
Dreams have meanings

A group is seeing strange dreams . Check out his dreams and meaning behind those in their city . The story starts with the tale of Deb who is a nature lover and his friends Jis and Mith have similar experiences.Story starts with dreams and ends with a meaning

Aurobindo_Sarkar · Oriental
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2 Chs

A tale of forest ( Part 2)

Mith sai,"What are you going to do ?"

Deb said, "The powers I have been given were to fight against the same girl who gave me

those powers." I will stop her till you guys recover the forest and stop the construction

.Otherwise there will be wrath ."

Deb suddenly disappeared . Jis and Mith suddenly felt a change in their body . They could

feel that they could change that . With concentration , Mith tried to use his powers and

suddenly a tree grew out of nowhere . Mith and Jis were surprised and started to celebrate

until the remembered they have an important job to do .

Jis and Mith reached the forest whose half area had been destroyed . They suddenly started

using their powers and started regrowing the forest . The construction workers were surpised.

Suddenly huge thunders started coming from the sky .

A local fisherman saw a huge wave coming towards him.

He said,"I told everyone don't do this .This is the end ."

As soon as the wave was about to hit him it stopped suddenly . There was Deb. He used his

powers and transferred the man to a different place with his powers .

Deb screamed,"Hey Girl where are you? Iam here . "

A little girl came out from beneath the sea .

She said,"You are here afterall."The catastrophe is about to start ."

Deb said ,"My friends are doing it all to recover ."

The girl replied,"So until the recovery you have to stop me ."

Deb said ,"Why didn't you call me earlier ?"

The girl laughed and said, "To show and make you realize how difficult it is to recover a

damage . With the powers you can only stop me if you have true faith towards nature .Iam

not the same person you met. Iam just a medium . "

The girl opened his hands and threw thunder towards Deb but Deb managed to dodge it .Deb

created a magical ball and threw it towards the girl The ball turned into tree branches and

gripped the girl like chains . The girl struggled to get out with her powers but couldn't.Deb

said,"Just a little bit more."

The girl suddenly laughed and turned into a monster . The branches broke .

The monster tried to attack Deb but and jumped high and tried punched the monster .The

monster stumbled. Deb again tried to punch him but this time he was caught .

The monster said,"When you get unconscious I will start the catastrophe."Jis and Mith fastened their speed and recovered almost completely .The workers ran away in

fear . They saw the main man behind the construction . They flew towards and captured the

man .

Deb became unconscious and was near death . The monster freed him and

told,"Unfortunately this is it ." The monster raised his hands up and suddenly huge waves

from seas approached towards all the coastal areas . Thunders started falling everywhere. It

was a scene before catastrophe . Suddenly everything stopped .Deb who was lying suddenly

woke up and said ,"I feel you but I am a true nature admirer. I will not let you destroy the

remaining ." The monster was surprised but he suddenly fell and everything started again .

Jis and Mith suddenly arrived at the location with the guy.

Mith said,"Stop it , we have recovered and captured this guy ."

The monster suddenly looked towards them. It said, "So you can see me too ."

Mith said."Yeah."

Jis was holding the guy .

The monster turned to a little girl again .

The guy was confused . His name was Marcos .

The little girl said,"Do you know how much destruction you were causing not just to the

people here but for the whole world?

Marcos replied,"Whoever you are please forgive me . I have a family ."

The girl replied,"So have many others . You think yourself so much powerful that you are

above the nature . You people should understand that you are bringing yourselves

destructions with your own hands just for some money . I would have destroyed everything

if it was not for some good people like these people and the locals of the island .You were

doing the same thing . We are same in that . You are not beyond nature . You are a part of

the system . If they wouldn't exist you wouldn't too."

Marcos replied," I was about to build a super city in these islands . "

The girl said,"Nothing must come at the expense of eco-system. Many animals and plants

have become extinct in last 200 years . Do you know that how many people in coastal areas

and river banks are getting displaced due to global warming ? Ice is melting in the poles and

a fear of tsunami is on the rise. Climate has changed so much that many animals have

disappeared . You were blinded by money ."

Marcos said," I understand. Iam sorry . What should I do now ?The girl said ,"With the money you have you can research on alternative sources of fuel

which don't cause pollution and Environment friendly , You can develop tourist spots in

these islands instead of destroying these for the development of the people here and set

example for other people by using completely Environment friendly equipments here .

You can research on plantation of desert areas and chemicals that enrich soil instead of

destroying that . Believe me that the future of yours will be beautiful only this way not by

destroying nature. "

Marcos said ,"Iam sorry . I will surely focus on these ."

The girl thanked Deb for his support and disappeared . The cat came out from inside Deb and

it turned into childhood Deb.

Jis ,Deb and Mith were laughing . The cat said,"Goodbye ." and disappeared .

Deb suddenly woke from sleep and realized that he was sleeping .