
dreaming beyond life

I decided to put dreams into a book some are going to be dark some will be light I'll start with one that'll interest a lot of people called "the wanderer of the sands" enjoy and leave review if you can

skyrimknight_45 · Real
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Short story 2: Fated disaster Finale

I run through the deep-water mind blank and ask the voice "Who are you? What do you want?" As the rain hits the ground around me, I feel a chill down my spine feeling as though I knew the answer to my own question, "I am merely you in disguise just a remnant of your deepest darkest desire, I am the antagonist of your story, that you have long waited to see." I stop running and look at my surroundings as if I was being followed and say "What do you mean by my deepest desire, I have no such desire, and even if I did this would be too much," I then look down at the water covering my feet and I see myself soaked in the same water so I decided to take off my jacket for the reason that it was slowing me down and as I did I saw myself my dark brown hair was soaked making it look black my green to bluish eyes looked as though I had seen a ghost and my skin as pale as the clouds.

Then, my reflection evilly grins at me and the voice when it spoke had my reflections lips move and says with a cracked voice, "Look at you, so frightened, but why I wonder? If you didn't want this, then why do I exist? There's no need to be paranoid, I'm only your desire after all," I become enraged and end up kicking the water as hard as I can and say, "go away, you're wrong, I would never want this," in hopes that the voice would disappear but, it was to no avail for, the voice was still in my head, "oh, come now is that really how you feel? Have you forgotten what everyone has done to you? They betrayed you, lied to you, laughed at you, ignored you, you've had to leave the only good friend you've ever had behind all because of a stupid war that had started, are you going to sit there and tell me that humanity doesn't deserve it, you know humanity is selfish, crude, arrogant, and worst of all, hypocritical, you want it all to end do you not? you want to see them suffer the way you have do you not? I am that embodiment so, allow me to show you the delight of your deepest...darkest.... DESIRE?" As soon as he screamed desire the ground crumbled beneath me, and I fell through.

When I came to, I was in a dark place surrounded by things that looked like looked like tv screens but, without the foundation and every individual screen showed me different parts of the world and the chaos that was ensuing, "what is this? where am I?" I asked with major confusion, "you are in the place of which I rest, the place where I control, the place of your desire to see chaos, enjoy the show," the voice replies. As I watch the chaos surrounding me thoughts run through my head "this isn't what i want, this is madness, this can't be true," I say as I see death everywhere and everyone killing one another, "this isn't my worst fear, this is my worst nightmare, make it stop, don't hurt him? don't you like him? why are you doing that? Stop it...don't do it." I say as i see someone about to die, "NOOOOOOOOO," I yelled and in that instant, I woke covered in sweat, to find that it all was just a dream, my hand was reached outward, fear suffocated me, and tears rolled down my cheeks, "that was just a dream, thank god, that was the worst dream I've ever had," I say relieved it wasn't real. The end