
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Cómic
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80 Chs

Chapter 69: Final Meeting

Second Chapter!


Forty-five minutes later a portal appeared just outside of Brooke town from which Izumi and Kyouko stepped crossed. After walking for five minutes, they showed their status plates to the guard after hiding their stats and made their way to the inn. Once inside, they walked up to the rooms to find Hajime. Using his senses, Izumi had easily found their room and knocked on the door. But before he could do so, the door opened revealing Yue.

"Miyamura. Hori." the girl greeted with her usual muted voice.

"Hello, Yue/ Yue."

"Come in"

Once the couple entered, they saw the whole party waiting for them.

"Thanks for waiting guys," Izumi said.

He then kneeled and touched the floor. A red magic circle appeared on the floor before a wave of mana spread into the room.

"What was that?" asked Tio.

"Soundproof bounded field. Spatial Magic has made it easier to create." Izumi replied whilst Kyouko nodded.

"Here, have a seat," Shea said as she brought two chairs for the duo.

They both sat down and Hajime spoke.

"You did something to yourself," Hajime stated.

Izumi shrugged,

"Looks like it didn't fool you, huh?"

"Eh? What do you mean?" asked Kaori.

"It is true. Your mana has grown tremendously. Just what did you do for your reserves to jump this high in a single day?" asked Tio.

"Hn," said Yue.

Izumi kept his grin and turned to Hajime,

"What do you think?"

It didn't take a long time for the older boy to figure it out before he sat up abruptly.

"So that's why you needed the Ambrosia."

"Wait? What did he do?" Shea asked.

Izumi simply shifted his body's appearance to the one he had right after eating the monster meat using an illusion.

"Does this appearance look familiar?"

Everyone looked between him and Hajime noting the similarities.

"No way!"

"Oh my,"


Even Yue looked shocked,

"You recreated the process to turn into a hybrid." Hajime said in awe, "But why is your appearance so different from mine?"

"There is an Ancient Magic called Metamorphosis magic. It allows one to remake the form of a normal being and reform them into a different form. It can also allow one to create monsters using normal animals."

Gasps were heard across the room,

"So that's what that bastard used to create his monsters," Hajime replied.

"I'm gonna kill when I see him next time!" Shea shouted.

"And I'll be right beside you to join in, Shea."


Kaori nodded.

"Wait, who are you talking about?" Kyouko asked.

"Freid Bagwa, a son of a bitch who introduced himself as the commander of the demon army. We met him in the Gruen Volcano." Hajime replied before turning to Izumi," He's going to attack in three days, right?"

Izumi nodded,

"Yeah, their preparations are almost complete."

"A-Are you sure we shouldn't warn the capital of the invasion? What would happen to all the innocent people there"

Izumi turned to the girl,

"To begin with, I'm pretty sure we've been branded as heretics so they would not take our warning seriously. Two, I have already taken countermeasures for that. I've been doing that for at least two weeks. The only problem is I need a large source of mana."

He then chuckled,

"Fortunately, someone has solved that problem for me," Izumi said and turned to Hajime.


"Did you not launch a combat satellite in space?"

"How did you know that!?" Everyone turned to Izumi even Kyouko who had a raised eyebrow.

Izumi simply shrugged,

"I have my ways,"

That was a lie. Izumi lied as naturally as he breathes.

What actually happened was that he took a shot and used his knowledge from the book to confirm the presence of the satellite.

"What do you want with it?" Hajime growled.

He was annoyed that the brat in front of him, mind you only a year younger, easily figured it out.

"I'll tell you later, don't we have something more important before?"

Hajime stared at the esper-mage before releasing a sigh,

"Fine. Do you have a way home?"

If it were anyone else, they would have been fooled by Hajime's emotional mask, but Izumi could detect the hope leaking from his voice.

He gently smiled and held his hand. A few centimeters above his palm, his subspace opened, and the dimensional Key fell into his palm. After closing his subspace, Izumi created a small coffee table and placed the key on it for everyone to see.

"We call it the Key of the Beyond. And it allows one to open a dimensional portal anywhere they want even other universes."

"A-Anywhere?" asked Hajime.

"Anywhere," Izumi confirmed.

"I can sense a tremendous amount of power in that artifact," Tio said and the other girls confirmed.

Izumi gave a wry smile,

"Yeah well, Kyouko and I passed out just a few moments after creating it. Even with my increased mana capacity, I needed help from her."

"I can imagine." the dragon- woman replied as she stared at the key in awe.

The key's beauty took everyone's breath away.

Hajime reached out for the key,

"May I?" he asked.

The vulnerability in his voice was a surprise for Izumi, but he could guess where he came from.

Unfortunately, it was not the time,

"Sorry, Hajime."


"It's not that I don't want to let you try, but the key also comes with a lot of drawbacks in exchange for the power to cross dimensions."

"What are they?" asked Yue.

"For one, this key works with charges. It will only open one portal per charge and the portal itself will only stay open for an hour. And it only has two charges."

Hajime looked at Izumi and dreaded to ask the question,

"And how long does it take to recharge?"

"A month as it uses the ambient mana to recharge. Of course, You could inject the mana by yourself, but it would take a really long time." Izumi said.

Hajime stared at the key for almost a minute before staring at Izumi,

"Can I trust you?"


Hajime and Izumi stared at each other as the tension was thick enough to be cut by a knife. Hajime then let out a sigh,

"Fine, if you betray me, I will do worse than put a bullet through your skull."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Hajime nodded.

Izumi took the key and placed it back into his storage,

"Now, it's your turn. How was your meeting with Miledi? I hope it wasn't too hard." he asked teasingly.

Everyone's eyebrows twitched.

'Seems like I was wrong,' Izumi thought amused.

"What's wrong with Miledi?" Kyouko asked.

"She can be... quite difficult," Kaori said.

"She's the worst person to exist in the history of this planet," Hajime bluntly stated.

"She's evil? But I thought the Liberators wanted to save humanity from Ehit. Am I missing something?" Kyouko asked confused.

Izumi chuckled,

"No, it's not that. It's just that she likes to play pranks and humiliate people. Seems like this party has been subjected to that again."

"Don't remind me."

"So? What did you get?"

Hajime injected mana into his Treasure House ring and retrieved something before putting it on the table. It was a dagger. its blade length reaches about 20 cm. It was a simple double-edged sword without a handle guard, it looked a lot like the dirk found back home.

"According to Miledi, this is the God-slaying Dagger. Apparently, it has the concept of "killing a god" inside of it though I don't know how that worked."

Izumi's eyebrow raised in shock,


He quickly cast (Structural Analysis) on the dagger and let the information flow into his mind.

It really was a god-killing artifact. This is on par with the Noble Phantasm in Nasuverse! Although, there was one problem! This artifact wasn't a real god-killing artifact. It's an Ehit-killing artifact. That's right! The concept woven into the weapon was one meant to kill only and only Ehit. Apparently, it seems that the Liberators lost their temper because they couldn't really create a trump card to kill Ehit, so all of them drank a lot of alcohol in desperation. In the end, when they were all stone drunk, they opened a tournament to swear at Ehit with foul language and that concept got created. Things like official stance or reasoning or mission, those kinds of idle thoughts weren't included at all in the concept, only the feeling of 'Die Ehit, you shitty bastard' makes up the concept, so it won't affect anything else other than Ehit. If it were to be used on any other being than Ehit, it would only be a really sharp dagger.

Izumi couldn't help but laugh at how this weapon was made.

"What's the matter, Izumi-kun?" asked Kyouko.

Izumi explained the real deal behind the dagger and they all either laughed or cracked a smile. This also caused the tension in the room to go down.

"Well, that was something. This is going to help a lot during the fight against Ehit." he then gave the dagger to Hajime,

"Here, keep it."

"Don't you need it?"

"Did you forget my projection spell? I can make a hundred copies of those with no degradation."

Hajime nodded and put the dagger back into his inventory.

"Is there anything else?"

"There is also something else. Miledi warned us about a spell that the god uses, it's called (Divine Edict)."

"Sounds powerful. What does it do?"

"It's a powerful spell another magic, Spirit Magic, that allows them to control anyone that hears their voice," Hajime said with a frown.

"I see," Izumi nodded, "So he controls their soul through some sort of resonance using a medium and his voice as the control of the spell. Maybe his soul? I can do something about that."

Izumi turned to everyone,

"On the day, of the invasion, I will have something for you all to protect you from that spell."

Everyone nodded albeit nervous due to the implication of the spell. And this was just one of the spells,

They continued their discussion as Hajime relayed everything Miledi told him about Ehit. How the god was so powerful, the Liberators couldn't do anything about it. They couldn't breach Ehit's residence which was dubbed the Sanctuary.

Fortunately, Izumi had his trump card: his Reality Marble.

Soon, hours passed when the discussion finally ended. Izumi and Kyouko were about to leave when the boy remembered something,

"Oh, have you found the traitors?"

The atmosphere grew morose as killing intent spilled out of Hajime and Yue.


That's when he noticed something wrong with Izumi's words,

"Wait, traitors? As in more than one? I only know about Hiyama."


Everyone turned to Kyouko who shouted. She blushed a little but remained firm,

"When we returned from the Labyrinth after losing Hajime-san, I noticed something off with Hiyama. He seemed more skittish and nervous. He would freak out randomly, but everyone chalked it up to him still affected by your "death"" she said with air quotes. "Of course, I was also preoccupied with the fact that my life was a lie and I had gained wings all of a sudden while the church proclaimed I was some sort of Fallen Angel of Ehit," Kyouko said with a harsh tone.

"You're not... are you?" Kaori tentatively asked.

"No, I was born and raised on Earth. In fact, I was born with these wings, but my parents had the bright idea to hide them," she replied with a resentful tone.

Seems like she has a small grudge over that fact.

"Wha...?" asked Kaori.

All the girls were confused,

"It's a story for another time," Hajime told them.

Izumi nodded,

"Anyway, he's the one who shot you off the bridge. But there is also another one. A girl name Nakamura Eri."

"What!" Kaori shouted, "What do you mean? Please explain yourself!?"

"Just like I said that girl is a traitor. She's going to actively participate in the invasion by killing the soldiers and making them into undead puppets. She will then kill her classmates. Her eyes are especially settled on you."

"M-Me? Why?" she trembled.

It was too shocking for her. There had already been a traitor who worked with the Demons, but he was killed off by Hajime. Now, there were Hiyama-san and Eri-chan.

"Because of Kouki."

"Kouki? Where does he come from?" asked Hajime already on edge by the fact that someone was targeting Kaori.

"Everything. Because she is doing all those for him."

"Did he tell her to do that?" asked Kaori.


"Just get to the fucking point!" Hajime snarled.

"She's a yandere."





Silence ensued in the room after Izumi's statement.

"What's a yandere?" asked Shea.

Hajime looked at Izumi with muted shock,


Kyouko looked at her boyfriend weirdly.

"There is no better way to describe her. That girl is a yandere who's obsessed with Kouki Amanogawa and she will do anything to possess him. Which is why will most likely try to kill Kaori since the guy was always with her." Izumi finished as he pointed to Kaori.

"Guys, what's a yandere?" Shea asked again.

"Shea, it's someone whose love is so strong that it became twisted into something horrible. They will express their intense love by doing something insane and even violent. For example, they will probably harm or even kill their love rivals. A worst-case scenario is that they will kill the one they're in love with just so that no one else can have him." Kyouko explained to her in a deadpan.

There was no emotion in her voice.

"Then am I a yandere?" she asked.

"No." Hajime quickly told her.

"I can be Hajime's yandere." Yue suddenly said with mirth in her tone.

She pressed herself to the boy.

"No! I want to be Hajime's yandere!" Shea jumped on Hajime's back and smashed his head between her breasts.

"I could be Master's masochist-yandere. That would be interesting." To say with a slight tremble.

A tick mark appeared on Hajime's forehead,

"Get off!" he pushed the breasts out of the way.


"No one is going to be a yandere!"

"Eeeeeehhhh!" all three girls said.

Kairi looked at them with a little embarrassment,

'Could I be a yandere?' she thought.

Meanwhile, Izumi and Kyouko watched with deadpanned expressions.

Looking at the time, Izumi saw that it was already noon.

"Ahem." he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. Once he did, he spoke,

"Anyway, you should be careful with those two. Now, I and Kyouko will return to our base to prepare for the upcoming invasion."

Hajime nodded,

"We will do the same on our side."

"Then see you all later," Izumi said.

"Bye, everyone. And thank you for your help." Kyouko said.

hajime shook his head,

"It's alright. I also want to kill Ehit. Who knows if he pulls a stunt like the summoning again."

"True. But he won't since we will end him." Izumi replied.

As they reached outside, Izumi felt his hunger flare up. Ever since he turned into a hybrid, his appetite and hunger had grown a lot.

"Why don't we go eat?" he asked.

"Sure! We can turn this into a date!"


However, Izumi noticed his girlfriend's expression.

"You okay there, Kyouko?"

The girl pursed her lips,

"It's just that I'm nervous. No, I'm scared. In three days, we are going to fight a literal God and his army of apostles along with an army of demons. I mean what can eight people do against literal armies?"

Izumi hugged her and he could feel the girl reciprocate and slowly calm down.

"You don't have to worry about that, Kyouko-chan."


"Remember the plans I said I made for the citizens?"


"I also made plans for the armies to come. So you don't have to worry."



"I trust you."

"And I trust you."

Kyouko gave the boy a kiss on the lips before turning around,

"Let's go eat, shall we? You said that you have been here before, know any good restaurants?" she smiled

Izumi looked at her beautiful smile and also smiled,

"Yeah. Let's. I know this good restaurant..."

Soon both teens made their way to get food before heading back to the base and preparing for the incoming invasion.


Hey guys!

I want your opinion on something. Should I write a lemon or not?

Yes (If yes, this will be my first time writing it so don't expect something amazing)


Thanks for reading and don't forget to leave comments.
