
Motives and Speculations - 32.4

Despite his reluctance, Fan Hui Zhong still got permission to inspect the corpses of the assassins early the next day.

It was just after Fan Zhu Xia ate breakfast when he came to her courtyard to inform her that the corpses was stored in one of the underground cellars that she requested to be built nearby a large courtyard that Fan Hui Zhong had constructed to serve as her very own personal clinic, complete with a spacious reception room where she can receive guests as well as five well-ventilated rooms containing four beds per room that was large enough for each person to rest yet doesn't take a lot of space.

Aside from these rooms, a medicine room was also carefully arranged with all the things, herbs that ranged from ordinary to uncommon and storage she might need, along with ample space so that she can concoct pills and medicine in peace, as well as another room that she calls the treatment room which she personally furnished with things she had brought with her when she was left Mystic Terra Mountain to explore outside her clan's territory.

The furnishings included a rather tall, make-shift jade table that was long in length yet narrow in width which if one looked closely will be enough for a fully grown adult man to lie on. In this particular room, aside from the eye-catching table that was constructed using a precious jade called Lifeblood Jade which has the property of providing energy and strengthening vitality to those in contact with it which stems from the fact that this particular type of jade refines energies it gains via absorbing blood and the higher the cultivation of the blood owner, the more the jade improves so despite it's pristine, white appearance which made it seem holy, most people had unfavorable opinions on it due to how this jade's quality is cultivated despite it's effects.

Other than the jade table, there was another smaller table of the same height made out of high-quality wood just beside it which had a couple of hooks built-in on one side, three large luminous night pearls were embedded on the middle of the ceiling, just above the table, illuminating the room brightly along with the mounted lamps on each wall. In this room, there was a wall that served as a washing area where there are basins and soaps as well as a seal that served as a water source as well as a seal that ensured that the room will not be flooded. On another wall was a large shelf as well as cabinets containing unique instruments and other medicinal supplies such as strips of cloth for bandages, threads and needles of varying lengths, woven medicinal herbs like the one Fan Zhu Xia used on Fan Shi Hong when they first met.

The placement of the corpses near the courtyard was particularly useful, especially since there is also a tunnel from the cellars leading inside a small study inside the courtyard aside from the entrance from outside which made it easier to transport a corpse to and fro the cellar and the treatment room where she is right now.

Going to one of the large cabinets in the room, Fan Zhu Xia opened it to reveal several tools and medical instruments inside. At first glance, one would see that at eye level, there were several types of blades mounted inside, from a short saw to a longer, more thicker one, to an assortment of other large knives that one would typically think to see in a butcher shop which would make people's blood run cold if they see this inside an infirmary yet despite this, Fan Zhu Xia still had it here but for now she ignored it's existence. Instead, she reached out and opened one of the drawers inside to pull out a roll of leather and another of cloth, both of which were obviously wrapped around multiple things.

After getting these two, Fan Zhu Xia went back to stand near the jade table and started laying out the tools she took onto the smaller table.

As she brought them out, small, thin knives of varying sizes and lengths were taken from the roll of leather while another set of silver needles of different lengths came from the pouch.

Just as she finished her preparations, Fan Zhu Xia heard the sound of footsteps, when the door opened to reveal Ying Xiao Dan who was sent here by his master, the head physician of the Fan Family; Ru Wen Cheng to help assist her in the examination of the bodies as per Fan Hui Zhong's request.

He was followed by two guards who were holding a stretcher where one of corpses was currently being carried on. Seeing this, Fan Zhu Xia immediately waved them over and directed them to put the body on the jade table before ordering them out first, leaving just her and Ying Xiao Dan alone inside.

Looking at him, Fan Zhu Xia nonchalantly asked, "I heard you're good at poisons?"

"I wouldn't say I'm good at it but I do have some knowledge and affinity to it, Princess." Ying Xiao Dan replied humbly.

"Hmm, what about your familiarity with the human body?"

"It's alright. My master has been teaching me and my sister since we were young..."

"Have you had any practical experience then?"

"Some. Aside from treating injuries sustained by the guards and soldiers during training, Second Young Master would sometimes have me help me treat some of his subordinates when needed."

Hearing that, Fan Zhu Xia's eyes faintly flashed with a hint of surprise before they imperceptibly narrowed as she gave Ying Xiao Dan a thoughtful look.

"So you know Second Brother's business?" she queried.

Ying Xiao Dan then nodded then shook his head which made Fan Zhu Xia raise her brows in question.

Smiling a bit, Ying Xiao Dan opened his mouth and slowly said, "To some extent..."

Nodding slightly, Fan Zhu Xia gestured towards the dead body on the table.

"Since you'll be helping me here today, I expect you to keep the results to yourself and not share it to others. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Princess."

Caught off-guard with the way she was addressed, Fan Zhu Xia smiled wryly and shook her head to clear her thoughts.

Due to the sudden attack last night at the imperial banquet, the events that happened before that almost slipped her mind.

That was right. She was formally conferred the title; Princess Leifeng. In this way, even though she is adopted, no one will discriminate nor look down on her but will first respect her background.

Remembering this matter became nothing more than a fleeting thought. Instead, she turned to face Ying Xiao Dan and said, "Let's start."

With that, Fan Zhu Xia went to stand next to the jade table and promptly started removing the clothing on the dead body much to Ying Xiao Dan's shock.

Seeing him frozen stiff, Fan Zhu Xia shot him an impatient look.

"Enough with that! Come here and get this clothes, make sure you're careful and place them on that table by the wall neatly then come back and make sure you pay attention to what I'm doing so that you'll be able to handle this kind of matters in the future."

Pulled back from his stupor, Ying Xiao Dan flushed slightly in embarrassment before quickly doing what Fan Zhu Xia ordered and coming back to stand on the other side of the jade table.

Seeing that Fan Zhu Xia fully covered the sensitive place of the man with a small piece of cloth that was hanging from the small table by her side, Ying Xiao Dan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief yet when he noticed that Fan Zhu Xia was looking at him with amused eyes and an expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Ying Xiao Dan's originally white face blushed into a deep red accompanied by an awkward look.

Shaking her head, Fan Zhu Xia pushed down her amusement and calmly said, "No need to be shy nor embarrassed about this. As doctors and physicians, we would inevitably encounter situations where we'll treat the opposite genders."

"But Princess, someone of your stature shouldn't have to do this! What would people say?!" Ying Xiao Dan exclaimed in agitation.

Understanding dawned on her and Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but send him a comforting smile to reassure him.

"It doesn't matter what people say... Before coming here, I came from a family whose life centered around medicine and was taught from a young age that in medicine, you should always have a clear path and a clear conscience. During treatments, nothing matters other than curing and saving the patient. In pill refining, focus and perseverance is key to success. As for poisons, how to use it best is what's important because even poison can sometimes become medicine. Among this key points is something that is inherently common. No matter what age, gender or race, nothing matters other than the result we seek. To others, my clan teachings may be problematic in some ways as it can easily misguide you but we had a rule that we strictly adhered by which kept us on the right path."

"What rule is that?"

Hearing the obvious curiosity in his voice, Fan Zhu Xia smirked and her eyes seemed to be filled with a dangerous light.

"Life is a treasure we must all strive hard to maintain but if your life is threatened, then don't hold back."