
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · Fantasía
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70 Chs

Power Play in the Court

In the aftermath of the gruesome execution of the mages, as their lifeless bodies were taken away to be hung as bird's food near a cliff, Cardinal Creston turned his attention back to King Rodrick.

The king stood on the carpet, his hands clasped behind his back, his regal countenance unchanged.

Creston couldn't conceal his disapproval as he addressed the king, his voice laden with a mix of concern and criticism. "Your Majesty, how could you do such a thing?"

King Rodrick, his aura of pressure still palpable, met Creston's gaze with a steely resolve. His response was delivered in a heavy, unwavering voice. "Do I need permission from an outsider, an enemy, to execute prisoners?"

Creston quickly corrected himself, realizing the potential danger of his words. "No, Your Majesty," he said hastily. "I didn't mean to question your authority. What I wanted to ask is, if you had decided to execute these mages, why subject them to such brutal torture?"

The tension in the throne room was palpable as the cardinal's question hung in the air, awaiting the king's response. The nobles and advisors present observed the exchange with keen interest, aware of the delicate balance between their ruler and the representative of the Sky God Church.

King Rodrick smiled and moved closer to Cardinal Creston. "May I ask you a question?" he inquired.

"What if, hypothetically speaking, your own parents or children were brutally murdered before your eyes, and their killers were apprehended? Would you choose to grant them a swift, merciful death, or would you opt to subject them to prolonged torment until their souls shattered in agony, their throats cut by the constant cries of their pain?

And, in the end, would you offer them false hope of release, only to execute them?"

King Rodrick's smile, contrasting with the gravity of his question, sent a chill down Cardinal Creston's spine. As the king drew nearer, the cardinal felt the weight of the question that hung in the air, heavy with moral and ethical implications.

Creston met the king's gaze, his expression thoughtful and contemplative. He knew that his response held the potential to sway the delicate balance of their conversation.

After a moment of consideration, Creston spoke in a measured tone. "Your Majesty, the hypothetical scenario you present is indeed a harrowing one, filled with unimaginable grief and anger. It is natural for one to seek justice and retribution in the face of such a tragedy."

He continued, "However, it is also crucial to consider the moral boundaries that govern our actions. The path of excessive cruelty and torture, as you described, may lead to the erosion of our own humanity, even in the pursuit of justice."

Creston's response carried a sense of caution and wisdom, and he concluded, "In such a situation, I believe it is the duty of a ruler, like yourself, to ensure that justice is served through lawful means, respecting the principles of justice and fairness that our society upholds."

The king regarded Creston with a thoughtful expression, absorbing his words. The weight of his question lingered in the air, and the throne room seemed to hold its breath as they awaited King Rodrick's response.

Finally, after a prolonged moment of silence, the king spoke, his voice carrying a note of resignation. "You are wise, Cardinal Creston. It is a heavy burden to bear, the responsibility of a ruler in times of great sorrow and anger. The choices we make may haunt us, but they must be made with a clear conscience and a sense of justice."

With those words, King Rodrick stepped back, distancing himself from the cardinal. and the tense atmosphere in the throne room began to ease slightly.

King Rodrick resumed his seat on the throne, casually crossing his left leg over the right. He addressed Cardinal Creston directly, his tone forthright, "Cardinal Creston, let's dispense with pretenses. I am well aware that the crafty old Pope did not dispatch you here merely for discussions about aid and these mages."

Leaning forward, King Rodrick brought his fingertips together, his piercing gaze fixed on the cardinal. "So, what is it you truly desire?"

Cardinal Creston, upon hearing King Rodrick's words, maintained his feigned smile while responding with a composed demeanor, "Well, if you wish for clarity, King Rodrick, then allow me to be forthright. I am here under the explicit orders of Pope Benedictus, with a singular purpose: to secure an agreement that would ensure both our kingdoms refrain from hostilities for the next eight years."

King Rodrick, nodding in understanding, responded with a thoughtful expression, "A ceasefire, indeed. I comprehend the necessity, especially when facing the formidable Bandit King, a threat to us all."

However, the king's countenance shifted to a more serious one as he continued, "But you pose an interesting question, Cardinal. Why should I commit to such an agreement when, after your conflict with the Bandit King is resolved, it might present an opportune moment for me to launch an attack?"

Cardinal Creston's smile widened, and he replied confidently, "Ah, but, King Rodrick, as astute as you are, you are also aware that even with the Casentino Empire weakened, your forces alone would not be sufficient to conquer all our territories. Our empire's ruler may not mind losing a few cities, for he knows they can be reclaimed in the future with a strategically amassed strength."

As King Rodrick contemplated the cardinal's words, he leaned back on his throne, rubbing his chin in deep thought. His eyes bore a contemplative look, and his fingers drummed softly against his chin.

He pondered in his mind, "Hmm, what he said isn't entirely untrue. If I were to launch an attack even after bolstering our forces in two or three years, they might still prove insufficient."

Then, his expression shifted to one of measured resolve as he continued his internal deliberation. "Besides," he thought, "Nathan's showing great promise, and this period of peace will allow him to further develop his abilities and wisdom. His potential as a leader could be an invaluable asset to our kingdom."

King Rodrick leaning back on his throne, returned his attention to Cardinal Creston, his expression contemplative and his posture regal and composed. "Cardinal Creston," he began, "your points have been duly noted, and I thank you for your honesty."

However, his gaze became piercing as he posed a critical question, "Now, what I wish to inquire is this: at the conclusion of this eight-year period, what are the intentions of your kingdom?"

Cardinal Creston responded with a hint of sarcasm, a wry smile playing on his lips, "Your Majesty, allow me to be unequivocal. In all my years as a cardinal, I've come to understand one unwavering truth about the ruler of my kingdom: when he sets his sights on something, he will pursue it relentlessly, even if it takes years."

With that statement, Cardinal Creston turned away from the king, raising his hand towards the heavens, and declared, "So, Your Majesty, your answer lies in the heavens themselves, for when the time comes, there shall be war."

The cardinal's words hung in the air, a heavy silence descending upon the throne room. The surrounding nobles, incensed by the implication of future conflict, drew their swords, their expressions reflecting a mix of anger and apprehension. 

King Rodrick, observing the unfolding events without immediate intervention, watched as the situation escalated. Amidst the nobles who had drawn their swords in anger, there remained a few who had not succumbed to rage and continued to observe the unfolding scene with a sense of caution.

One of the nobles who had surrounded Cardinal Creston voiced his anger, saying, "Who do you think you are to speak of war with our kingdom in the presence of our king? Do you believe we will tolerate such audacious talk?"

Another noble chimed in, his tone more measured, "Let us hear what you have to say to convince us to spare you from our wrath."

Cardinal Creston, initially taken aback by the nobles' reactions, couldn't help but burst into laughter, genuine amusement lighting up his eyes. He chuckled heartily, his laughter filling the tense air.

"Hahaha! Oh, splendid!" he exclaimed between fits of laughter. "I must commend you on your spirit. Haha!"

Taking a deep breath to regain his composure, Cardinal Creston continued, his tone now serious and commanding. "But, my dear lords and ladies, do not misconstrue my intentions. I did not come here to your enemy kingdom's throne room without my paladins out of goodwill."

He raised his hand towards the heavens, his voice taking on an icy edge. "No, I am here without protection because I have no need for it."

In a breathtaking spectacle that left all those present utterly astonished, a staff materialized in Cardinal Creston's hands. It emanated a radiant, sky-blue light, enveloping the chamber in a celestial glow.

As if in a symphony of divine craftsmanship, a set of intricate blue armor adorned with an ornate, crown-like helmet manifested upon his chest and head.

Cardinal Creston's voice dripped with authority as he declared, "I am one of the three saints chosen by the Sky God Celestorial Himself. Who among you dares to raise a weapon against me?"

With a resounding thud, Cardinal Creston slammed the staff of radiant light into the ground. A surge of Light magic erupted from the staff, enveloping him in a radiant aura of divine power.

The nobles who had drawn their swords found themselves momentarily stunned and bewildered, their weapons trembling in their hands as they faced the overwhelming presence of the cardinal, a chosen representative of the divine.

The tension in the room had shifted dramatically, and the balance of power had taken a startling turn.

hello, reader's tell me how was this chapter, and support me with your stones. Thank you for reading then, see you guys in the next chapter.

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