
Chapter 3

I've been walking for hours and i'm not even in half of my way. It was getting dark so i stoped a camped where i was. I started fire to scare away wild animals off. I was woken up by a loud sound. I opened my eyes to see a pack of wolf's just a bit from place i camped. I took my sword and got up to see what were they growling at. And then i saw it. A dragon and a realy big one. It's scales were as red as a ruby and those beautiful green eyes. I saw a group of people. They were attacking the dragon. I wanted to help him but i coldn't because of those wolf's. I was about to attack them when a blue fire nearly hitted me. I looked at the dragon who was looking directly at me. I guessed it didn't want me to hurt those wolf's. I was kinda lucky because that fire scared them off. I counted how many of those guys were there. I counted 8. I spotted some weaker ones so i went for them.

I ran as quickly as possible and attacked first guy. It wasn't realy hard to beat that guy. One was down seven were remaining. "You are not suppose to be here little one. Are you lost?" I looked at the guy that said that with disgusted face. He had a big scar on his face. "No. I'm not lost. Just saving that dragon." He just smiled at me and started walking my way. He was too close to me so i swang my sword in front of me to let him know he is too close. He looked suprised at first but then he turned around and told everyone to retriet. " You can have him if you want but i will come back again."

When i was sure they were gone i putted my sword back. That dragon was still there and looking at me. I was walking towards him but he started growling at me. "If you are scared i can put my sword aside." With that i putted my sword on the ground right next to me. He stopped growling when i putted my sword down. I started walking to him once again. I noticed he had few cuts on his body. "You are hurt realy baddly. I will treat your wound but you need to let me approach you little bit more closer." In the way he was looking at me i could tell he didn't want me to be close to him.

I thought maybe if i sat infront of him and talk to him, he will trust me little bit more. I sat down and looked at him. "My name is Amari. Nice to meet you." He just roled his eye's and flew away. "Are you serious?! I just wanted to help you." I got up and packed my things. That little girl told me somewhere around here should be a village. So i went straight there. I was walking for few hours and saw the village. When i entered the village everything was quiet. Little bit too quiet. I was knocking on houses but no one was answering. Walking here gave me chills. While i was looking around someone pulled me back. "What are you do-" I was interrupted by a boy. I guess he was around my age." No. What are you doing you can't be just walking around here!!" "Why?" I gave him a confused look. "A dragon flew above this village. So for now we are hidding." "Do you mean that big red dragon spewing blue fire?" He just nodded.

We were inside for a hour. It was boring as hell! When he thought it was all clear he took a peek outside. "It's gone. That's great." He turned around and looked at me. "What are you even doing here?" "I was looking for that dragon." He raised eyebrow. "Are you a dragon huter? You don't look like one." A dragon hunter... Realy? I only have sword and a knife on me. "You look kinda familiar tho. Wait... Are you princess Amari?!" "Maybe i am." I shrugged and went to look outside for something to eat. "My name is Felix and i could know a shortcut to his nest."