

firegates89 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

[1]small secret

as a young boy got ready to leave, his mum called out to him

"Nova, don't go making trouble for yourself."

"got it mum"

"Don't be late."


her white hair covered her smile, which was more threatening than nice,

the smile sent shivers down Nova's spine as he quickly shut the door behind him and escaped the smiling monster

in he's home


walking down the road, his black hair with white at the ends glisten in the sunlight,

he got to the secret hideout, an abandoned shed with two small rooms,

inside was a young boy with brown messy hair and bland gray eyes

"yo Ray, you got the stuff,"


they look blankly at each other, no words exchanged for a couple of seconds

"What do you mean no!?"

"I got Daisy to grab it,"


Ray gave a big grin plastered on his face

"Thank you,"

"Why are you so annoying?"

"It's fun you should try it sometime."

lucky their bickering was put to a halt after Daisy walked in,

with black pupils that looked tired,

her yellow hair neatly cut short to her shoulder was covered in mud

"I got the food,"

the sack was way too big for the little girl to carry by herself.

Nova promptly helped and thanked Daisy and called Ray an asshole for making her carry it all that way.

Ray got up and opened the back door to a rundown room with half a roof,

grabbing the food Ray walk in mumbling complaints

"I'll feed them. Nova get some water. "

"already got it, lazyshit."

putting the food and water in little wooden bowls, they walked out, shutting the door and leaving the shed to let its inhabitants eat in peace


Ray was bored as always quickly asking

"Where do we go now?"

Nova, ready for the question, promptly answered

"I don't know, let's just go for a walk around the village."

"Fine, have it your way,"

Nova annoyed to the point of punching Ray in the face forced himself to calm down

Ray basking in the glory of making Nova mad felt something connected firmly on he's face Resulting in him falling on he's ass in pain

"Why did you hit me?"

the only response Ray got was left hook to the arms blocking his face

Daisy stops Nova from hitting Ray again by slapping Nova on the face,

"Stop it, you idiots."

in shock, they both stopped and let her talk

"First we will go to old man mush, then we will go to the training field, then we will go back home got it"


they replied like sheep being led by a dog


arriving at old man mush's house in an area full of old people

Daisy knocked on the door, excited to hear about the story's old man mush would tell even if they're not real

as the door slowly opened to and the site of an old man that looked to be in he's sixtys entered they're view he had white hair and a clean shave face

"I don't need your coffin. I'm only eighty-seven,"

despite he's age he's voice was smooth

"We're not here to sell you a coffin old man mush."

"Oh, you three, do you want to hear a story or play a game of chess?"

Daisy excitedly answered


"ok, what first?"

Nova and Daisy replied with chess first, but Ray wanted a story of a great adventure

old man mush gave the idea of stories and chess at the same time

all of them agreed, excited for the couple hours with old man mush

with the chess board set, old man mush playing the white pieces Diasy playing the black pieces the first moves where made

"The first story is about elemental dragons, the most recognizable feature is the colour and shape, they have a long neck thick body with horns protruding oit of if head and with huge wings"

"their colour is affected by their element

Fire red, water blue, wind gray, erath brown -"

"Can you tell a better story to much information?"

Daisy cut in

"Hmm, there once was a dragon with the element of iron 2 moons. Its skin was tough and had sharp wings, the dragon -"

Ray interjected this time with a question

"What's this moons thing?"

Daisy answered

"It's how much power they can access-"

old man mush rudely interrupted

"How many years until your time to do your grade test?"

"One more year,"

"So, eleven-year-old, can you use any elements?"


"Woo all three of you can use elementals which ones -"

Ray cuts in strangly polite but aggressive

"Excuse me, but my question was not answered."

old man mush growing tired of the cutting in agread with Ray request

"yes yes one question at a time, so moons,

moons are the connection to the elements, more moons, more power,

each element has five moons before evolving,

Example iron 2 moons can also be called earth 7 moons,

blue fire 4 moons, can be called fire 9 moons,

Most of the time, we just skip the moons' part and just say Fire 9,

Any questions"

"Why are they called moons?"

"Do want a short story or an answered"

they replied with a short story

"once upon a time there was a man with the element earth 1 he's was weak but he try hard to improve harder than the others he got so strong that he could fly in space and make a small moon,

that's why we have a small moon going around the first, and that's how the moons rings in the sky appeared,

and that's why we called them moons. "

after the old man mush finished speaking, he stared into the void like remembering the good old day,

after a bit of silence, Daisy looked out side to see a full moon with the small moon in the middle of the rings

"whao look, you can see the small moon tonight."

"It's already autumn,"

Ray said, looking at the moons

as Nova looked up, he started to feel scared of what his mum would do to him

"I need to go home now,

See you tomorrow. "


Ray said in a condescending tone,

but lucky for him, Nova didn't hear it


running back home from old man mush's house, Nova nearly tripped due to a flash of a purple glowing animal going past him at shocking speeds,

"whao, what was that?"


after Nova saw the purple object, he shrugged it off and continued to go home

getting to he's house he saw his mother at the front door looking at him with a worried face

"There you are, come inside dinners ready. Your sister is waiting,"

making his way to the dinner table, he saw his sister eat without a care in the world

he's dad had finished his plate and started doing the dishes

consistently having to readjust his glasses and black hair multiple times

"I'm home,"

Nova's sister Emma got caught red handed having her fork in Nova's food,

he couldn't complain as he was late

as Nova and his mother sit down and start eating, his mother asks

"How was your day?"

"it was good we went to old man mush's house."

"Did you not go to your secret hideout?"

Nova was shocked that his secret with his friends wasn't a secret at all,but answered

"yea we did, but only for a couple of minutes."

"Did you feed the cat?"

"we left food out, but I didn't know we were feeding a cat."

"Oh, you didn't know that you were feeding that lightning cat. It has been eating all the large birds in the village."

"Lightning cat!"

"Yeah, it passed by a few minutes ago,"

Nova had a realization of what that purple light was

Nova was excited about the lightning cat but was scared that he had been feeding a dangerous animal for a couple of weeks

"Don't be worried about it. You guys feeding it has stopped it eating all the large birds,"

Nova visibly calmed down and continued eating his dinner


after Nova finished, his dinner gave his plate to his dad,

His sister Emma grabbed and dragged him to the living room

"Show me it."

"Show you what,"

"Your element"

Nova knew that he was not going to escape from her grasp unless he complied with her demands, showed her his element,

coating he's finger in a gust of wind,

Emma stood there with a confident grin like she could do it better than him

"Are you happy now?"

"Fhank you,"

she said with her two front teeth missing

"You're welcome. Now let's go get ready for bed,"

"I don't won't to."

"Then I'm going to get ready by myself,"

Nova turned and started walking to his room,

Emma, with a sad expression, silently walked behind him

as Nova and Emma got ready for bed, Nova grabbed the hairbrush and started brushing Emma white hair,

he noticed that the ends of her hair started to go black, like the opposite of his hair

"Your hair is going black like Chloe."

Emma was a bit too excited that her hair was starting to look similar her big sisters jumped around the room, causing Mum to hear and come in to see what was happening

"Why are you jumping around its time for bed?"

Emma loudly said

"My hair is like big sis."

mum happy but expecting her hair to turn black at the ends

She started to calm her down and guide her into bed


Nova hopped into bed, quickly fell asleep, tired from the day he had just experienced.


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