
Crocodile Aquarium

Me and my cousin bought tickets for this shady but popular aquarium. It wasn't lavish at all, there wasn't any glass. The only thing that surrounded us was water worn wood. There were 2 sides to the aquarium, like a building loop, being connected by a single path. The connecting path was encased, little light seeped in through the poorly jointed wooden roof.

Her and I walked through the joining path with dozens of other people. Though the murmur, we said nothing to each other. Reaching to the other side of the loop, there was a large balcony. A wall was cut out and small fencing was put for the customers to refrain from jumping in. The water below was muddy and opaque. There is supposed to be a crocodile in the water, but the area water is the big for there to be just one. The aquarium wasn't an ocean, it was a river. A big River.

The crowds murmurs quickly turned to gasps of amazement as the huge crocodile shown itself from the depths of the muddy water. It was big enough to almost be as big as the aquarium itself. Screams of excitement soon turned to screams of terror as the water of the aquarium began to noticeably rise. I began to instinctively climb from the fences to the roof. Very few followed, that included my cousin who was hesitant.

The water soon submerged the floor, allowing people to drift out into the water and get swallowed whole by the crocodile. The rising water slows down giving us time to evade the crocodiles attacks. Those who didn't have good enough ability to evade got eaten. After only a few minutes, only my cousin and I kept alive. She eventually got eaten too.

I was alone, just me racing against this crocodile. What was I waiting for? I don't know. I kept evading, I was running out of running room, the water was rising so I guess I was waiting for it to swallow me.

The crocodile lunged at me one last time, and I finally let go of life. As I felt the pain of its teeth sink into my delicate skin, my eyes opened and I was out of breath. I sat up quickly and checked the time. Thank god it was 5:49am, I could play my phone until it was time to wake up.