
Dreams / End

Aiden lived a normal life until the death of his mother happen out of nowhere. He tries to unravel the life his mother has hidden from him his whole life. With his mentor Win Mora (Shin) being by his side to help him uncover his new abilities, while also having his own plans for Aiden. What will Aiden go through? Who will he meet? New people and a whole New World to discover and a rich past to dive into What will Aiden uncover about his family history, and what impact will Aiden have on the New World

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23 Chs

Regret / Sorrow

I entered the cockpit where it seemed a meeting was taking place

"Well look who finally showed up"

"My Bad Captain, I had to do something real quick"

"Don't care, proceed with the meeting Lieutenant

Lieutenant ***** proceeded to talk. I had only ever talked to the Lieutenant when i was in training camp. Gosh, I can't believe it's been 10 years since then. I wonder what he would think, I wonder if he would be happy if he saw how things became. Anyways that was in the past, even if I wish to relive the memories with him, i knew in my heart that my wish would never come true, as the events of the past are set in stone.

"I can't believe it's been 8 years since the great investigation"

"What?" Said the lieutenant

"Nothing, forgive me"

With the lieutenant giving me a weird look he continued

"The plan is to take him down here"

The lieutenant proceeded to point at the map on the table in front of us.

"This should be the best location to take him down as we can have snipers on the roof and have are troops on the ground with him"

With a worried expression, the captain had his doubts, so he spoke

"Will this be enough?"

"Should be" replied the lieutenant

"Should be? Bitch he's the strongest motherfucker I've ever seen since ***** was taken down"

"I assure you this will be enough"

"I want the 11 Noble Houses on standby, FUCK we might even have to get the 5 Admirals involved if everything goes to hell."

"Trust me, sir, the last thing we want is to involve the 5 Admirals, They've been on leave since they took down *****"

Ah yes, The Five Great Admirals Lusan, the oldest out of the five, He's described to be the one with the greatest Ronin, Then we have Qigi, the youngest out of the five, said to have the weakest Ronin but described to be the fastest also said to have the greatest potential, after him we have Homin, He's said to have the greatest Kin but a mid-level Ronin with above-average speed. After him we have Zoromium, people say he's the middle child as he has average everything compared to the other Admirals, Then we have *****, The strongest Admiral, Anyone that faces him is said to have been killed. Even just saying his name brings me a disgust for what he did. He's currently suspended for what he did a year ago.

"So are all the preparations ready?" Said the Captain

"Yes, Captain"

"Let's get this show on the road then"

I processed to follow them out of the cockpit but right as I was about to leave I looked back. I remembered the journey and that I was thankful for everything, friends, mentors, everyone if it hadn't been for them I wouldn't be here. It really put me in sadness when I realized that he wouldn't go down easy and that one of us would win and the other would lose. I knew when I accepted this mission that i would have to face this dilemma. I looked out the cockpit window in sorrow, the darkest my mind has ever been in. I just wish that in the end, We would be happy with the result. Even if one of us couldn't live with the other. When he took the path he did, he knew what future he was sacrificing. I just hope that I am able to live with his decision. Fuck, thinking about it really puts me in tears

***** drops to the floor and begins to cry

"Why, why, why, why did he do this"


"Leave her here lieutenant, she's been through enough"

"If only I had been there"

When a characters name is ***** it means they will show up in the present and to prevent from knowing who’s going to live or die ***** is used as a place holder

all of this is taking place in the future and everything will be explained in the present

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