
Dropped His Dime

Yasmin Wilson is stuck between being in love with her current boyfriend Kevin who carries drama of his own interfering in his relationship choices. While Malik comes in trying to be her night and shining armor being problematic himself. Will she choose to be with Kevin or Malik.

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30 Chs

Chapter 15

I was sitting at my office in North Carolina that I expanded to after Kevin left me at the hospital. Malik exposed us but I wasn't feeling ashamed. I felt bad because I hurt him. I was sitting at my new desk on the phone with a customer when Trey walked in. I was still building this project in North Carolina but was now focus on my funds for the baby since Kevin planned on divorcing me. If he did then he'd have to know that everything he made or had was because of me. So he was in his feelings and ignoring me over the past few months so it time I moved on. I had my lawyer contact him to get my divorce papers started. Trey brought me a gift bag as well as some food. My favorite from a sushi restaurant around the corner I knew he was up to no good. He sat everything on my desk beginning to make small talk as I ate ignoring the gift bag because I was that hungry. He knew everything from my sister even though it didn't stop him from doing his business with me. I stuffed my mouth with food as I looked over mail placed on my desk throughout the week. Trey was asking me about the baby's likes and dislikes when it came to food because my sister was planning a baby shower for me. And he wanted to be involved as I stop eating to review one orange mail address to me from a courthouse in North Carolina. Surprisingly it was paperwork for me to sign my rights over to Kevin once I had the baby. The tears spread as Trey grabbed the mail to read it handing me a kleenex.

"I'm so sorry Yasmin I don't know what Kevin is thinking. But aside from this, I don't want to bother you anymore so I'm getting straight to the point. Malik is the reason I'm here he hasn't been himself lately. Malik is out there back to his old ways drinking drowning his sorrows to feel the space of being loved. Whether it's by his moms or you it's ruined him. Now I know that you arent with Kevin I thought that you'd help me."

I closed the food I was eating to pass it back to tell him to leave. Malik was too grown to be out there like that. That was the reason I never told him about the baby but my hormones made me foolish enough to lay down with him. Trey gave me the food back before walking out my office door. Before he left I told him after the work week I'd go back to Georgia to speak with him. But explain if he did or say anything out the way I wouldn't try again.

Friday came faster than I thought as I complete all my contracts to arrive in Georgia. I was getting bigger as I sized myself up in the car mirror looking at my face. I drove my car to Malik's house to knock on the door and no one answer noticing the grass had grown up to the front door. The lawn made the house look abandon as well as the beer cans that sat outside letting me know he was having multiple parts. Gaining the nerve to knock on the door I did to wait for someone to answer seeing a notice on the door. I turned the knob to see if it open and it did by surprise. I entered to see Malik's beard had grown unevenly and so was his hair as he lay on the couch with a girl beside him. I woke her to tell her to leave and tried waking him up multiple times. After trying I became aggravated I went to get some cold water in a pot to throw on him. The moment it hit his body he stood up and the blanket he had dropped showing his dick on shrinkage. I watched him spazz then beg for me to stay after realizing it's me. He struggled to walk to me letting me know he was still drunk.

"Damn Yasmin baby come here let me hit that one more time. I promise we can make things as one the right way."

His hand touched my breast trying to unbutton my polo collar shirt.

"Malik stop it your drunk."

"So what it wasn't no problem when Kevin broke your heart you didn't stop me from fucking you then."

I headed for the door knowing I was gone tell Trey I tried. Malik looked like he hadn't groomed himself in weeks as he went to take a sip of Henny out of a bottle. Changing my mind I played his games rushing over to take the bottle in the kitchen to pour it out in the sink. When I return he had on his underwear on going towards his bedroom. I followed behind him to see the receptionist from the company in his bed. He snapped his fingers to dismiss her out of the room as she got out to gather her things quickly. When she left he still ignored me as I followed him.

"Stop this bullshit Malik your better than this. Look at you putting everyone off to be alone fucking bitches who don't give a damn about you."

"Really like you care you just mad it's not you!"

"Please Malik save the shit for somebody else. You know that Kevin and I were still together even though we fucked. Yes, I was feeling you but after you were out here blowing money like I was some bitch you could buy I didn't want you in that way. But we both know we made a mistake that has us stuck together for life that part I don't regret. This baby ain't Kevin's it's yours your happy now. I'm fucking dealing with taking care of the baby on my own. And I don't blame you because I messed up. But you won't sit here and play the victim.

Malik smoked a blunt letting the smoke haze out his mouth. He paced back and forth apologizing over and over again. Our issues were solved the more we sat and talked. Then the conversation transitions to discussing this business project. It seemed time slowed down when I felt us smiling at each other. Quickly I felt a kick in my stomach. Malik asked me was okay when I stopped our conversation before I grabbed his hand to feel my belly. When he felt the kick he started smiling and talking to my belly getting on his knees beside me.

"Hey, my son or daughter I love you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you as I should be. Listen Daddy will be here will you come out in this world. I'll promise to love and protect you always."

A tear slide down my face as Malik wiped my tears.

"Malik we don't need you if you're going to keep this drinking nonsense up I found out about your addiction from Trey he's concerned.

"Okay, Yasmin I'll go to rehab long as I can be involved in my baby life."

Nodding I smiled at him before I asked him to groom himself because he looked terrible. We laughed before he hurried off to go into the bathroom as I wait for his return. I silently prayed to myself thinking that the Lord works in mysterious ways. Now I had to face Kevin to truly show him that he wasn't going to get my child even if he tried. The multiple times he's texted or called always ended with him only speaking on me being an unfit mother. And in his mind, he needed someone to take on his legacy with his work for the music label.