

A flurry of blades embedded themselves on my back while I shielded Uta. The pain made my head go white, if not for the stench of vomit, I would've already been on the ground. The attacks didn't end there as countless shockwaves kept being discharged while muzan slowly walked closer.


There wasn't much time. Haki won't help, aura can overwhelm him but it's not a surefire method, Sage mode won't help much when I have to give my all in imbuing haki inside Uta, the 8 gates could've helped but it's no use if my body breaks down only to regenerate again. There is no point if my muscles give out from the strain before I can get a good hit.

'Demonic arts!'

Holes opened up from my back as uncountable small ice shards shot out from there.

'Not enough!'

The ground slowly froze and the surrounding temperature decreased to freezing levels.

Uta should be unaffected now that she's protected by haki but it won't work for long.


The ice stopped spreading and the cold receded into my body as my body slowly froze.


Demonic arts is dependent on the demon blood, with the increasing cold it got harder to implement the art but I didn't stop.

'My adaptation can counter that.'

Smoke spread out in all directions and I was encased in hard ice while still holding Uta.

A temporary cryogenic sleep.

My vision was fading but I held on. I didn't know if the ice would disappear if I gave in to the numbness creeping up my body.

While holding onto my consciousness I provided uta with my chakra to keep her safe.

'Let's hold on like this until sunrise.'

And so I did.

I couldn't tell how long I've been here but muzan left as soon as the sun came out from the horizon.

He tried all he could to destroy the ice but it was useless since the ice tried to freeze him whenever he made contact.

I was glad I held on long enough to see his veins pop out from rage. But it was still creepy nonetheless.

'Why does he have so many mouths?'

Shaking my head from these thoughts I stopped my demon art and felt the ice disintegrating instead of thawing.

'Wait...didn't the frozen matter disappear along with the ice previously. What'll happen to uta?'

Thinking so I activated my demon arts again till I sensed yoriichi running towards us with a sword in hand.

His face was still expressionless but I could sense the anxiety inside him. Once he saw us he held up his sword and used his sword style to cut the ice.

I still couldn't wrap my head around how he could manage to do that while muzan couldn't.

His sword style was essentially tailored for slaying demons. It's crazy how overpowered he is.

A feeling of overwhelming heat rose came out from his sword as he cut the ice clean with dangerous precision. Close enough to get rid of the ice on uta but not enough to hurt her.

However he wasn't so lenient with my body though.

He knew from our previous spars that I could regenerate whole from any part of my body so he just cut off head and let me grow from there while my body disintegrated to oblivion.

'Insensitive bastard....'

Uta was knocked out cold but I reassured him that she's fine, just tired due to the this shit show.

"I can't thank you enough yuuji-san"

Yoriichi said so while calmly bawling his eyes out and hugging me.

"Please allow my family and the upcoming generation to serve you in the future."

"Calm down. Don't go around pledging your future family tree to a lifetime of servitude. I just did it because I consider you as my friend."

"I'll leave this world once my lover dies so this is pointless."

"Understood yuuji-san."

"Just yuuji is fine."

Breaking out a small smile he agreed to call me as he usually did and thus the day started with us being homeless, broke and anxious for a safe place.


"Are you sure this will work?"

"It better, or we're fucked."

The clones I previously conjured, half of them turned into uta and yoriichi while the rest escorted them to different regions of the town.

I took the real ones to a the Red light district in yoshiwara. The place was bustling with life, children playing oblivious to reality.

Then again, they are from the slums so I shouldn't judge them harshly. The women who got pregnant were abandoned. To sustain themselves and their children they had move to the slums seeing no other alternatives.

Tearing my eyes away from the sad painting drawn in front of my eyes, I focused on the current objective.

Heading deeper into the slums we found a lady who agreed to accommodate us in exchange that I find beautiful women and bring them to her for as long as the guests are staying, every month.

It felt uncomfortable to talk about such things but at least she didn't ask for underage girls like those sick fucks before.

Prostitution was the go to method for many widows back in the Taisho-era. In the slightly misogynistic society it was hard for widows and orphans to survive. Most women from rich families would be kicked out after their partners died. Being unable to cast away their pride, some would even commit suicide

Yoriichi and uta were a few of the outliers in that regard. With no one to rely on. Uta would probably kill herself to join her husband in the afterlife while yoriichi would starve himself or be a lifeless husk thinking of himself as a tool, never meant for happiness.

Sweet innocent love borne from kindness.

It was something I wished to protect.

And I will accomplish this.

'Even if I have to lose.'

That day I made a promise.

A promise to myself, one that would shape me in a completely different way.

'No matter what.'


Power stones. NOW