
dream lord

From an outsider's perspective, Abbey appeared to be just an average young man. However, what most people didn't know was that Abbey possessed a rare talent - the power to steal one's dreams. For a period of time, he took pleasure in manipulating and playing with people's dreams. But everything changed when he met a mysterious and captivating woman named Sharon. Together, they embarked on a transformative voyage of self-exploration, traversing through both the physical and metaphysical realms. The destination of their journey remains a mystery. But Abbey, known to himself as the Dream Lord, embraces this

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Fantasía
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28 Chs

surprised visitor

It was an early morning and the sun was just starting to peek through the curtains. Sharon woke up with a smile on her face, ready to start the day. She quietly got out of bed, careful not to wake up her roommate Abbey who was still sound asleep on the sofa. Sharon had always been an early riser, while Abbey preferred to sleep in. She couldn't help but occasionally glare at him while he was still asleep but she couldn't stare at him for too long.

But today, for some reason, Sharon was in an exceptionally good mood. She felt like a little girl experiencing love for the first time. She hummed to herself as she prepared breakfast, not even noticing that she was doing it out loud. The sound of her humming woke Abbey up, and he immediately noticed that something was different about Sharon. He couldn't understand why she was humming so loud, it was almost like she was singing.

Clearing his throat, Abbey asked, "What's wrong with you Sharon? And why are you humming so loud? I could hear you in my sleep."

Sharon was taken aback by this question, she hadn't realized she was humming so loudly. She blushed and quickly replied, "I'm sorry Abbey, I didn't realize it was that loud. I thought it was just in my head."

Before Abbey could say anything else, Sharon beckoned for him to refresh himself before breakfast. As they sat down to eat, Sharon couldn't stop smiling. She was bursting with excitement and couldn't wait to tell Abbey what was on her mind.

"Abbey, I have something to tell you," she began, her eyes shining with happiness.

"Yes, what is it?" Abbey asked with a quizzical look on his face.

"I think I'm in love with you," Sharon blurted out.

Abbey was taken aback by this confession. He had always thought Sharon was headstrong but as he looked into her eyes, he realized that he felt the same way. He couldn't believe it, but he was also filled with joy at the thought of finally being with Sharon.

As they enjoyed their breakfast together, they talked and laughed, feeling like they were on top of the world. They both knew that their bond had grown stronger and they were now ready to take their friendship to the next level.

Meanwhile, Lily was at the Riverside Hospital, seeking answers about what happened to her. She had been in a terrible car accident and had been in a coma for years. But miraculously, she woke up with no serious injuries. However, the doctors couldn't explain how she had survived, saying that it was a miracle. They also told her about a young man named Abbey who had saved her in the hospital and stayed by her side until she woke up.

Lily was determined to find out who this Abbey was and why he had helped her. She couldn't shake off the feeling that he was somehow connected to her miraculous recovery.

She was only aware that Abbey possessed some kind of remarkable ability and was able to communicate with her thoughts. But Lily was intrigued to see Abbey again, the enigmatic man who had rescued her. She felt indebted to him and wanted to express her gratitude. That morning, she made an effort to visit the doctors and inquire about how she could reach out to Abbey.

However, the doctors could not offer much information. They admitted that they did not know Abbey well, as he was a secretive individual with his own unique talents. Dr. Fleming mentioned that they had only encountered him at the home of Collin Smith, the former governor. This revelation surprised Lily, and she longed to know more about their connection. Dr. Fleming hesitantly disclosed that Collin Smith's son had also been in a coma like Lily, but for a shorter period. It was Collin's sister-in-law, Sharon, who had introduced Abbey to him.

At the mention of Sharon's name, Lily couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy, despite never meeting the woman. Her intuition told her that there was more to Sharon and Abbey's relationship. She immediately inquired about Sharon's identity, much to the doctors' shock. They were not privy to Abbey's personal life, and it was not their place to delve into his relationships. One of them grumbled while Dr. Fleming sighed, clearly exasperated. Lily could sense their annoyance towards her lack of concern for her own well-being and her fixation on Abbey and Sharon's dynamic.

Meanwhile it was a warm, peaceful evening by the bank of the river. The sun was slowly setting, casting a beautiful orange glow over the water. Sharon and Abbey sat at a small, quaint café, enjoying the relaxing atmosphere and watching the hustle and bustle of people passing by.

A figure appeared in the distance, walking towards them with purpose. As she got closer, Sharon and Abbey could make out who it was. All of a sudden Abbey yelled out "lily is that you. Sharon was very curious to find out who this person was?

As she approached their table, a pang of jealousy shot through Lily's chest as she noticed Sharon sitting beside Abbey, laughing and chatting with him. She couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment and sadness.

From a distance, Lily could tell that Sharon and Abbey had something special between them. The way they looked at each other, the way they talked, it was all too obvious. Lily couldn't deny the fact that she felt a twinge of jealousy, but at the same time, she knew she couldn't do anything about it.

Sharon and Abbey were deep in conversation when Lily finally reached their table. They both greeted her warmly, and Lily couldn't help but feel a little awkward. She had only met Abbey once, but he had left a lasting impression on her.

As they all sat and chatted, Lily couldn't help but notice the way Sharon and Abbey interacted with each other. It was obvious that they had a strong connection, and Lily couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for what they had.

But as the evening went on, Lily realized that she couldn't be mad at Sharon or Abbey. They had their own special bond, and she was just a bystander. Lily came to terms with the fact that she would always be grateful to Abbey for saving her life, but she also knew that she could not deny the way she was feeling for Abbey either.

Throughout the entire time, Sharon couldn't help but wonder about Lily's intentions towards Abbey. However, she chose to handle the situation with composure and determination. Instead of directly addressing the issue, Sharon focused on showing her love for Abbey so that Lily wouldn't get the wrong idea. Finally, she mustered the courage to ask the question that had been nagging at her: "How did you two meet?" Abbey was taken aback and almost choked on his own spit upon hearing those words. Lily, on the other hand, remained calm and quickly explained to Sharon the truth. She had been in a coma for seven years and Abbey had used his abilities to save her. Today, she had come to thank him because she owed him her life. As Lily spoke, Sharon couldn't help but notice the love that radiated from her towards Abbey. This made Sharon feel uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but glance back and forth between Abbey and Lily. Despite his confusion about the situation, Abbey could only observe and process everything that was happening. And once again, Sharon was left with a gut feeling that she shouldn't trust Lily. She didn't want to come off as jealous, but she couldn't help but wonder how Abbey would react to knowing that Lily was in love with him.

Before long it was time to say goodbye. Lily felt something strange coming over herself. For she knew in her heart, she truly wanted to spend some time with Abbey alone and she knew she couldn't ask him out with Sharon around because that would seem disrespectful to Sharon. As she pondered in her heart what to do next and idea suddenly popped out. Beaming with brightness and confidence she suddenly declared to Abbey by saying I would like you to examine me once again. I still believe there is something wrong with me. Abbey was both confused and surprised to hear this. Trying very hard to understand what lily was saying. He replied, I don't know if there is something or anything wrong with you but if you are experiencing any residual effect, I believe you should contact your doctors. Lily didn't even flinch, instead she pouted before saying if the doctors knew what was wrong with me or how to help me , they would not have called for your help. So now I am asking you for help, she concluded. Abbey was almost speechless, he instinctively stared at Sharon, who raised an eyebrow.