
Chapter 37: Heroes vs The Trash Krakken

(Quantic Universe Earth 139, New York City, Manhattan borough, June 4th, 2015, Steel Butterfly's voiceover POV as he writes in his Rorschach-inspired journal in frozen time once again...)

Steel Butterfly's journal.

June 4th, 2015.

This is the third and next-to-last journal entry for today.

As we stare up at the giant monstrosity known as the Trash Krakken, who happens to be a victim of unknown identity coming into contact with a toy, an octopus plushie no less, that was infected by an alien-like black substance not unlike the Venom Symbiote from Marvel Comics, the abomination of trash and mud stares down at us with the intent to kill.

I'm hoping and praying to the high angels of Heaven and to God Himself that my plan based on my foreknowledge of how to defeat the Trash Krakken and return him to normal will succeed, so that way, Ladybug, Cat Knight, and I can use our Miraculous Cures to return everything here in New York City back to normal.

On a slightly off-topic note, I've noticed that we are in the fourth and final issue of the Miraculous Adventures comic books. And I'm not talking about issue 8 being the final issues of Miraculous Adventures in this timeline, because if you go back to my first journal entry on the third of June, you'll memorize what I meant.

But seeing as how we're approaching the end of the Trash Krakken story arc, do you readers of my journal know what this means? This means that pretty soon, we're gonna be returning to Paris to fight Hawk Moth and his villains on the frontlines.

I hate leaving New York City for any reason, even though this New York City is not the one I grew up in.

But as far as I know, at the present time, Marinette and Adrien's clones are keeping their friends and family – except for Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng – distracted from finding out where the real ones really are.

In any case, I happen to have in mind something surprising for when we have to confront Nadia Chamack as Prime Queen.

Hopefully, my plan will succeed with little flaws or repercussions.

But I know for a fact that the Prime Queen incident will take place in one week from today, June the 11th, 2015.

I know this because I looked into the future and I learned about the exact date when the Prime Queen incident and episode will happen.

So, with that being said, I have the distinct feeling that me and my crew here in New York City helping the United Heroez defeat the Trash Krakken and return him to normal will buy people time to recuperate from the devastation that the Trash Krakken has caused so far. But it's only a matter of time before the next supervillain attack before the New York Special next year happens, complete with Mike Rochip, aka Techno-Pirate aka Techlonizer aka Miraclonizer terrorizing the city as an Akumatized villain with the added power of the Eagle Miraculous to help him out.


If Scarlet Moth isn't arrested on Heroes' Day on October 19th of this year with and/or without the Peacock Miraculous being used by Mayura to save her boos and the only man she has ever had a crush on for years before becoming his secretary, I will have no choice but to sadly use the rest of my foreknowledge in several segments of the remaining episodes leading up to the Season 5 two-parter episode and season finale known as The Last Day. Especially since on my Earth, because of Thomas Astruc f****** screwing up everything in season 4, season 5 was said to be the very last season of the Agreste family story arc with Gabriel stopping at absolutely nothing to revive his wife for himself instead of moving on like a real man.

Some people on my Earth have always said – because of Astruc – that as long as Gabriel is active as Hawk Moth, The Collector, Scarlet Moth, Shadow Moth, Shadow Noir, Dragon Moth, Tyranno Moth, Hawk Bug, Nightmare Chimera, Rooster Moth, and Monarch, Marinette and Adrien will continue making mistakes in the love square established from the Origins episodes and continue denying feelings for each others' alter-egos, only to get the negative results. Just like with Pennybug mistaking that f****** b****** Felix Fathom for Adrien when she used the Rabbit Miraculous to prevent "Adrien" from leaving on his fake world tour, thereby ruining whatever plans Felix and Adrien had for helping Adrien finally defy his father, partially thanks to Risk's powers and partially hinting that Adrien and Felix are Sentimonsters invented by Emilie Agreste just because she and her sister were possibly infertile and resulting in the Peacock Miraculous being damaged because of the amount of magic needed to create TWO Sentimonsters instead of just one.

Bah! Absurd! As far as I've seen in this timeline, Adrien and Felix are not Sentimonsters! And as far as I remember in more recent times, Adrien and Felix were confirmed to be real human beings. The first and biggest sign that Adrien and Felix aren't Sentimonsters is this in The Puppeteer 2: Marinette feeling "Statue Adrien's" skin only to find it warm. Besides, Sentimonsters don't have hearts to make them warm to the touch and they aren't vulnerable to cold temperatures like actual human beings are. Anyway, I might've been relieved back on my Earth when that rumor was debunked, but let's just say that if Adrien and Felix had turned out to be Sentimonsters and if Gabriel snapped them out of existence, only to be defeated and for Emilie Agreste to finally be buried, that would render the show all in itself useless. Futile. Impractical. Pointless. Purposeless. Hopeless. Fruitless. Unworkable for fanfictions. Junky. Impotent. Unavailing. Unimportant. And completely and utterly redundant.

But I would've had to digress before July and August of 2022 on my Earth; many people from my Earth have pointed out clues that could reveal in season 5 that Adrien and Felix are Sentimonsters.

But thankfully, in July of 2022 on my Earth, the dubbing director for Miraculous Ladybug confirmed that Adrien and Felix aren't Sentimonsters.

All the same, if that had turned out to be true, that means only one thing: neither Adrien nor Felix would ever be able to fertilize their spouses with babies.

Bleugh! Why did I have to say that out loud?! And why did I have to write that down in my journal?!

But in all seriousness, even if Marinette marries Sentimonster Adrien, they won't be able to have children because, as far as I have learned about Sentimonsters that resemble human beings, they can't impregnate actual human beings.

Thankfully, since Adrien and Felix aren't Sentimonsters in this timeline and like in the original timeline, we most certainly won't need to worry about that in the future.

But all the same, I still intend to make sure that Felix Graham de Vanily Fathom and his mother lead a much better life for themselves when Adrien attends his uncle Colt Fathom's funeral.

And if not, then... woe betide the lawyers for the Graham de Vanilys that try to protest when the Queen of England takes away Amelie and Felix's nobilities and other royal ranks during their treason trials as they get charged with their crimes related to the ones in season 4, season 5, and the fanfiction one shot, World Beyond Part II.

But no need to dwell on it right now, readers. We're not there just yet, and all of that is the future, so, it hasn't happened now.

No matter what happens, I'm also gonna make sure that Adrien knows that no matter what his relatives do, no matter what his familial ties are – especially if he disowns his father, his aunt, and his cousin – Adrien will always have a home in Paris with the girl he loves.

But I must be off now. To partially quote the great RoboCop, even after the Trash Krakken is defeated, somewhere there's a crime happening.

(Third person POV...)

Ladybug exclaims, "Hey, I thought we said we'd be playing in the big leagues right now, not the giant ones!"

Cat Noir replies, "Remember Steel Butterfly's plan!"

Lion Hunter then points at the octopus plushy inside the Trash Krakken's mass and asks, "LB, do you see that octopus plushy on his chest?"

Ladybug answers, "Oh yes, I see it! So that must be what Steel Butterfly was talking about when he explained his plan!"

Knightowl then asks, "(Deep voice) You're absolutely sure Butterfly's plan will work?"

Cat Noir and Bunnyx reply in unison, "Of course, Knightowl!" "Of course, Knightowl!"

Bunnyx adds, "And if neither plans work, I'll simply travel back in time to warn you guys. After all, Steel Butterfly trained me to be the hero of the last chance, with the power of time travel to be used only as a last resort."

Knightowl replies, "(Deep voice) Very well. Now, listen carefully, fledglings. We're going to synchronize our attacks so we don't cross feathers: while three of us are busy attacking the Trash Krakken from a ways off to attain his attention, the fourth will swipe his stuffed animal."

Ladybug, Cat Noir, Sparrow, Bunnyx, Lion Hunter, Rhinocharge, Corvo, Cat Knight, and Blueclaw start snickering and laughing in unison, "Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh." "Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee." "(Deep voice) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha." "Ahh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" "Ha he ha he ha he ha he ha he ha he ha he ha he ha he ha he ha ha he ha ha he ha he ha he ha!" "Hahaha hehehehehe! Ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That's rich!" "Dah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" "Mwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That's hilarious!" "Ahh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day!"

Purple Changer, Venus Avian, Thorn Bullet, and Undefeated Savior were also laughing hard at what Knightowl had to say.

Knightowl face plams as she bemoans, "(Deep voice) Swipe his stuffed animal. Geez, I can't believe I just had to say it."

Of course, everyone noticed that Steel Butterfly was the only one who wasn't laughing, signifying that he doesn't find Knightowl's embarrassment to be humorous. Not at all.

Steel Butterfly says, "I don't find any of this funny, you guys. I mean, neither one of you would find it funny if you were in Knightowl's position at that moment. I triple dog dare you to prove me wrong."

Everyone else looked sheepish, even Sparrow despite the fact that she was disguised as a teenage male version of herself and despite the fact that she has a mask with goggles over her face with a hat on her head.

Pushing the matter aside, Knightowl states, "(Deep voice) If the swiping attempt doesn't work, do not remain within his reach. Move away immediately and let someone else take over while you attack from a distance to cover them."

Ladybug, Cat Noir, Bunnyx and Sparrow reply in unison, "Got it!" "Got it!" "Got it!" "(Deep voice) Got it!"

Ladybug exclaims, "Lucky Charm!" and her Lucky Charm object this time is a chewing gum that looked like a type that was cancelled in the 1950s for being too sticky.

Knightowl explains, "(Deep voice) Hey, that's a hardball! Genuine American chewing gum! They were banned in the nineteen fifties because they get way too sticky if they stay in the open air for too long after chewing them. If one of those things gets stuck underneath a table, you'll never be able to get it off! And trust me when I say this. That is not exactly candy for fledglings! You need real sturdy American jaws to chew these bad boys!"

Ladybug replies while attempting to hand the gum to Knightowl, "Perfect! Start chewing!"

Eye lenses slightly widened, Knightowl asks, "(Deep voice) But... I can't remove my mask! What about my secret identity...?"

Ladybug replies back, "Sir, with all due respect, we're running out of time!"

Knightowl asks again, "(Deep voice) How about you? Couldn't you chew it?"

Ladybug replies, "Have you even seen the size of this thing? It'd never fit in my mouth! Not unless I was able to extend my jaw like a snake!"

Knightowl replies, "(Deep voice) Very well. But you have to swear that you'll never tell anyone what you're all about to see."

Receiving several nods, Knightowl removes her mask, revealing to the heroes that Knightowl is a woman using a voice modulator and a male version of her Knightowl suit to hide her gender by making everyone think she was a muscular man.

Ladybug, Cat Noir, Bunnyx, Lion Hunter, Rhinocharge, Corvo, Blueclaw, Cat Knight, Purple Changer, Venus Avian, Undefeated Savior, and Thorn Bullet remark in unison, "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!" "Whoaaa!"

Everyone notices Steel Butterfly's neutral expression, prompting Corvo to ask, "Aren't you surprised?"

Steel Butterfly answers, "Not even a little."

Barbara Keynes/Knightowl sighs in relief and she remarks before ordering, "(Normal voice) The things we do to save the world, huh? Come on! Give me that gum, kid."

Ladybug replies while handing Knightowl the gum, "Yes sir... ma'am... I mean..."

As Knightowl starts chewing the gum, Steel Butterfly interjects, "No time to dwell on it now!"

Everyone hears Cat Noir purring at the sight of Knightowl with her mask off, and even Ladybug could tell that Cat Noir couldn't resist purring even though Barbara Keynes was extremely attractive.

Everyone could see that Cat Noir was thinking about trying to flirt with Knightowl despite not knowing or perhaps ignoring the fact that she was several years older than him.

Steel Butterfly smacks Cat Noir in the head hard enough to make him knock it off.

Knightowl slightly chuckles at the sight.

Knightowl takes out the gum and Ladybug exclaims, "Hurry, stick the gum onto my yoyo!"

Knightowl does so and puts her mask back on.

Steel Butterfly calls out, "All right, everyone! Get ready!"

Knightowl says into her communicator, "(Deep voice) Knightowl to Majestia, stop everything! Steel Butterfly and his crew gave us the solution! Apparently!"

Majestia stops everyone.

Ladybug throws the gum yoyo at the octopus plushy and at a ledge.

Knightowl calls out while yanking on the yoyo, "(Deep voice) Hold tight, kid! I'll help you!"

Ladybug exclaims, "Cat Noir, you're up!"

Cat Noir replies, "Well, here goes nothing!"

Cat Noir throws himself straight at the yanked Mr. Squid octopus plushy toy and activates his Cataclysm, destroying the entire toy altogether.

The Trash Krakken explodes, releasing everything and everyone it ever absorbed while simultaneously returning Kenya's unnamed father back to normal.

A green-suited female hero asks, "Where are we?"

A grey-suited hero also asks, "What happened?"

Sparrow remarks, "(Deep voice) Oh my."

Cat Noir holds his head as he groans, "Ooh, my head."

Ladybug reels in the octopus plushy and remarks, "Come here, little cuddly octopus!"

Ladybug grabs the toy, looks at it, and exclaims in disgust before asking, "Ew! It's all sticky! It looks like tar... but with glitter in it?!"

Steel Butterfly answers, "Yeah, it's some kind of black substance not unlike the Venom Symbiote from Marvel Comics, but back on my Earth, no official information was revealed on what it is whatsoever."

Ladybug asks, "Not even after the show ended?"

Steel Butterfly shakes his head no as he adds, "And not even after the eighth issue of Miraculous Adventures was published due to the fact that issues 6 and 8 were literally not released in the United States of my Earth until sometime in the 2030s, and it turned out to be the very last one in the comic book series."

Thankful that nobody except the rest of their Parisian team was listening, Ladybug purifies the toy.

Ladybug and Steel Butterfly approach the man and Steel Butterfly inquires, "What's your name, sir?"

The man answers before asking, "Kenneth Oliver. But what happened? What am I doing here?"

Ladybug answers, "Something got a hold of you. We're not exactly sure on what it was, though. What can you remember?"

A flashback plays out as Kenneth voices over, "I was taking my daughter Kenya to the hospital and there was road construction on the way. My little Kenya accidentally dropped her plushie down the drain. I promised her I'd get it back for her. So, I went down into the sewers, and I searched for hours..."

Ladybug asks, "Then what?"

Kenneth answers, "And then I finally found Mr. Squid soaked in a puddle that looked like tar with glitter in it. When I picked it up, the puddle started moving as if it was alive. Then it reared up like a wave of water and went inside the plushy. I don't remember anything after that."

Knightowl then comes up with Sparrow and Cat Noir on her shoulders and remarks, "(Deep voice) Thank you, citizen. All of this precious information will be able to shed some light on the matter at hand."

Ladybug remarks with Steel Butterfly and Cat Knight standing by her sides, "Do you still wanna see the superhero '"cleanup crew"' in action?"

Knightowl replies, "(Deep voice) I think '"the most incredible superheroes of all time"' would be a more appropriate title."

Ladybug, Steel Butterfly and Cat Knight put their hands on the chewing gum and throw it up in the air while shouting in unison, "MIRACULOUS CURE!" "MIRACULOUS CURE!" "MIRACULOUS CURE!"

The Miraculous Cures consisting of ladybugs, butterflies and cats swarm around New York City and fix all of the damages that the Trash Krakken caused, with several New York citizens saying, "Oooh!" "Wow!" "It's beautiful!" "Everything's fixed!"

Every member of the United Heroez looked on in shock, awe, and amazement as the magical ladybugs, cats and butterflies repaired and restored everything that was ever broken or destroyed by the Trash Krakken while simultaneously spreading all throughout the Manhattan borough to repair old, worn and torn buildings and make them look and feel brand new. At the same time, the streets of New York from one avenue and address to another became brand new as well. The cracks, potholes and sinkholes of the streets in the city became brand new while all of the trash cans, recycling bins, and litter all over the sidewalks, streets, and beaches left behind by humans being wasteful were suddenly vacated, the trash cans and recycling bins being filled with new resources, the beach waters being purified, and the litter from the sidewalks and streets was all gone.

Rotten and expired food in different pantries that were never eaten were made fresh and edible once again, and all sorts of food cupboards, refrigerators and other food storages were immediately filled with all sorts of fresh groceries and nonperishables. Every apartment complex in Manhattan had new, fresher coats of paint on them and structurally sound foundations. Every kitchen tool was now in brand-spanking new working order and every piece of clothing was now de-aged, and also made of the finest, durable and cozy materials.

At the same time, however, people all across the city would suddenly find out that their wallets, credit cards, and pockets had large amounts of money in them along with green-red cards that, when the checks and balances were asked of, would display that everyone across the borough had immediately garnered nine hundred thousand dollars, including and excluding the money in their wallets, credit cards, and pockets.

And of course, malnourished bird waste disappeared from NYC rooftops, new structures came into existence with sheltered ledges and fresh, healthy food, accompanied by native plant life for the feral bird populations of the city. Alongside that, the combined Miraculous cures inoculated the bird populations of their diseases and other kinds of parasites.

All sorts of feral and stray outdoor cats were instantaneously teleported into a ginormous adoption center which resembles a forest on the inside of the structure. Every cat in it was spay neutered, cured of all diseases and other kinds of illnesses that plagued their species. And the cats in the adoption center were also all safely microchipped, and fitted with collars which would magically and instantly teleport them back into the adoption centers if they wandered away without being on a leash.

Even rare cats like Abyssinian cats were shown being born and cared for by the robotic workers and by the human workers, only to be spayed, neutered, and vaccinated from the various illnesses and diseases that threatened cats for centuries.

All of the plants in New York were made fresh and fully sprouted, with all of the invasive enemy plants completely reduced to ashes that blew away in the winds.

Next to that, the local and nearby public schools were soon to find their infrastructures were now upgraded and easy to access, with the spaces extended, the quantity and quality of their resources and learning materials increased, and their budget upgraded substantially.

At the same time, all of the works of art in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Natural History and other major and trivial museums were replaced with flawless duplicates, and the real ones were returned to their home countries.

Rents and mortgages were immediately paid to the fullest and lots of space was made for new buildings. And these buildings were flawlessly perfected full-sized apartment buildings with the keys to each apartment door materializing in the pockets of everyone in the city, including homeless people who were either raised in the streets or otherwise kicked out of their homes for multiple different and similar reasons.

The rat population was somewhat reduced to ashes but not that much.

The city's natural habitats were also increased for the wildlife, not just in the city parks, but also in the deepest and smallest parts of the city.

And in conclusion, all sorts of things old, broken and destroyed were all made brand new and de-aged.

Even Victory was shocked at seeing the Miraculous Cures in action, for even she didn't anticipate that the Miraculous Cures were gonna be this powerful.

Steel Butterfly gapes at the sight before him before slightly jogging down the street and exclaiming, "YEAH! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! AMAZING!"

Steel Butterfly does the You Should Be Dancing dance from Despicable Me all without hurting himself, much to the amazement and amusement of the other heroes and to the citizens of New York who started cheering for their heroes.

Composing himself, Steel Butterfly asks, "Corvo, can you give Kenneth a lift to the hospital where his daughter is?"

Corvo nods.

Corvo takes Kenneth's hand and flies him to the hospital.

At the hospital, Kenya sees her father and she exclaims, "Daddy!"

Kenneth shows Mr. Squid and says, "Sweetie! I found Mr. Squid!"

Kenya hugs her plushy and exclaims, "I knew you'd find him!"

Soon, news outlets in New York were swarming with reports of how "the legendary Steel Butterfly and his crew teleported from Paris, France to help the United Heroez in New York with defeating the Trash Krakken while improving everything wrong with the city."

Meanwhile, on a New York City rooftop, Knightowl remarks, "(Deep voice) They were incredible. Those guys and gals are nothing short of miraculous!"

Sparrow remarks, "(Deep voice) And Cat Noir's no clown either. If it weren't for them, a lot of us wouldn't be here now. Ladybug and Cat Noir make an awesome couple in their superhero team!"

Ladybug looks at them and replies, "Well, er, we may be a couple, but we don't show it in our superhero guises in public so that Hawk Moth won't take advantage of it."

Cat Noir takes Ladybug in his arms and they passionately kiss, making everyone in the United Heroez drop their jaws and widen their eyes.

But before they could do or say anything else, Steel Butterfly remarks with an evil sharp smile, "You were gonna tease them, weren't you?"

Knightowl, Sparrow and Majestia start hemming and hawing in response as they try to find a good excuse.

Steel Butterfly cackles maniacally in his Ghost Rider-style voice, slightly making even Knightowl scared, as evidenced by the owl-themed superhero taking a step back in actual fear.

This particularly surprised Steel Butterfly, as everyone, including him, knew that Knightowl wasn't ever afraid of anything.

Bunnyx states, "Okay, big boss, no need to scare them."

Steel Butterfly shrugs sheepishly, showing that he didn't mean to scare the American heroes.

Knightowl, Majestia and Uncanny Valley then say respectively, "(Deep voice) You guys did a great job!" "That was nice work!" "(Deep voice) You're all awesome!"

While his teammates were flattered, Steel Butterfly smiled broadly, showing his blunted omnivorous teeth as his cape billows proudly in the slightly soft wind he made blow.

Even the heroes were surprised at seeing Steel Butterfly's cape billowing in the soft wind while his retractable wings were spread broadly like an armored angel assimilating his dominance on a biblical battlefield.

Ladybug then says, "That's too much. But seriously, we all played a part. It was true teamwork! In fact, as we say back home..."

The eighteen heroes fist bump as they call out in unison, "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "Pound it!" "(Deep voice) Pound it!" "(Deep voice) Pound it!" "Pound it!"

Doorman then opens a doorway back to the Seine river shore in Paris and says, "Steel Butterfly, Ladybug, Cat Noir, Lion Hunter, Rhinocharge, Blueclaw, Corvo, Cat Knight, Bunnyx, Purple Changer, Venus Avian, Thorn Bullet, Undefeated Savior, this way, please."

Ladybug then exclaims before handing a piece of the black substance to Victory and explaining, "Wait! Here! This is what was left behind from the infected toy that started this whole mess. We should have it analyzed so that way we know where it came from and what precisely it is so that way, we can be prepared in case something like what we experienced today happens again."

Majestia replies, "Well, whatever it is, if it does happen again, we certainly know who we can call for additional reinforcements!"

Victory salutes the heroes of Paris and replies as well, "Return home without fear. We'll have our best proficient scientists look into it!"

After the team says their final goodbyes, Steel Butterfly looks back, extends his butterfly-slash-bird-slash-bat-slash-dragonfly-slash-dragon wings broadly, and thrusts his hand into the air, summoning a lightning strike as he exclaims, "TILL ALL ARE ONE!"

Steel Butterfly goes through the door portal.

In Paris, as the sun is beginning to set, Cat Noir remarks, "Well, at least we'll go sightseeing during the New York Special next year. All the same, what a nice little romantic trip! We should do it more often."

Ladybug replies, "Yeah, you're right. I enjoyed this little escapade with you!"

Ladybug hugs Cat Noir and kisses him.

Everyone then notices Steel Butterfly... standing off to the side, slightly looking like he's about to cry.

None of the heroes had ever seen Steel Butterfly cry before except for Ladybug.

Almost everyone assumed he was nearly emotionless on rare occasions, but if seeing Steel Butterfly's eyes behind his helmet glistening with tears about to be shed was any indication, let's just say that his teammates were in for a big shock.

As soon as the first tears started falling, Steel Butterfly removes his helmet, takes out a hanky, blows his nose, and wipes his tears before composing himself.

Bunnyx asks, "You alright, SB?"

Steel Butterfly nods and answers, "Yeah, it's just... on my Earth, I hated the very notion of leaving New York City for any reason. I mean, it's where I grew up on my Earth. And not only that, but also, my residence back on my Earth had easy access for Saint Nicholas to enter on Christmas Eve. I had enough space for food, for my electronics, for my Transformers toys, for my superhero/Halloween costumes, for my books, for my comic books, for my video games, for my exercise equipment, for my clothes, for my slightly wealthy savings, and for the materials that I would ever need for making anything in general. But now that I'm stuck on your Earth with no way back without finding a way to keep my memories intact or to prevent the timeline from shifting back to normal to match the Quantic Universe Earth Prime timeline, let's just say there's nothing I'll be able to do in order to regain my possessions."

Corvo comes up and cups Steel Butterfly's less armored face before pulling him in for a kiss.

Bunnyx secretly frowned, hinting that she has a crush on her leader despite having been aromantic her whole life and despite having kissed Kim on the cheek just after the fight with Replay twenty-four hours ago.

But nobody seemed to notice Bunnyx's secret frown.

After the two heroes break the kiss, Steel Butterfly then says, "My fellow heroes, we have just had our first major victory in a location other than Paris, and if my foreknowledge is correct, we'll have approximately two more next year during the Shanghai Special and the New York Special! But now, it's time to go home in order for us to rest, to recuperate, to eat something, to drink a lot of water, to shower for a few minutes, and to get ourselves ready for the Prime Queen episode next week. Is everybody ready for the sendoff?"

Everyone replies in unison, "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!"

Steel Butterfly rises into the sky as he shouts, "AUTOBOTS, TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT!"

Steel Butterfly and the heroes took off to their homes.

Steel Butterfly arrives at his primary lair, detransforms, feeds Leppey, and turns on the Get Ready For This song on his radio before starting to dance.

Miguel does the Vogue Dance, the Dougie Dance, The Twist, The Carlton Dance, the Single Ladies Dance, the Floss Dance, the Cat in the Hat 2003 dance strut, the Robot Dance, the Gangnam Style Dance, and the Moonwalk while singing along to the lyrics perfectly while imitating the voices.

Then, Miguel treats himself to some apple slices, orange slices, sliced strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and carrot sticks.

(Steel Butterfly's voiceover POV as he writes in his Rorschach-inspired journal in his lair...)

Steel Butterfly's journal.

June 4th, 2015.

Final journal entry today.

We actually did it!

We returned the Trash Krakken back to normal!

And it gets better: we found out the identity of Kenya's father. Kenneth Oliver.

Huh. Makes sense in this timeline. Must be something related to my ability to break the 4th wall.

In any case, in one week from today is June 11th, and coincidentally, that day is the Prime Queen incident.

Hhhaaa. How I hate Nadia Chamack and Arlette.

The reason for that and my plans for the Prime Queen incident will be revealed when that day comes.

But now, I must be ready for the day Nadia Chamack contacts us heroes for an interview on Face to Face.

But in all seriousness, I'm kinda depressed that the Miraculous Adventures comic book story arc is ending right now.

I had so much fun taking down Replay, Silurus, and the Trash Krakken.

But like people say, beggars can't be choosers.

Anyway, I will be honest; I feel like my team's path and the path of the United Heroez will cross again during the New York Special episode next year. With and without Hawk Moth being behind bars.

Until that day comes, we're gonna have to progress through the days ahead until we can fully establish a newly revived Order of the Guardians with every missing Miraculous jewel properly reunited with their Miracle Boxes and with the Order completely in the shadows of the world once more.

It's only a matter of time before that does happen.

Until then, we're gonna make do with what we have.