
Dream of Turtle

Disclaimer: 1) This is a work of fiction 2) Contain violate content and profanities 3) Updates will be inconsistent

Pond0Fish · Ciudad
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4 Chs

The Awakening

You awoke to the feeling of being rammed on your arm. Sitting up and wiping your eyes you look to your right and see your tortoise preparing for another blow before you put a stop to its antic.

Getting up you walk towards a closet and remove a bucket of turtle food from, before opening the lid and scoping a serving of its contents into a dog bowl which your now satisfied companion began to slowly walk towards.

Stretching your shoulders you walked towards the sink and began you daily ritual of brushing your teeth and washing your face.

After completing your ritual you open a cabin above you and retrieve a box of cereal. Setting the box of your breakfast atop your new table that you picked off the streets, you reach for the jug of milk hiding behind the door of your fridge.

Pouring the milk and cereal into the bowl that you left on the table last night, you began enjoying your breastfast.

One scoop, two scoop, three scop, and a pour later you were done. However before you could rub your face you the sleeve of your favorite shirt you head your phone ring in a sound you found both familiar and unfamiliar.

Walking towards your phone with a few steps you reached for it and began reading its government issued emergency alert displayed.


Well shit you are barely eighteen and World War Three has already started. Pushing your questions aside you stuff you phone into you pocket and grab your friend just as he was about to take another bite out of his breakfast.

Rushing to the only second door of your little house you nearly stumped form the eighty pounds of turtle you were holding. putting your unhappy friend down to open the door and shove him to the other side you began to sweat form the treat of death.

Closing the door behind you began to walk down the stairs in front of you while hold you pet tortoise Turtle.

1, 2, 3, you counted as nervous sweat trickled into your now burning eyes. Finally you went past the second door which you had left open for this occasion. Gently putting your angry friend down you turned on you heels and slammed the shut.

Taking a breath you began locking the door, it not like there is anyone who new of your bomb shelter.

Click, with the final turn of your hand your door became fully locked and then you took a seat on your old stool and waited.