
Dropped... again hehe

This Novel is being Dropped because it was trash. Yes!! I am Author and i am saying this is Trash Sorry for this but if I am able to make A good Story in the future it will be publish too all of you Thanks For your Support So Far Dragon Jade

Dragon_jade_150 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


Aiden swiftly exited the gym, noticing that Anna was occupied with someone else. As he left, he activated his Eye of Truth ability and save it for later t see like he did with his family.

He waved goodbye to Anna, offering her a friendly smile, before stepping out of the gym.

He glanced at the time and realized that his mother was likely already home. Realizing that he should head back before she scolded him,

He broke into a run and rushed towards the elevator of his building. As soon as he reached it, he entered and pressed the button for his floor.

Just as the elevator doors were closing, Aiden heard a familiar voice calling out to him, "Aiden, hold it for me!"

Aiden quickly pressed the button to stop the elevator doors from closing, causing them to reopen.

Aiden looked at the person approaching and recognized his neighbor, Jenny. She was a stunning woman and one of the tenants in the rented flat, House Number 2703, along with another girl.

As the elevator doors reopened, Aiden's gaze fell upon Jenny, one of the two women renting apartment 2703. Jenny had beautiful, slightly long curly brown hair that cascaded down below her well-developed breasts. Her light brown eyes perfectly complemented her features, and she had a small nose and a cute mouth. Aiden also couldn't help but notice her slender, long thighs.

Jenny was dressed in blue skinny jeans that hugged her legs and hips, accentuating her curves. She paired it with a full-sleeved top that had a V-cut, subtly revealing a hint of her cleavage.

As Jenny swiftly entered the elevator, Aiden noticed that her face was slightly flushed and her chest rose and fell rapidly as she caught her breath.

Aiden allowed the elevator doors to close, and the elevator started ascending.

"Thanks for holding it'' Jenny said still panting.

"Sure thing, big sis Jen," he responds, his gaze fixed on her chest.

Suddenly, Aiden had a thought and activated his eye skill.

[Name: Jenny Miller

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Relationship: Friend/ Neigbouer

Relationship Status: Single

Love: 56(Not Romantic Love)

Lust: 40

Kinks: Claustrophilia, Gagging

Body Count: 1]

As Aiden observed her kinks, a thought crossed his mind, and he decided to activate his skill 'Arousing Scent' and focused on her.

As they were in the confined space of the elevator, Aiden's skill took effect quickly. He continued to observe her and with the added activation of his X-ray vision.

Aiden stares at her body through the mirror not directly, he was surprised as he notices that she wasn't wearing a bra under her top and he found her breast very beautiful.

Aiden, aware of Jenny's usual schedule of coming home around 6:30, noticed that she was late tonight and detected the smell of alcohol on her. Curiosity piqued, he asked, "Hey, Big sis Jen. Are you coming from the bar or something?".

"Yep, I went to a bar with friends. Do I smell that bad?" Jenny asked as she sniffed her clothes.

As they engaged in conversation, Aiden notice that Jenny's Lust stat was increasing rapidly.

[Lust: 65]

Aiden was aware of the reasons behind the rapid increase in Jenny's love points. The effects of his skill, combined with the influence of alcohol and Jenny's kink for confined spaces,

Aiden, trying to maintain a casual tone, asked Jenny, "So, did you go to the bar with your boyfriend?" He knew that she was single, but he asked anyway to keep the conversation flowing.

Jenny replied with a smile, "Nope, I don't have a boyfriend. It was just a night out with a few of my office colleagues

[Lust: 73]

As her lust keep rising her pussy starts to get wet and her nipples starts to get hard, Jenny was aware of it.

She notice Aiden was staring at her breasts and can see her hard nipples poking into her top.

It made her lust rise faster but suddenly the door opened.

As the elevator door opens on the 20th floor, Aiden and Jenny notice an elderly couple standing outside, waiting to enter. They exchange glances and politely step aside to let the couple inside the elevator.

Seeing the couple enter the elevator, Aiden deactivated his skills.

As the couple entered the elevator, Jenny instinctively moved behind Aiden as her nipples her poking through her top and she doesn't want it to be seen by them.

In a few seconds, the elevator reached their floor, Both Aiden and Jenny quickly left the elevator.

Aiden glanced back at Jenny and noticed that her face was flushed bright red and looked at her breasts.

Jenny noticed Aiden's gaze on her breast and looked back at him.

[Lust: 80]

Aiden looked into Jenny's eyes and complimented her, saying, "You are very beautiful and hot, Big sis Jen."

As Jenny heard his words, she couldn't help but notice how Aiden looked more handsome and charming and also notice a big bulge in his pants.

Jenny realized that she was the reason for his bulge. The thought made her feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction. It was a gratifying feeling to know that Aiden found her attractive and that his reaction was a result of her presence.

Jenny's voice carried a teasing tone as she asked, "So, do you think this big sis is beautiful and hot?"

As Jenny was still under the influence of alcohol, her behavior was somewhat different from her usual self. The alcohol had loosened her inhibitions, leading to a slightly more flirtatious and playful

Aiden felt a slight surprise at Jenny's words, considering she seemed normal in the elevator. However, he couldn't help but respond with a mischievous smile, saying, "Well, I did mention earlier that you look very hot and attractive today." He continued to look at her breasts.

"Look at you, flirting with me," Jenny responded, her tone teasing and playful.

Aiden smirked and took a step forward, standing right in front of Jenny.


Her lust was rising on its own thanks to Alcohol and also due to her noticing his bulge.

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