
dream lord

From an outsider's perspective, Abbey appeared to be just an average young man. However, what most people didn't know was that Abbey possessed a rare talent - the power to steal one's dreams. For a period of time, he took pleasure in manipulating and playing with people's dreams. But everything changed when he met a mysterious and captivating woman named Sharon. Together, they embarked on a transformative voyage of self-exploration, traversing through both the physical and metaphysical realms. The destination of their journey remains a mystery. But Abbey, known to himself as the Dream Lord, embraces this

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Fantasía
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28 Chs

The Attempt

The night was setting, Sharon stare at her watch to check the time as Sharon drove down the winding road, the soft glow of the midnight sky casting a warm light into the car. Beside her, Abbey sat in the passenger seat, his eyes focused on the horizon.

Suddenly, Abbey's expression changed. His eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed in concentration. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his hands clenching the armrest.

Sharon glanced at him, concerned. "Is everything alright, Abbey?"

But before he could answer, she saw his eyes flutter open. They were no longer their usual brown color, but a bright, almost glowing green. Abbey's dream eyes, as he called them, were a gift he had possessed since he could remember but it is only now that he was beginning to have a handle on it. With them, he could see things that others couldn't, things that were yet to happen.

But this time, he wasn't seeing the future. He was using his dream eyes to see the present.

"We need to hurry," he said in a serious tone. "There's a car following us."

Sharon's heart skipped a beat as she glanced in the rearview mirror. Sure enough, there was a car tailing them, its headlights blinding in the fading light. "Who are they?"

"I'm not sure," Abbey replied, his dream eyes still in effect. "But they're armed, and they're determined to capture us."

Sharon's palms started to sweat as she pressed harder on the gas pedal, trying to put some distance between their car and the mysterious pursuers. Abbey closed his eyes again, his face contorting with concentration.

"They're four people in the car," he said, his voice low. "And I think they're after me." Or I could be wrong, and they are after you, he concluded.

Sharon's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. Why would anyone be after Abbey? He was just a normal person, with a few extraordinary abilities. But she knew that his dream eyes made him a target for those who wanted to exploit his gift.

The road ahead was empty, and Sharon took the opportunity to make a sharp turn onto a dirt path leading into the forest. The pursuers followed, their car skidding on the loose gravel.

"We need to find a place to hide," Sharon said, her voice quivering with fear.

But before Abbey could respond, they heard gunshots ringing out from the other car. Sharon swerved the car, narrowly avoiding a tree, as Abbey gasped.

"They're shooting at us," he exclaimed, panic creeping into his voice.

Sharon's heart was racing as she tried to maneuver their car through the dense trees. She knew that they couldn't outrun their pursuers forever, and they needed to come up with a plan.

Abbey, still using his dream eyes, searched for a safe place to hide. Finally, he spotted a large boulder in a clearing ahead. "There," he said, pointing. "We can hide there."

Sharon nodded and drove towards the boulder, her hands tightly gripping the steering wheel. As soon as they were close enough, Abbey used his dream eyes to create a force field around the car. Bullets ricocheted off the invisible shield, as the pursuers tried to shoot them.

Sharon let out a sigh of relief as they pulled behind the boulder, the shield protecting them. They sat in silence for a few minutes, catching their breaths and trying to calm their racing hearts.

"Who were they?" Sharon finally asked, breaking the tension.

Abbey shrugged, his dream eyes fading back to their usual brown color. "I'm not sure. But I have a feeling they're not giving up that easily."

The two them sat in silence, waiting for the pursuers to leave. Eventually, the sound of the car engine faded away, and it was safe for them to leave their hiding spot.

As they drove back home, Sharon couldn't help but wonder who those people were and why they were after Abbey. But she knew that with his dream eyes, Abbey was always one step ahead of danger. And she was grateful to have him by her side, using his extraordinary abilities to protect them both.

As they caught their breath, they heard the sound of more cars arriving. Sharon's heart began to race, and she started to panic. But a firm hand held onto her own, calming her. It was Abbey, using his mental powers to communicate with her. They had been silently communicating this way ever since they discovered their connection was getting stronger.

Sharon replied using her thoughts, relieved to know that Abbey was there with her. They had always been able to communicate telepathically, but now it was becoming more natural and effortless. Their minds were in sync.

But as they sat in the dark, they knew that using their powers alone would not be enough to protect them. Abbey had used his dream ability to create a shield around them, but it was not strong enough. They needed to combine their powers.

Abbey explained to Sharon that if they joined their powers, they could create an unstoppable force. Their minds were powerful, and together, they could do anything. Sharon was hesitant at first, but she trusted Abbey and knew that they had to do whatever it takes to survive.

Without hesitation, they both closed their eyes and focused their minds. Their connection grew stronger, and they could feel the energy flowing between them. Suddenly, a blinding light surrounded them, and an invisible shield formed around them, protecting them from any harm.

As the cars screeched to a halt outside the tree path, Sharon and Abbey could see through the shield barrier. The people see the people that were searching for them, but they couldn't see them. The shield had made them invisible.

Sharon and Abbey knew they couldn't stay in the forest path for long, so they quickly made their way out, still protected by the shield. As they drove past their pursuers, they could see the confusion on their faces. They were invisible to everyone, and nothing could get through their shield.

Feeling empowered and free, Sharon and Abbey left the forest, never looking back. They knew that as long as they were together and combined their powers, nothing could stop them. They were a force to be reckoned with.

Their voices were filled with determination and confidence as they whispered to each other, "Together, we are unstoppable."

Before long, they were back at Sharon's apartment, still buzzing with excitement from their accomplishment. As they sat on her couch, sipping on hot chocolate, they couldn't stop talking about their powers and the incredible things they could do together.

For a moment, they stood in awe, taking in the sheer magnitude of what they had just accomplished.

The silence was broken by Sharon's voice, "We did it, Abbey! We actually did it!" Her eyes were wide with amazement and admiration as she looked at him.

Sharon couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. "I know, right? It feels amazing to use our powers in such a way. Can you imagine what else we can do if we continue to work together?"

Abbey's eyes shone with excitement as he replied, "The possibilities are endless. We could do anything!" When we connect as one.

Suddenly, Sharon's expression turned serious as she continued, "But we have to be careful. Our powers are amazing, but they can also be dangerous if we're not careful."

Abbey nodded in understanding, his eyes never leaving Sharon's. For the first time, she noticed him staring and felt a sudden rush of warmth spread through her cheeks.

Before she could say anything, Abbey spoke, "You were incredible back there, Sharon. I don't know if I could have done it without you."

Sharon's heart skipped a beat as she replied, "I couldn't have done it without you, Abbey. We make a great team."

Their eyes locked, and Sharon felt a strong connection between them. But before they could dwell on it any further, Sharon's words brought him back to reality.

"Men," she said with a chuckle. "Is that all you can think of at a time like this?"

Sharon blushed, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "Well, excuse me for noticing your staring," she retorted playfully.

Abbey's face lit up with a mischievous grin. "I can't help it if I'm captivated by your beauty, Sharon."

Sharon rolled her eyes, trying to hide the blush that had spread across her cheeks. But deep down, she couldn't hide the feelings that were bubbling up inside her. There was that awkward moment and tension between them again.

And as they drifted off to sleep that night, Sharon couldn't help but think about Abbey and how their powers had brought them even closer together. Who knew that their journey of discovering their supernatural abilities would also lead to discovering their feelings for each other? This feeling was like nothing they have ever experienced before, and they knew that they were in for an amazing and unstoppable journey together.