
Dream Abyss

Only I can stop the end of the world. It was the dream of every reader to travel to the world of their favourite novel even if it was a fleeting thought. But that was impossible. A work of friction will simply remain a story. But it was different for our MC. He suddenly found himself in the world of his favourite webnovel. The genre of his life completely changed. But it was not for the better. The new world was a world filled with destruction and death was lingering at every corner. He was the last reader and he must survive in this forsaken world.

ImmortalClown · Ciudad
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50 Chs

Episode 8 – Scenario Defence (4)

As the announcement was made, a glowing core suddenly manifested at the center of our position and shocked the survivors.

"Eh? What's that?"

"It suddenly appeared out of nowhere."

"Can I touch it?"

Some people gathered around the glowing orb and looked at it curiously. Humans were curious creatures after all.

Lee Jongho opened his mouth.

"Did you know what that is?"

"It's what we're supposed to protect."


"For defence scenarios, there's usually something we have to protect. In this case, that glowing orb is what we must protect at any cost."

The mission wasn't just survival but protection as well. Those orbs were relics that we needed to protect to the very end if we wanted to survive. Needless to say, if it gets destroyed, we will fail.

But it was not that simple. There were four cores scattered around the warehouse with eight groups to protect them.

If one of them gets destoryed, everyone will automatically fail the scenario. Now this resembled the world of nightmare that I knew.

"They're coming!"

Someone shouted. In the distance, a portal distorted as if the surrounding space was cracking and several black silhouettes jumped out.

Rumble! Rumble!

It was a horde of monsters. To be specific, it was an horde of intermediate grade 9 monster species, gnolls.


Monsters with the face of an hyena and the greenish-grey of a human. They rushed with great hunger and excitement. Such savagery was expected from the followers of Erythnul, the evil god of slaughter.

"What do we do?"

"They're too many."

Some were frozen in panic and looked forward with pale faces. Damnit, it was not time to back down.

"Everyone!" I opened my mouth quickly. "We must endure! Once the construction of the tunnels are finished, it will be our victory! So please endure!"

[29: 59]


The timer began to count down once the gnolls arrived.

The gnolls began to hit the barricade, trying to break through.

I thrust my sword through the gaps in the metal barricade and pierced one of the gnolls. The gnoll collapsed with blood spurting from its throat.

"Use the bodies to reinforce the barricade!"


The people began to move. The clash of weapons echoed.

I even heard the shouts of my companions. Angelica, Jung Yunhee and Lee Jongho.

"Kill them in one hit!

"Aim for their head and hearts!"

I shouted orders like this while stabbing the Iron-cutting sword through the gaps.

Kii, kii, kiiii!

Not only the survivors were attacking, the gnolls were also moving their weapons in a fierce manner.

Some of them were aimed for me. I dogded, blocked, countered and striked in a repeated manner.


Another one was pierced and fell. Almost immediately, another one appeared.

On the main road of Gwanakgu, a horde of gnolls that gathered, so much so that it was futile to count all of them. They moved eagerly and shoved each other as they approached.

They didn't even mind that the fallen bodies obstructed their path. They pushed each other and climbed up the fallen bodies. They were as savage as zombies.


A gnoll opened its mouth wide. It was a simple attack with no regard for its defence. I stepped back and thrusted the sword.


The sword pierced into the gnoll's head and it fell, leaving a trace of blood. How many times have I done this already?

Meanwhile, I noticed a cunning gnoll trying to dismantle the barrier with its teeth. I swung the Iron-severing sword and decapitated it in an instant.

Immediately, another gnoll thrusted a blade right after. However,


Before it could reach, it was shot down by the rangers stationed at the back.

They were doing a good job.

I glanced back.

The survivors were putting up a good resistance. The others also seems to be holding their own.

Angelica and Jung Yunhee were the main attack dealers while Lee Jongho took a defensive position with the shield. Yes, I arranged them these way.

In short, everyone was putting up a great performance. But we still had a long way to go. Not even five minutes have passed since the scenario started.


The Iron-severing sword crossed the air and pierced the eyes of two gnolls and they screamed. One of them tried to retaliate but I swiftly slashed its hand off. Despite missing an arm, the gnoll didn't react and instead, swung its opened jaws.


I was caught by surprise and jumped back, barely managing to escape.

I thrust the Iron-severing sword into its head. In the next moment, its body was immediately dragged back.

These stupid bastards, were they finally starting to learn?

Although gnolls seemed like barbaric creatures that simply craved violence and destruction, they did possess little ntelligence. Once ones in the front died, the others would wait and then drag back the bodies. The fallen bodies will then be used as a stepping stone to climb up the barricade.

[26: 49]

I clicked my tongue at the timer that was moving slowly and swung the Iron-severing sword.

Puok! Puok! Puuookkk!!!

The gnolls were pierced by the sword one by one.

Gnolls were relatively weak creatures so they can be killed with a single strike. What made these guys so troublesome was their overwhelming numbers. It was just like the second nightmare all over again.

After finishing off another gnoll, I quickly examined the surroundings.

The gnolls were amassed on the main road show no sign of dwindling and more than half of the barricade was already destoryed. This nightmare was similar to the escape scenario. Until the end of the scenario, more gnolls will be summoned infinitely.

I looked back and saw some of the survivors gasping for breath.

Their stamina was low and they did not have enough strength. It was evident that their overall stats was at a low level.

If things continued at this rate, the barricade will be destoryed in no time before the timer reaches 20 minutes.

A sense of dread began to form in my heart. Should I use those things now? No, let's endure for a few more minutes. It's too early to use those explosives.

I ground my teeth and shouted.

"You two! Switch with those guys and catch your breath."

"And you! Take a defensive position."

"Ah... Okay."

"Move quickly!"

While the survivors were moving, I turned towards Han Sanghoon who was still busy and shouted.

"Hey! What's taking you so long?!"

"I'm moving as quickly as I can. Give me five more minutes!"

"We don't have five more minutes! Hurry up!"

It was an unreasonable thing to say. I knew that skill would take alot of time to prepare but I couldn't help but shout. The situation was that crucial.


Several gnolls appeared on the high wall of the open area. They were using each other as a foothold to climb up the barricade.

"Shoot them down! Don't let them cross over!"

"Yes! Shoot them quickly!"

The men with the guns rapidly shot the gnolls on the walls. However, it was futile. No matter how many they shot down, more gnolls will appear on the wall.

Some of the gnolls landed face flat onto the inside of the open area while the others on the opposite side are climbing the wall.

"Yunhee, handle the monsters trying to enter the open area!"


"Lee Jongho, defend her. She'll be the main damage dealer!"


[The character 'Jung Yunhee' has used Demon Slaying Lv. 3]


Jung Yunhee shot out like a bullet and pierced the gnolls that managed to enter the open area one by one.

Puok! Puok! Puok-!!

She was really going crazy. Her body glowed with energy and she was filled with strength. I hope she could keep this up.

[22: 28]

Two minutes left. That was the time needed for the construction of the armed zone to be over. We need to manage somehow until then.

That was when it happened."


Someone screamed. The person got stabbed by a gnoll and blood spurted. Damnit, was it starting?

"Someone, switch with that guy!" I shouted.

"But what about..."

"I said shout! Don't worry about that guy! Don't let those bastards enter or else we'll be completely surrounded."

The skill 'Incite' worked well when the crowd was desperate. Someone immediately dragged the injured man away and started treating his wounds.

Without hesitation, I dashed towards the open space.

Just as I arrived, a gnoll was about to jump off from the high wall. I jumped and severed its head before jumping again.

It was because three gnolls scrambled over the wall and stumbled into the open space.

The sword crossed and caught the torso of two gnolls. The remaining one swung its axe wildly, aiming for my face. It was a simple attack pattern so I evaded and moved the sword.

As the gnoll kicked the bucket, ten more gnolls were already making their way across the wall. It was no end to them. They were simply too many.

I decided to step up my game.

[A 'Starter Pack' has been used.]

[Exclusive skill 'Weapon Mastery' has been acquired.]

To be honest, I wasn't planning on using the starter pack. But if I didn't want to die here then I had no choice.

[Weapon Mastery Lv. 1 has been activated.]

[Exclusive skill 'Soul Chasing Yang Energy Lv. 1' has activated.]

The sword trembled, shining with a brillant light. The energy was glowing fiercely as if it was alive.

[Soul Chasing Yang Energy]

A sword energy belonging to the superior category. Compared to other superior sword energies, it had a few flaws and was even weaker than the blood demon sword ki in terms of destructive power. However, it had an amazing quality that compensated for such weakness.

I used all my strength and jumped towards the enemy with the Iron-severing sword glowing fiercely.




Once the gnolls were hit with the soul chasing yang energy, they cried out in agony and turned into ashes.

Compared to other superior sword energies, the Soul Chasing Yang energy was the best sword energy in terms of purity. In other words, it was the perfect tool for hunting Nightmare monsters created from dark ether.


I swung the sword in an arc and something flashed. Afterwards, there was only the afterimage of a white light and the sight of the gnolls turning into dust.

Alot of magic power was consumed but I was able to endure somehow.


"Ahhh! Someone help!"

"Retreat back!"

A few people shouted while running away. It was because the barricade at the right had collapsed and gnolls were pouring out like an angry wave.

"Shit! Everyone, retreat and gather around Han Sanghoon!"

I pulled out a few ether explosives and threw them with all my might.

The explosives crossed the air and hit the angry wave of gnolls before exploding.



The gnolls were blown away by the explosion and their dead bodies scattered in all directions. Meanwhile, some were still rushing forward without regard for their lives.

I pulled out a few more ether explosives and threw them again.

Kwang! Kwaang!

The same cycle repeated itself all over again. The ether bombs made contact before exploding and the gnolls were swept away.

Although using the ether bombs was not enough to stop the gnolls, it was enough to buy time.

"It's ready! Everyone, gather here!!"

Once I heard Han Sanghoon's shout, I headed back with the rest of the survivors while the gnolls continued to pour inside the open area.

[The character 'Han Sanghoon' has used Protective Wall Lv. 1]

[The character 'Han Sanghoon' has used Construction Lv. 1]

[Construction Lv. 1 has advanced to Construction Lv. 2]

There was a mechanical sound as a red dome covered the survivors and five turrets manifested. The condensed magic bullets filled the turrets before it started firing.

"Gugh, guwahhh—"


Kwang! Kwaang! Kwaang!

The horde of gnolls were overwhelmed by the rapid fire of the turrets and screamed. The number of dead gnolls slowly matched the amount that was being summoned.

"You motherfuckers! Die! Die! All of you!"

Han SangHoon was really going crazy and fired the tunnels randomly.

There was no need to aim since the gnolls were everywhere. Indeed, there was no nightmare walker was better than him during defense scenarios.

"He's really amazing, isn't he?"

"Yeah. I guess he is."

"Was there someone like this in the warehouse this whole time?"

All the survivors slowly relaxed and watched Han Sanghoon in admiration. Lee Jongho opened his mouth.

"It's an amazing skill with great power. Will he be alright?"

"You don't need to worry. It will be okay for the scenario."

"... Shouldn't we help?"

"There's no need. Once the skill has activated, no one will be able to leave or enter. Hence, the monsters won't be able to get in here."

I sat down and drew a deep breath. I was more fatigued than I originally thought.

"Let's use this time to rest."

"Is it okay?"

Lee Jongho sat down and the rest followed suit. Once everyone saw it was okay, they began to sit down one by one and used this time to catch their breath.

Meanwhile, Han Sanghoon was still going at it, shooting monsters as if he was playing a video game.

"Die! Die! Hahahahahahahahaha! Yes, die for me! That's right! I'm so alive!"

I was beginning to question Han SangHoon's mental state. He wasn't running crazy, was he?