
Dream Abyss

Only I can stop the end of the world. It was the dream of every reader to travel to the world of their favourite novel even if it was a fleeting thought. But that was impossible. A work of friction will simply remain a story. But it was different for our MC. He suddenly found himself in the world of his favourite webnovel. The genre of his life completely changed. But it was not for the better. The new world was a world filled with destruction and death was lingering at every corner. He was the last reader and he must survive in this forsaken world.

ImmortalClown · Ciudad
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50 Chs

Episode 1 – The Beginning of the End (5)

Amidst the sound of the people fighting each other in the background, I was standing before Nam Jinhyuk face-to-face.

Nam Jinhyuk looked at me as if he was puzzled then a disturbing smile formed on his lips.

Anyone would be disturbed if soomeone told them they were going to kill them but Nam Jinhyuk was smiling.

"Why me though? There are many people here you could kill. Wait, is it because of the woman? But you two don't look alike."

Nam Jinhyuk looked between me and the woman bleeding on the floor as if trying to compare our facial features.

I shook my head.

"No. I'm not related to that woman."


"I'm simply here to kill you."


Nam Jinhyuk's smile seemed to widen even more.

"Is that so? Are you trying to play the hero by killing me here? I thought someone like you will show up. Even if you kill me, you wouldn't be able to save this people."

"I think you are misunderstanding something here."

"Hmm? What's that?"

In response to Nam Jinhyuk's question, I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not trying to save this people. They are people who will die anyways."

"I see. Hahaha! Indeed, they are going to die anyways."

Even if these people attacked each other with all their might, killing someone is not easy. In the end, not everyone can be saved.

If they joined hands to take down the monsters then maybe more people will survive. But that was simply impossible with their current state of mind.

'More importantly, how do I deal with him?'

Killing Nam Jinhyuk was a most If I wanted to survive and see the next scenario. By attacking with a straight forward method wasn't going to work.

I silently activated a skill and a message was heard. [Exclusive skill 'Omniscient Bookmark' has activated.]

[Opening the Character List... ]

[Character Found.]

[Character Information.]

Name: Nam Jinhyuk.

Age: 23

True name: None

Constellation Sponsor: None.

Attributes: Crouching Figure (Common), Chuunibyou (Common)

Skills: Growth Acceleration Lv. 1, Blood Demon Ki Lv. 1

Overall Stats: Strength Lv. 5, Agility Lv. 5, Physique Lv. 3, Magic Power Lv. 4.

Character Description: A chuunibyou with the crouching figure attribute. If he is left unchecked, he might turn into a terrifying great demon. It's best to eliminate him before his attribute blossoms.

I took note of two important things in Nam Jinhyuk's status window.

Crouching Figure and Chuunibyou.

Those attributes can't go well together unless you want absolute destruction. There were good reasons for coming to this evaluation.

The Crouching figure attribute was one of the few evolutionary attributes in the narrative. It was ranked 'common' but it has the potential to evolve into a unique or legendary attribute depending on the person.

But it becomes a problem it mixes with the chuunibyou attribute. The chuunibyou are people known for causing unnecessary destruction. Especially Nam Jinhyuk who wished this world's destruction for a long time.

Not only that, the bastard also possessed perfect adaptability. His crouching figure evolved into the Crazy Demon and with it, became one of the 100 strongest walkers in Nightmare.

"Hey, I like you. What do you say about teaming up?"

Nam Jinhyuk casually proposed a tempting offer.

If I teamed up with him, I will be able to survive the scenarios. Anyone who didn't read the novel would accept his offer.

But knowing him, he will likely backstab me before I even leave the building. So my answer was obvious.

"Sorry, but I have to refuse."

"That's a shame. I was expecting you would say that. Now then..."

Before he could finish speaking, something flashed besides me. It was the swiss knife. If I had not forcefully tilted my head to the side, my head would have a huge hole in it.

"You dodged that? Do you exercise?"

"Not really. Do I look like the athletic-type?"

Despite replying calmly enough, my mind was chaotic. Even though I managed to dodge, the knife still gazed my cheek and now it is bleeding.

Both of our speed was supposed to be same yet he was able to produce such destructive speed. There was only one explanation. He had activated a skill.

[Blood Demon Ki Lv. 1]

A dark-crimson aura rose from Nam Jinhyuk's shoulders. It was the skill that made him am unstoppable force in Nightmare.


Nam Jinhyuk's fist missed me and struck the ground. It created a huge hole in the ground.

"Haha!... What's this power? I want more."

He dashed towards me and began his assault. In the right hand was the blade of death and the other hand was the fist of destruction.

It didn't matter which one of them if I get hit by any of those two, I will be done for.

Kwang! Kwang! Kwang!

The scene of me dodging many blows that could crippled an adult male continued. With each passing moment, Nam Jinhyuk was getting more and more frustrated.

"What the hell?! Are you some kind of eel? Stop wriggling so much and stay still Damnit!"

What an unreasonable thing to say. If I stopped moving, I was obviously going to get stabbed.

Nam Jinhyuk dashed towards me with more energy than before.

At the time, I managed to create a distance of 10 metres between us. But Nam Jinhyuk covered that distance with just three mightly steps.

A fist that could knock me out with one blow came towards my face. I naturally dodged it by titling my head to the side.

Then came down the swiss blade which I dodged by side-stepping.

I had no military training or anything and I certainly didn't have any skills that allowed me to read movement, yet I was able to easily dodge all his attacks.

He was disgusting too predictable. All his attacks were straight forward. He always aimed for my literal points and because of that, his attacks easily missed.

I could tell he was not used to fighting because if he was, he wouldn't be making such straightforward moves. But I don't know I should be able to keep this up.

My stamina was running low and the time was running short. There was only two minutes left before the scenario came to an end.

During that time, I have to find a way to kill Nam Jinhyuk. He has already passed the scenario but I absolutely not let him proceed to the next one.

What should I do now? I know, let's go with that strategy. But it was a pretty dangerous road.

Suddenly, my movement became slow and I frequently got hit by the swiss knife. Luckilyz there were not fatal injuries so I managed to survive.

But then,



I groaned as I sank to my knees from a sharp pain in my shoulder. The blade didn't pierce me but It took a chunk of my fresh.

"Hahaha! I finally got you, you eel-like bastard! I'll like to see how you can dodge now."

The floor scattered as Nam Jinhyuk rushed towards me like a carnivorous animal. He was rushing at me with greater speed than before. His intent was to completely crush me.

I wouldn't be able to dodge even if tried. However, the same could be said for him.

'To the very end, you are so predictable.'

That's right. I intentionally lowered my speed and allowed myself to get hit by the knife but also avoiding fatal injuries. It was very dangerous and one wrong could lead to my death.

But why did I have to go through that that bothersome and dangerous process in the first place? It was to lure Nam Jinhyuk into an unavoidable trap.

I smiled as I slowly pulled out the weapon I was hiding all this time.

It was a pistol used by the military.


Nam Jinhyuk's eyes opened very wide. He immediately noticed his blunder and tried to jump away. But It was already too late.

There was no way he would be able to stop his tremendous assault now. And at this distance, there was no way I would miss even if I was an amateur markman.

I took aim at his forehead and pulled the trigger without any hesitation. The rest was history.


The barrel exploded and a bullet reinforced with mana burrowed its way through Nam Jinhyuk's skull.

[You have killed a Walker.]

[200 coins has been given as additional compensation.]


Nam Jinhyuk fell powerlessly on the floor without an head. Blood, brain matter and eye balls were scattered all over the place. Indeed, it was a disgusting sight.

Instead of the sense of guilt, I was feeling a sense of satisfaction as if proud of my work. Why? I just killed another human being yet there was no lingering guilt.

Even though I was forced by the system, even though I had to kill Nam Jinhyuk. Why?

At the same time, a message bought the rest of the survivors into despair. It was only people who couldn't kill their opponents and failed the scenario.

[The Nightmare has come to an end.]

[Those unable to complete the Nightmare will now face the penalty.]

"Please wait... No!!"

"Someone help me!"


One by one, people's heads started popping like balloons. One, two, three, I started to lose count. It was as if I was witnessing a festival.

Yes, it was indeed a festival. A festival to celebrate the beginning of a new era and the exploding of the people's heads were the fireworks. I watched everything without the slightest change in my expression.

Yet again, I was very calm as if everything was one big joke. But that was far from the truth. This was reality.

In no time, the ground floor of the hospital was filled with nothing but corpses and blood.

Someone let out a sigh of relief that they managed to survive. But that sigh would change once we go outside. Outside was more chaotic than inside the hospital.

[First Nightmare– Proof of Worth has ended.]

[500 coins have been acquired as the clearance reward.]

[The Shop function has been unlocked.]

[You can purchase items from the Shop.]

[Congratulations on becoming a Walker.]

The world I only knew has now become reality. A world was destroyed and a new world has been born.

[Welcome to the Nightmare Trial.]

The tragedies was just beginning. This was the beginning of my suffering.