
Quadruple Chaos

Chance charged on ahead toward Lark, he fired a curved shot before moving forward, the energy from Showdown running through his legs. 

Lark dodged the bullet from Showdown, and he began to spray the streets with his bullets from the Ripper. McSweeney reacted, and he jumped to the sidelines of the street, before he whipped out Sucker Punch, and fired a giant shot at the top hat wearing Hellfire Arm user. 

He budged slightly, and was pushed to the side, but Lark shrugged it off, shaking his head before he aimed the Ripper at the HAST member. 

"Tough guy." McSweeney compared Lark to Graham, oh how things were much easier way back then in Morissey. He ran to the left of the street, before the Ripper's bullets started to catch up, and began to tore parts of his pants. 

He winced in pain at the bullets passing by his skin, each tip of each bullet felt a thousand stings from hornets.