

Akirgna who is a princess in a foreign country, One night she decides to run away from her kingdom in the middle of the night to chase her dream of making her own band.

Deadly_Trouble · Adolescente
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1 Chs

Chalet 1: The runaway princess

As night falls the kingdom is in chaos because the noble family of Neverwinter because of the youngest princess has disappeared from the castle, "Find the princess!!!" yells out a guard, "where could my baby girl have gone? Honeybun" asks the king as he pace back and forth in his daughter room , "Don't worry she'll be fine, she's a smart girl" says her mother "yeah but how did she get pass all the guards surrounding the kingdom?" says the king as he lays his head down on Akirgna bed, running through a forest dragging a suitcase behind her

"Mother, father, liro, zroyuki and naokiana, sorry but I want to follow my dream and start a band of my very own" says the princess as she smiley runs down a hill. When she finally makes it down to the road she lays down her suitcase and sits down on top of it then reaches into her pocket to pull out her phone, looking for the nearest train station which was only several miles down from her so she quickly gets up and grabs her suitcase, "alright, here we GO!!!!" as she runs dragging the suitcase once again. When she finally makes it to the train station it's nearly the crack of dawn.

The princess buys herself a train ticket to japan, when it was time for boarding she gets on the train and puts her suitcase underneath her seat then sits back and closes her eyes as she is sleepy from a long journey from home. When it was time for her to get off she quickly grabbed her things and waited by the door meanwhile back at the castle "She still haven't returned home?" asks her uncle while drinking coffee, "No where could she have ran off to?" says her father, "weird I can't possibly think where she could've gone" says her uncle while double crossing his fingers behind his back.

Next the young princess sits down at the train station waiting for taxi to come so she can get a ride to a house which her aunt and uncle owns only problem is it's in the subscrub's part of the city, the princess turns gloomy for only for a second but quickly thinks about how much fun she's going to have when she gets there next the princess walks over to a payphone and calls her aunt and uncle to let them know she made to the city "Hi aunt I made it" says the princess , "That's good to hear but don't worry there will be a old friend of mine coming to come pick you up shortly from the train station and Akirgna be careful, oh one more thing we had some furniture sent there for you alright love you darling".

Akirgna hangs up the phone, a few minutes after hanging up the phone a car pulls up and a old women steps out the car with a sign that says Akirgna when Akirgna arrived at the house she quickly opened the front gates to the front door she leans over to get the key that's under the welcome mat.

As she unlocks the door and opens it Akirgna throws down her suitcase into the living room feeling excited about being here and being able to chase her of starting her own band when she looked over at the other side of the living room there was grand piano in the center with serval electric guitars up against the wall next to them was an acoustic guitar with her name on it for when she gets bored as Akirgna enjoys herself the old lady steps inside asking "You play piano?", "Yes because it's fun and when i play it feels like i'm in heaven" says Akirgna the old lady chuckles saying "You remind me a lot of your aunt back when we was young always hyper and smiling", Akirgna laughs saying "so i have been told", just before the old lady left Akirgna asks her "Do you want to hear me sing a song while I play the piano before you go, it's my way of saying thank you for driving me all the way up here?" the old lady nods in response.

Akirgna sits down closing her eyes and putting her hands above the keyboard taking in a deep breathe and relaxing her body, she begins playing,

" Akirgna song"

After Akirgna gets done playing her song the old lady cries with a smile on her face, "oh no did I make you upset?, i'm really sorry" says Akirgna, "No need to worry child I'm happy I was able to hear such a sweet melody before I go home, thank you for that wonderful song, What made you want to get into music?" asked the old lady, "it was a band back when I was six, I saw how much fun they were having and enjoying singing together it wasn't till i got in the 2nd grade when I saw my teacher playing the piano, violin, and plenty of other instruments which inspired me to listen to music and wanting to learn to play all types of instruments. As the old lady leaves and Akirgna watches as she goes home.

Akirgna quickly grabs her suitcases and walks up stairs to check out her bedroom and bathroom, the bathroom was luxury, the bathtub was also a hot jacuzzi bath, her bedroom had a pretty standard look to it besides the queen size bed in her bedroom and looking like it just came outta someone's dream of a music bedroom, "The perks of being rich" says Akirgna jokingly.

Akirgna lays down on the bed giggling and smiles saying "This is where it starts tomorrow, I can't wait to do my sheet performance". The next day Akirgna woke up extra early to make some breakfast and to have some energy for today. As she grabs her bass guitar case, microphone stand in a bag and music sheet, Akirgna stops to check to see if she got everything except her microphone Akirgna turns around and runs up the stairs but slips and falls to the floor landing on her butt, "well that pretty much hurted" says Akirgna as she laughs out.

Akirgna gets ups and continues to go up stairs, she searches between the bed, closet, dresser and her bags next Akirgna sits on the bed sighing in a upset tone of voice when she heads back down stairs she looks over at the couch to notice her microphone was on the table she quickly picks up the mic and puts it in her bag.

Akirgna grabs her bass guitar case with the guitar in it and bag holding the microphone and stand also music sheets she walks out the door closing and locking it behind her she then takes a deep breathe and exhale screaming "READY GO!!!" As she runs down the sheets, Akirgna goes to central street using her gps from her phone, setting herself up in front of the train station entrance opening her bass guitar case and pulls it out preparing and getting ready. Akirgna starts to motivate herself "I can do this" she starts to play

As Akirgna was singing and playing her bass a very few people would look and keep walking or stop and listen for a little bit. After Akirgna finished playing she had around ten to eight people clapping for her and recording her on their phones next a little girl and her mother walks over to Akirgna to tell her they found the song lovely, "That was amazing Oneesan, momma I wanna learn how to play?" says the little girl, then Akirgna looks down at the gutair and hands it other to the little girl saying "You wanna learn right now" as she laughs after trying to teach the little girl how to play the bass guitar, the girl and her mother walks off waving goodbye to Akirgna as she gets her things and leaves walking up the street crossing paths with a girl with a gothic punk style to her walks pass Akirgna looking down at her phone.

As the girl stops and turns her head looking at Akirgna next she pulls out her phone and uploads a video of Akirgna teaching the girl to play guitar and smiles, the girl phone goes off it's a video of Akirgna Singing and playing.

When Akirgna got home she put the bass guitar on the couch and walked up the stairs she enters the room and practically threw herself on the bed, smiling and cheering saying "Today was fun" after taking a bubble bath she goes down stairs to the kitchen and makes her a sandwich

while Akirgna slept after eating her sandwich and putting on her unicorn onesie the video of her singing and teaching the little girl to play was getting around 99,000 views and liked 500,000 likes. Her brother liro was scrolling through bestie book and saw a video of his little sister playing guitar, walking into his mom room with her standing outside brushing her hair as she looked up the night sky.

Showing his mother the video, she smiled and turned towards liro telling him to "Shhhh, this is a secret from your father" as she takes away the phone, "But why Father is pretty worried about her" says liro, "he'll be fine besides we're always watching over Akirgna actions, so please don't tell your father, I know he's worried since Akirgna is his youngest daughter but don't worry your sister is a clever girl and won't be in any trouble, we're watching over her daily so please don't tell your father where she is, I want my little ruby to chase her dream" says The mother. Liro storms out of the room keeping his mouth shut. Promising to bring Akirgna back home