
dream lord

From an outsider's perspective, Abbey appeared to be just an average young man. However, what most people didn't know was that Abbey possessed a rare talent - the power to steal one's dreams. For a period of time, he took pleasure in manipulating and playing with people's dreams. But everything changed when he met a mysterious and captivating woman named Sharon. Together, they embarked on a transformative voyage of self-exploration, traversing through both the physical and metaphysical realms. The destination of their journey remains a mystery. But Abbey, known to himself as the Dream Lord, embraces this

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Fantasía
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28 Chs

and then came lily

Early the next morning, Abbey was already at work when Kelvin walked in. "Good to see you today," Kelvin said.

"Thank you, it's great to be valued at work," Abbey replied. "I can see you've missed me these past few days."

"I only say that because you've been so busy with outside projects. I was starting to think you don't work here anymore," Kelvin joked. They both laughed.

Kelvin pointed to the screen. "We've been having a lot of glitches and no one seems to know where they're coming from. Maybe you can help now that you're back."

After half an hour, Abbey spoke to Kelvin on the walkie-talkie. "It seems we need an upgrade on our distribution board and many of our inter-switches are faulty. The Fabre connector is also down. We need an upgrade."

"Maybe you should inform Hans Miller about it," Abbey suggested.

"Why me? You're the one who detected the glitches," Kelvin replied. "Besides, you're his favorite person."

Abbey wasn't amused by Kelvin's suggestion. He had deliberately avoided Hans to avoid questioning. "Okay, let's both go to Hans' office and report the situation together," Abbey suggested.

Kelvin agreed and they both headed to Hans' office. Hans, the supervisor, was in his office going through some paperwork when he heard a knock on his door. He was surprised but soon realized it was his subordinates when he heard their loud banter. "Come in," he said.

As both men walked in looking concerned, Hans wondered who would speak first.

Hans sensed this from both men and gave out a loud laugh to break the ice before saying, "You guys look like you have something terrible to say." Both Abbey and Kelvin's faces turned pale as they pondered on what to say. Hans spoke again, "It can't be that bad, don't keep me waiting. Speak up." Kelvin mustered all the courage he had to speak. "We detected a glitch in the system and when Abbey went around to check it, we discovered that our security system needs a lot of upgrades." Pausing for a brief moment to allow it all to sink in.

Hans Miller took a deep breath before saying, "Is that what you boys have been so worried about? I thought something bad must have happened to one of you. But you guys were bothered about the upgrades in the security system." "Don't worry about it, we will have the executives look into the budget and maybe they can spare some money for the upgrades. But before that can happen, you guys should find a way to fix the system and get it working again. We don't know how long it will take for the executives to release the money, so we have to make do with what we have," concluded Hans.

Before Abbey and Kevin could settle in the office, Abbey received a call from one of the doctors at Riverside Hospital. He was asked to come and help with a patient who had been in a coma for seven years. The doctors were running out of options and were desperate for any help they could get. Abbey hesitated at first. He had never entered the dream of someone who was in a coma for seven years before, let alone having a guide. But something inside him told him that he had to go. He packed his bags, turned to face Kelvin, and explained that he had to go take care of a personal errand. He then headed to the hospital, his heart pounding in his chest.

As soon as he arrived, he was met by the elderly doctor who wanted to know more about his occupation, doctor Fleming and his colleague were already waiting for him by the entrance of the hospital.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Fleming. It's so good to see you again," Abbey greeted him with respect. Doctor Fleming bowed respectfully to Abbey before saying, "Thank you for coming at such short notice. We are glad that you could make it here," the other colleagues chipped in. Doctor Fleming gestured for Abbey to follow him as he tried to explain everything to him. He was escorted to the patient's room.

The patient, a young woman named Lily, lay motionless in the hospital bed. Her family surrounded her, their faces filled with grief and despair. She had been in this state for several years now, and the family had been called upon to decide what to do with her. They decided to take her off the life support machine and let her die peacefully, as she had been pronounced brain dead. Fortunately, Doctor Fleming was able to convince the family after explaining a similar situation. The family was left stunned and couldn't believe it was possible. But because it was coming from a respected doctor, they decided to give it a try.

Understanding the situation clearly, Abbey sighed before saying, "Who is going to pay me for my efforts?" Nearly everyone in the room was speechless. Who would have thought this young man would be asking for money so early? Sensing their frustration and hesitation, Abbey explained further, "My services are not cheap. And since you are calling me for consultation, shouldn't I be paid?" Why are you all looking at me as if I have done something terrible?

They all paused for a while to gather their thoughts before deciding to agree to Abbey terms. Doctor Fleming took the lead by saying the hospital is willing to pay you five hundred thousand dollars for your consultant fee and if the patient is successful revive and extra five hundred thousand dollars will be added. Looking all around to see if all were in agreement, doctor Fleming concluded by saying off cause as along as we get to witness the procedures.

Abbey didn't press the issue instead he explained even if you witness the procedures you may not understand it. The doctors raised an eyebrow immediately. Before saying we are all enlighten here, we doubt if there is anything you are going to do that we will not understand. Again Abbey didn't bother to explain or press the issue.

Abbey took a deep breath and closed his eyes. he focused all his energy on entering Lily's dream. As he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in a dark and twisted version of the hospital room.

he called out for Lily, but there was no response. he started to panic, fearing that he wouldn't be able to find her in time. But then, he heard a faint cry for help coming from the corner of the room.

Abbey rushed over and found Lily trapped in a nightmare. he was being chased by a dark figure, her screams echoing in the empty corridors of her mind. Abbey knew that he had to help her before it was too late.

he used his powers to create a shield around them, protecting them from the nightmare. he then took Lily's hand and led her out of the nightmare and into a peaceful meadow.

Lily was in shock, unable to comprehend what was happening. But Abbey reassured her and explained who he was and why he was there. he told Lily that he could help her wake up from her coma.

Together, they delved into Lily's subconscious, facing her fears and unlocking her mind. As they journeyed deeper, Abbey discovered that Lily's coma was caused by trauma from a terrible car accident. She had been living in a constant state of fear and guilt, unable to let go of the past.

Abbey helped Lily confront her fears and find closure. he showed her the beauty of life and the love of her family. Slowly, Lily's mind started to heal, and she woke up from her coma.

The doctors were amazed, and the family was overjoyed. Abbey had succeeded where they had failed. he had brought Lily back from the brink of death.

Speaking for the first time in seven years her voice was very sore and she could feel the pain in her throat. Looking at her family she felt strange and immediately asked how long have I been like this? Her sister who was filled with joy couldn't content herself before crying and saying seven years. Lily's was shocked to hear that she had missed seven years of her life. Looking around she noticed a familiar face pointing to Abbey, "you, I know you, didn't I just see you now or was that a dream. Abbey could not say much to her, instead he spoke softly you are better now, that all that matters. Your family will fill you in on the rest.

Turning to face doctor Fleming, he gesture but before he could say anything else doctor Fleming spoke up. Young man you abilities are amazing, would you consider been on a full time retainership. Abbey looked surprised, he pondered for a while so my ability is paying off now, people will start to pay me to help them with there dirty shit. I will think about it, he concluded. Before long the money was transfer to his account.

As he said his goodbyes, Abbey couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. he had used his powers for good, and he had helped someone in need. It was a reminder that his gift was a blessing, and he should never be afraid to use it to help others while getting paid for his services. As he began to think of this possibility, he burst out into a menacing laughter.