
Aftereffects of Stormy Night

Navi stirred with the chirping of the birds . Hardeep also woke up but pretended to sleep, just to see her reaction.

Navi was all cuddled up with him, her hand moving up and down the hard wall of abs.

She shrieked, " hey get up what are you doing here??" The moment she opened her eyes.

Hardeep opened his eyes and looked up her with innocence in his expression," good morning my beautiful, you know better, I was just giving you head massage, as you were suffering from fever last night, but you took full advantage of it and made me lie with you. Above all, you do you know what you did?? You kept fondling me, ohy I lost my bachelorhood to you!!! You are now responsible for me !!"

He feigned with a smirk.

Navi had big tears in her eyes ," no, how could I, I'm a sensible person, you must have stopped me, even if I did what you say, "

"AhI don't believe you".

" don't believe me, see still you're half lying on , need I say more!!!"

"So, I've the habit of cuddling up with my teddy bear, so is it my fault that you are lying here , hovering over me".

"Did you cross any limits???? Answer me," screeching like a cat she asked..

"Ha, as if I could", remembering and savouring those moments. He gently shifted her away from him as he could feel his hardness down there.

After regaining composure, he took a deep breath and said, " Now tell me how are you feeling? Any headache or body ache ? "

Touching her forehead he said," well no fever but still you're on a complete bed rest, till the next instructions from the doctor".

"But what about office, it's still my probation period of internship going on.!!!"

" Don't worry, I've granted you three days leave".


"Now go and get freshen up and then sit here you'll be served breakfast in your room only. No exertion. And yes our war is on hold". Saying so he smirked and turned around to go to his room to freshen up but before that he caught the pillow poorly aimed at him in the mid air.

"Twenty minutes and your time starts now, you've to take medicine also or else get ready for injection."

" Nah, not at all, I'll be back in bed by fifteen minutes, no injection please" and she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

On the other hand, Radha was feeling uncomfortable so she called Hardeep and asked about Navi and him. Hardeep told her that everyone is fine, not wanting to spoil her vacation.

" Ok aunty, I've to get ready for the office and I think Navi is also getting ready. Once we reach the office I'll ask her to call you. "

" Ok beta take care,and yes don't forget to wear warm clothes as it gets cold in the evenings, Navi is careless about her health or else she might get a fever."

" Done, sure now you enjoy your much awaited get together and don't worry about here but before we end up the call please forward my regards to all"..

Hardeep quickly ended the call and then after thinking about last night he called his dad as he was much closer to him than his mom.

" Dad, how are you doing??? "

"Missing me , sunny boy???? "

" No, no not at all, I've been trying to manage things in the office. By the way, I called you to tell you that I've fallen for a girl head over heels. Do you agree , without asking me the details??? " I said in a lighter mode.

" No matter what, I trust you beta, and I know the girl you are talking about. She's Radha's niece, her best friend's daughter. "

" Dad please stop it, and guide me for the next step"

" Don't worry my boy, let me me spill the beans"

" Spill the Beans, what do you mean by that …???"

"Beta, actually we elders wanted you to know her, as your mom , Radha g and Navi's mom are childhood friends, so you know we thought if only things could work out then we can have a talented daughter for our aggressive CEO man.. well you know, we have already selected her as our daughter not as a daughter in law, but remember she is also obscure about the situation till now.

Beta don't tell her anything, wait for ten more days as Radha bhabhi n Mandeep are planning to visit us and of course Navi's parents on FaceTime. You better control your emotions and try to behave normally."

" Oo dad my bestie, you've removed the biggest hindrance of my new love life. Actually you know me too well. It seems I'll be able to breathe again without any shades of the past . "

" Forget it beta, then also I told you these breakups are the part of college times and you're my gem . If a girl rejects you it's her hard luck that girl Gagan never deserved you, though we should not speak ill about anyone let bygones be bygones I am happy for you my boy and just have faith in Almighty everything will be in your favour and then my boy just wait for the surprise you are going to get tomorrow ok I won't tell you more and good luck behave yourself love you and blessings".

After the phone got disconnected, Hardeep called Jenny through the intercom and asked to bring breakfast to Navi's room.

Once again he controlled his uncontrolled emotions and then with a poker face he went to her room .

Entering the room he inhaled the Jasmine fragrance, and bumped into Navi, who was opening the door to find out what took him so long.

" Hey you told me to get ready within twenty minutes and see you are late by ten minutes, " but all Hardeep could see was the lush pink lips moving and seemed inviting him. He just brushed past her and to cover his feelings he once again tried to turn aloof.

" It's my wish, I'm not sick, you're and otherwise also",( "I don't mean it my heart") he murmured in his mind.

"Jenny thanks for the breakfast", he said once she brought the toast, butter and jam. Navi's all time favourite breakfast