
Drowning Happiness

A woman trapped with a horrible monster. Not knowing what he could do next. She’s already been put through what she thought was the worst of it, but that could just be the surface. Feeling worthless throughout it all she just might escape, but what could be waiting for her after? So many unknowns, but so many signs to leave. She just can’t seem to break the pattern of men she gets with, until hopefully one day she finds someone who will pull her out before she drowns.

MinxCrawler · Adolescente
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1 Chs

Let Me Run

The sound of the water boiling on the stove, I hear the footsteps slide across the floor behind me. I tried to stay as still as possible to keep to myself and not make any big movements. Looking up to quickly snap myself out of the dreary thoughts that flooded my mind, I smile asking if Louis would like a drink with the meal I prepared for him.

The fridge slams behind me with a smart remark "Of course I want a drink, what else would I want with food?!" Louis said.

I nod knowing not to say anything to upset him more, I keep my face in a gentle smile, slowly turning around to look towards the fridge. My eyes shoot past Louis to avoid eye contact, locking into the photos on the fridge.

Photos showing the two of us smiling, knowing that the smile in the photos are a lie from the secrets I know of him. It's all a facade.

My hearts starts pumping even faster as I hear him yell -"Aren't you getting my fucking drink?! God Layla you never fucking listen."

I keep my face calm, while on the inside I just want to scream for help and cry. Reaching to gather the drink I turn my face just slightly more to look at him and apologize.

"I'm sorry Louis, I just got distracted from our cute pictures together. I didn't mean to take so long" I said.

Louis looks at me enraged, pressing both of his lips against one another while letting out a deep exhale through his nose. I instantly knew there was nothing I could do while Louis, with no hesitation raised his hand and slapped me across the face.

As his hand connected to my cheek I felt it rock my jaw while crushing my ear into a ringing noise. I stood there with my body being sent into a quiver, I suck in my bottom lip and apologize again, "I…I'm sorry babe…I didn't mea-"

Louis gripped my throat starting to shove my body with force from my neck up against the stove. Pinning my lower back on the knobs while putting his face deep into mine. I could feel his teeth rubbing on the tip of my nose as he started to yell at me.

"Shut the fuck up. You keep apologizing and I hate it. Just shut the fuck up for once!" he said.

I kept my hands to my sides not trying to fight back, knowing I was no match for his size. I muffled my hearing to only focus on my heartbeat because it felt as if it was going to jump from my chest. The back of my leggings beginning to rip on the knob just from the pressure. Louis then moves his left hand to grip my chin while he begins to choke me even harder to make me look at him.

I follow his movements while my eyes fill with tears. None fall out, but it blurs my vision to we're I'm happy I cannot see him. It gave me some block from the horrible thing he was. Suddenly, I feel his grip loosen and he takes a breath.

"Mmh" was all I heard come from him as he took a step back.

I thought it was over. Man was I wrong.

He looks me head to toe and reaches his arm back out to me, thinking he's going for the throat, but his hand follows past my neck to grip my ponytail. Twisting it hard, he pulls my head to make it fall to the side and he says, "turn the fuck around."

Forcefully Louis turns my body from just the powerful grip on my hair, I notice the water starts boiling over in the pot, while the meat in the back is already burnt.

I just want to leave. Someone to hopefully walk in. Something to give me a chance. I just keep repeating this in the back of my head.

"Louis…please" I whimper, "please just let me go" I said it in the most vulnerable way I could. Trying to be polite and not rude.

"No you're fucking mine" he said.

He pins his hips against my ass, pressing my hips against the front of the ovens handle. Dropping my ponytail he leads right for the hem of my shirt. Darting his hands up my shirt to my chest he begins to squeeze. Not stopping for a second he continues to squeeze harder and harder each time. Traveling under my bra he goes even harder while pressing his forehead between my shoulder blades in a grunt full moan.

"Just let me have what's fucking mine and I'll leave you be a while…." Louis said.

While setting both my hands on either side of the stove for support, I try prying myself away from him crying in pain, "No! Stop it! You're really really hurting me!"

He reached around to grip the bottom of my chin as he keeps gripping, twisting and squeezing. Louis says "No you like it and I know it. Now shut the fuck up and let me enjoy myself."

He then let's go of my chin, grabbing the back waistline of my pants. My eyes shoot big not wanting to give him what he wants as I desperately want to get away. Tears running down my face, I try harder to push off and shake as much as I can while my chest starts to feel like I've been hit by a truck.

Louis' grip is so tight, I know I'll have to be quick if I get the chance to leave. His body is so broad and he stands being 6'1, I have no chance being 5'4 to fight off.

Suddenly while he continues to pull my pants down exposing my panties, the back door rattles from the bells on the door handle. My heart jumps with sudden hope there will be someone to help me.

I waste no time. When the bells rattle from the back door, Louis jumps a bit and turns just enough for me to quickly fall and run out from in front of him.

Running from out of the kitchen with my face covered with streams of tears traveling from my eyes to my jaw, then from the to down my neck, I sprint to the bathroom. Halfway across the island from Louis he starts to charge after me. I knew I had seconds to reach that door and shut it or else who knows what would happen.

Sprinting down his hall I see the door on the left, trying to make myself weightless when me feet hit the ground, I reach for the doorframe to wrap and swing myself in the bathroom. As I do this I feel his fingertips brush against my shirt in the wind and I slam the door. My body shaking beyond belief I struggle to lick the door felling the handle stiffen from his grip on the other side.

"Layla open this fucking door" he says.

My clothes wrinkled and in a mess with my pants half hanging from my hip, I just stop and drown out the noise for a second. I look at myself with my makeup all smeared and red marks forming around my neck and chin. My cheek already bruised from the slap earlier. I just look at myself to be unrecognizable.

I'm scared and alone. A monster on the other side of this door, and the only way out is a window from the first floor of his house.

*Door rattling harshly in the frame while the handle shakes*

I slowly lift my shirt to see my chest, scared to see the damage. Resting it over my shoulder I look more at my body. My chest was ridden with yellow and black bruises ranging in sizes. With my jaw dropping in the slightest I graze a finger across one when my chest sinks back into itself in pain.

The rattling on the door stopped as Louis spoke, "Layla come on I didn't mean to do anything, come on out it'll be ok.."

I look towards the door as he thrashed against us again, then back towards the window. I turn on the sink water and slowly step towards the window pulling up my pants and tucking in my shirt.

Sucking in my bottom lip I unlock the window on the top tabs making a POP noise.

I acted quickly in case he heard and started to climb out. I then cram myself through the window feeling it scrape across my spine just waiting to fall to the grass.

Hitting the ground I stand up feeling the sun on my face and just booked it. I didn't stop running. I ran down the block, then the next, and the next until I made it to the main road. My throat was so dry and sore from crying and being out of breath, but I made it out.

Reaching the light in town I did my best to avoid open areas in case he was searching in his car. My every move with my head twisting left and right in fear he would appear. I was just thankful to be out. I finally ran.

No one stopped to see if I was ok, no one even noticed something was wrong. I looked like a normal girl with no fears or worries on my face.

Little do they know I was able to escape one of my most worst hells. I ran.