
Dreamy Detective: help solve my murder!

Help, i was murdered by someone! I can't remember who though. Perhaps the dreamy detective from next door to where I used to live can help? But what's this? I can only possess mens bodies? Time to see if the Dreamy detective likes men!

rebecca_berry · Fantasía
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I'm Dead?

I don't remember dying. Well that's a bit of a lie. I do remember pain, and my blood, sticky on my fingers, with that metallic smell. I remember thinking how unfair it all was. After all, I had only just convinced my mother that it was safe for me to be living alone in the city. She always worried about me, the only girl in a family of 9 boys. I guess she had a right to be, because I can see that I am dead. After all there really is only one explanation for why you are now able to walk through walls and no one can see you.

I tried to talk to everyone in the hospital room, but no one seems able to either see me or hear me, not even my mother who is sobbing over the body in the room that I have just noticed. I look better than I ever thought I would, if it wasn't gor the gaping hole that you could see in my chest.

I tried to comfort mom, even as my hand passed through my mother's shoulder.

Then, I noticed there was someone else in the room. It was the dreamy detective, my next door neighbor!

I never knew his name as he tended to keep to himself, and I was always too busy with university to make friends. But I had notices him. It was hard not to. He looked as though he had stepped out of a Calvin Klein ad with his short wavy blonde hair and blue eyes that you felt like you wanted to just have stare into your own for hours.

The only thing I knew about him for sure was that he was a detective. I had thought that when I noticed the. fact that he ran his agency right next door that it would make this a safe neighborhood. I guess I had been wrong.

There was only one thing I could think of now, I didn't feel as though I could move on to whatever was next until I figured out what had happened, and the only way that was going to happen was if I could get Dreamy's attention. But how was I going to do that?

Just as I was thinking that, a male nurse came into the room, stepping right through me.


Did I just do that? Did I take over that man's body?