
A Commitment

[Narrator POV]

It was a beautiful morning. Birds were chirping, bees were buzzing and wives were cheating. Sadly, the tranquil life of the common folk came to a halt when one of the local goons came to their area, holding a large book.

'We already paid this month's fee, so why are those people here? Are they planning to increase the fee?'

The serene atmosphere turned cold as they waited with dread building inside them.

"Ahem. Gather around everyone!"

"We're already gathered." A woman murmured just barely audible enough to reach the thug's ears.

"We have decided to abolish the protection fees from now onwards. Instead, we will proceed to do business."

The townspeople's ears perked up at that. The shock of not having to pay cooled down as quickly as it came.

'It was too good to be true after all. They'd just force us to buy their products.'

"So allow us to brief you all on our new business. We call it the 'Insurance Agency', IA for short."

By the time they were done, everyone present had their eyes turned red from excitement. The premise of their expenditure being covered for property damage repairs as well as getting paid for a family member's death was something everyone wished to get a piece of.

It was well-known how high the mortality rate of soldiers fighting the titans was. A widow's life after getting no other source of income is already set. It would either be to work as a noble's slave or a prostitute. The church can only accept a few nuns yearly, so that was out of the question.

The men, although disturbed by how some of their wives were practically glowing in hopes of their death were empathic enough to understand their circumstances. What they liked most was that their property damages would be covered, provided that it was purely accidental.

"Where can I sign up!"

"Are you hiring some people as staff!"

"How much is the class 5 membership!?"

"Take my money!"

The mob kept increasing in size as more and more people piled up, ready to put their name in this new yet shady business.

After all.

What's the worst that could happen?


[Eren POV]

"Kuhm. Mikasa can we talk?"

"fwat's fong fefen?" She spoke with my homemade pancakes filling her mouth.

"Finish the food first. It's quite important."


"Tell me."

"…..Do you have feelings for me?"






"Well…..I cannot accept those feelings."

"I refuse."

A light groan escaped my lips as I looked at my stubborn friend. "I'm not joking with you. We will not be together. Not now, not ever."

Her shoulders drooped down at that, yet she didn't relent. "Can I ask why?"

"I don't want to get hurt." I answered in a soft tone hoping something I had no idea of. "I'm pretty close to being an immortal. I'll probably even outlive this world. I do not wish to see my loved ones dying.

"Can't you just turn me immortal too then?"

The scoff threatened to break out but I reeled it back in. "You speak as if immortality is something you buy at a vegetable store."

"Can you?"

"Yes, however I won't."


"Because immortality is a curse. It is something all mortals would yearn for but the truth about its ugly side is revealed once you achieve it. You see all your mortal companions die. You realize that at some point you are no longer the person you wished to be. Your ambitions would lose meaning. In the end, you will watch everything around you wither over time."

"Not if I have someone by my side."

"And how long would that work? How long would the feelings stay fresh? How long until they lose their meaning? Can you say with confidence that the feelings you have for me will bring you happiness forever?"


She answered without a single ounce of hesitation yet it made me feel more depressed.

"I don't mean this metaphorically. Forever means forever, infinitely. There is no end to it. You just keep loving me even after the end of time. When reality comes knocking in, your dedication itself would fade."

"It won't." She adamantly said so, but I could only shake my head in response.

"Say what you want I won't turn you immortal."

"Do you have feelings for me?"

"…..I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to you."

"Love is not about one's happiness. It means that one would put themselves down if it means making their significant other happy. I'm willing to devote my entire life to you Eren. Would you not let me have my happiness?"

"See, when you say it like that…"

"I know I'm being selfish. I don't care if my death ends up hurting you in the end, but you have to understand that I'd die at some point even if we are not together. In the end, you WILL be hurt. So why not enjoy what little time you can have with me."

I don't know what came over me after that but when I came back to my senses, the 8-year-old girl was panting heavily with her mouth open.

(A/N: feels weird to write this. The things I do for you...)

The only indication of what occurred was a thin string of saliva connecting our mouths.

'It's good that I have enough restraint but...it won't hurt to just kiss right?'

Coming to a very logical conclusion, I went back to tasting her small lips and her unusually long tongue.


Guess who's back~ Back again~With chapter~ Have some sex~ Might Drop~ Pretty Soon~ Feeling pretty~ down the mood~ Give some stones and me make stoned