
Dreams Indeed (Anna's dreams)

We all have dreams, we all wish to fulfill all those dreams....... Anna is an only child, beautiful, stubborn and brilliant. She has a lot of dreams...... But then life is full of challenges.... Will she be able to fulfill all those dreams....... Let's find out.............

Beneta_Richard · Adolescente
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1 Chs

chapter one

"twinkle twinkle Little Star,how I wonder what you are,up above the world so high.."

Oh! Come on baby it's time to take a nap ok, come on now.

'no mummy I want to continue singing the poem my teacher said we should sing it ten times a day so we won't forget'  Anna whines

Ok baby but you've sang it like three times already so let's take a nap first then we can sing it together later ok.

'yay! Ok but mom?

Yes honey,'but  you are not in my class so how do you know how to sing it?

"Well honey you've been singing it since morning so...

'you learnt it from me yay! Mummy learnt the song from me that means am a good teacher yay! am going to tell my friends in school tomorrow'.

Ok honey let's get going sleeping is knocking and the bed is calling us can you hear it?

No'  " well listen it's saying' mummy ,Anna come to me and take a nap so let's hurry before it changes it's mind ok"  ok mum, I love you Mom

"I love you too honey" Kate smiles and Pat's Anna on the head as they both lay down on the bed. " You do talk alot for a four year old baby" as she closes her eyes as both mother and child cuddle till they doze off.