
The Return (I)

"Zero!" Agnis cried out, delighted, as she ran over towards him. Her hair was messy from the ordeal, but that didn't stop her. She still looked beautiful, even if her hair looked clean or not.

"Zero! You did it! That was amazing!" With an excited glee, she hugged his neck, dangling on it as if her life depended on it.

Zero couldn't help but be surprised that she took the initiative to get so close to him; it made him uncomfortable. The angle of her chest was especially prominent because of her armor. If he didn't know her well enough, he would've thought she did it on purpose, but he knew she was just caught up in the excitement of taking down a monster.

"Well...uh…" Zero thought if dragons could get embarrassed and turn red, this was the time. He could feel his cheeks turning red.

"Your last attack was sooooo cool!" Agnis eyes were twinkling towards Zero as if he was some dragon messiah.

"Thanks." Zero sheepishly stated. He glanced away, trying to get his eyes away from her stare. But, if he stared too long, he felt a strange urge to kiss her there just for the hell of it. Then the thought made him turn even redder as his body shifted side-to-side in embarrassment.

Zero couldn't believe he wanted to kiss her again! His damn raging dragon hormones! He blamed everything on his growth spurt and the heat of the moment.

His friends started to come over, bloodied and tired. Even the other players, who didn't know we were still alive, came over with a smile.

"Great job!" One of the elven players gave him a thumbs up.


"We did it!" Another threw up their hands in excitement at their gain.

More and more people and the Elven army swarmed around Zero. Even General Liam came over with a happy expression on his face. It was a truly momentous occasion to slay the Demon General Behemoth. Something like this with a small army was unheard of, especially against something so powerful and large.

"That only counts as one!" Jorge yelled, grumbling about how he still had a decent amount of kills under his belt.

Zero couldn't help but chuckle at Jorge's competitive nature, but he still was glad that the fight was over. Going after more monsters were suicide, especially when he didn't have any health potions on him. Surviving against Behemoth was teeth-grindingly difficult, to the point that he thought many times over he would get squashed and die. He thought he would get squished to death in the last attack. That would've been a horrible way to die.

General Liam cleared his throat, straightened up, and began a speech. "Today is a joyous occasion. We have slayed the great Behemoth of legends!"

Cheers went around the group at what General Liam had said as they raised their weapons in the air.

"We would not have been able to accomplish this amazing feat without the help of the Drezo Regalia!"

The people cheered in excitement.

"For they have shown us what it is to fight once again with the ancient dragons of history." General Liam breathed; he held up his head high. Then he reached over to his storage accessory and pulled out the Holy Cloak.

Zero just got a good look at the Holy Cloak. The cloak was something that Zero could tell at a glance was very powerful. Powerful energy radiated off the cloak, making anyone who stood near it feel its holy radiance. Even the golden sheen on the back sparkled like stars, while the pure white feathered collar wrapped around the neck, with a tassel hanging down the front.

Zero wondered what kind of status effect it would give. He expected it to have a powerful bonus from just gazing upon it and being in its presence. But, instead, just from being around it, he could feel his body slightly rejuvenating as if it was healing his stamina.

"With our goal accomplished, we can return to our queen with our heads held up high!" General Liam stated proudly. He then let the others take a couple of second look at the Holy Cloak before he put it away. "Now," His eyes sparkled towards Zero and Agnis, who were still dangling off Zero's neck. "As our elven custom, a battle maiden must bless our hero with a kiss of victory."

Agnis's jaws dropped, and her eyes darted from General Liam and back at Zero. She then slid down onto the ground, fumbling for words. "Wait, there is such a custom?!"

"Yes." General Liam started with a straight face. He nodded and waited for Agnis to do what he had stated.

Agnis was curious if she should go ahead and do what General Liam had stated or ask again if he was kidding.

"Bless the dragon!" Someone in the elven army called loudly, cutting through the quiet air. The others started to chant along with the others, becoming a deafening roar. "Bless the dragon! Bless the dragon! Bless the dragon!" The people started to chant in excitement.

Zero wasn't sure what to do or to think. He was shocked that he got his secret desires answered or that this was all a dream. However, the thought of that one kiss he did with her out of helping her out was brought back to his memory, making him relive that moment.

Jorge, Sekka, and Valiant snickered, looking at Zero as if he was the luckiest dragon in the world. Reed smacked Valiant in the head, glaring at him for being stupid. Valiant gave Reed a what-the-hell-did-you-do-that-for look, making him frown that he didn't get what she was implying without words. Leaf sighed, shaking his head at the two as he sat on Seka's back.

On the other hand, Zeraph didn't pay much attention to the crowd and was doing his little investigation around the dead Behemoth.

Agnis was frozen in place; she crinkled her beautiful face into a frown and sighed. She waved Zero down, telling him to bring his large dragon head down.

At first, Zero wasn't sure if he should move forward fast to get there and receive her kiss or go down slowly and ponder the whole thing. His thoughts were fried, debating on what he should do. He didn't realize until now that he had a crush on her after that incident. Being protective around her and even keeping the other guys away without her noticing.

It just was too obvious to him that he had fallen for her. At times, he thought she caught on to his little charade, but she was oblivious. Then he pushed his claim a little stronger, snapping at the dragons for being too expressive with her, which was a bit inappropriate. The male baby dragons were the dangerous ones; he had to spit fire at them and light their butt on flames to keep them from diving head-first into her chest. Though, he had to admit that they were quite fluffy.

Just when he was overthinking this again, he heard Agnis yell.

"Zero!" Agnis called him out again, getting impatient that he wasn't moving. Finally, sheFinally, she commanded her head to drop near her height so she could get the kiss over.

Zero tilted his head, confused about what she wanted. He lowered a bit too quickly but not fast enough to bump her. When his large head arrived at face level, he felt antsy. This was Agnis that he was crushing over; those beautiful green eyes stared back at him straight into him as if she was staring into his very soul.

Everyone started to settle down, their eyes glued to the scene as if it was a live drama. Zero could hear a couple of gulps at the thought of what would happen next.

Agnis's hands raised, cupping his large dragon head in her soft hand. He shuddered as she gently touched his throat. Then, slowly, she leaned forward. Zero gulped, unable to take his eyes off her. Suddenly, he couldn't see her face anymore because his snout was in the way, making him want to twist to see what she would do. But, before he could, he felt soft, warm lips gently pecking at him.