
Chapter Two

When Anderson woke up once again, he realized that he was a in a different place compared to before.

The bed he was lying on was much softer and smoother than he was used to. The room he was in was also decorated with many different trinkets and memorabilia, some of which were decorated with gems and silver.

„Where am I?" Anderson muttered to himself, astonished. Suddenly an amused voice sounded out from the doorway: „ You are in my house, i saved you after those damn bombs fell from the sky."

An elderly man stepped into the room, dressed in loose robes in green and blue. „Huuh, who are you mister? What do you mean bombs?" Anderson was confused, after all, no one he knew was as old as this guy, with his white hair and wrinkly face.

The oldest person he knew was his neighbour Erwin the third, who was around fifty, and he only had strands of white hair, not like him with only white hair.

The old man sighed solemnly: „ I'm just a recluse here in the forest, perhaps I was someone once but now I'm only an old man. How are you by the way, when I found you, you were just lying on the ground."

„Ah! I'm fine By the way, Mister, Have you seen my friend? We were playing hide and seek."

„Ahaha, well what does he look like?" „Like me!" The old man was amused.

„That doesn't help much. There are thousands of little boys like you. But no, I only saw you in the forest. Maybe you can check your village." „Aww man, okay byee Mister! By the way what's your name?" Anderson asked while getting out of the bed and heading to the door.

„I'm Egmund and be careful on your way home!" „Thanks for helping me Egmund!" And with that Anderson was gone, running all the way back to his village