable.

Nathan raised his hand, and with a solemn gesture, he unveiled the faces of the three individuals kneeling beside him on the platform. The cloth coverings fell away, revealing their identities to the onlookers.

As the masks were removed, the faces of the mages were revealed, and they were horrifically disfigured from the brutal torture they had endured.

Mage 1, his eyes swollen and almost blinded, let out a pitiful cry. "My eyes, I can't see! It's too bright!"

Mage 2, his body covered in scars and burns, begged in a voice filled with desperation. "Ahhhhh, kill me, please! Just kill me! I can't take it anymore! Please be merciful and end my suffering!"

Mage 3, whose limbs had been mercilessly mutilated, could only let out anguished sobs, unable to form coherent words.

Cardinal Creston's eyes widened as he recognized the mages who had been captured. Their faces showed a mix of fear and resignation, aware of the gravity of their situation.

Nathan's voice held a note of resolve as he declared, "These individuals were the ones responsible for the attack that happened in the Axum," he paused for a moment and said, "And many people's lives were taken away from them without their consent, some of them may be your children."

Hearing this, a wave of shock and grief swept through the crowd. Tears welled up in the eyes of those who had lost loved ones, and a collective gasp of sorrow echoed through the square.

Nathan continued, his voice unwavering, "While some of them would be your husbands, wives, mothers, or even your parents."

The realization of the magnitude of the tragedy hit home, and the crowd's emotions swelled. Some began to weep openly, while others clenched their fists in anger. The pain of loss and the yearning for justice united them in their grief.

But among the sorrow, there was also a sense of solidarity, a shared determination to remember the lives lost and seek retribution for the senseless violence that had torn families apart.

"As your prince, I must make the difficult decisions that protect our kingdom and ensure its safety," Nathan continued, his voice carrying the weight of responsibility.

"I have chosen to make an example of these mages, to send a message that the Valdyr Kingdom will not tolerate any kind of threats and will show no mercy to those who bring harm upon us."

The atmosphere grew even more somber as the crowd contemplated Nathan's words. The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, and the onlookers understood the necessity of the prince's decision.

With that, he turned toward the mage whose limbs were mutilated; he was the head mage. Nathan said while looking down into his eyes, "You know what, you were the one who sowed the seeds of doubt in my mind, the doubts about my own decisions. You thought you could weaken my resolve. But today, I stand strong, and I will protect my kingdom from those who seek to harm it."

The head mage, his face twisted with pain and despair, could only watch in silence as the prince passed judgment.

Nathan raised his hand once more, and with a signal, the executioners stepped forward, ready to carry out the sentence.

With a single slash of the executioners' swords, the heads rolled, and the blood splattered on the platform.

Cardinal Creston watched the scene unfold with a shrewd and calculating expression. The fate of the mages had been sealed, and the prince's resolve was loud and clear.

hello, my dear readers, give some support man, and don't forget to come again. thanks for reading.

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