

When Jone wakes up in the afternoon after a late night Youtube session, he is hit with the sudden realization that his world is not the same. It now seems to resemble an RPG video-game; the only difference is, now the monsters are real and you only get one life. -Currently on Hiatus due to Personal Issues- *Contains strong language and depictions, sexual depictions, racial depictions, violence, and dark themes

CreatedGod · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Trails are Blazed in Fire


Lira looked down finally and the first thing he noticed was a red blade sticking out of the ground as the surrounding fires began to die down.

*Loot? Actual loot? Well. What shouldn't I expect now?*

He picked up the blade and a stat window popped up.

*Of course, it has stats.*

Igneous Blade

Type: Longsword

Rarity: Uncommon

Tier: 10

Phys. Attack: 10-15

Strength + 4

Agility + 2

Level Requirement: 7

Can be evolved

Active Ability – Fire Wasp: Upon activation, will send out three small embers that follow enemies within the vicinity of wielder and blow up upon touch.

*Incredibly nice-looking blade. Probably already better than any techniques we have today. So, it should be better than my kriegmesser, I suppose? Lemme look…Oh, yep. Base weapons don't give you any add-ons. However, I can only equip this at level 7…what level am I after all of that? Is there a log of experiences I can see?*

Lira swiped right for quite a while before he finally came to an experience log.

*Why is this like 40 swipes back…*


Killed Molten Finegral + 42 Experience

Killed Molten Finegral + 42 Experience

Killed Molten Finegral + 42 Experience

Killed Molten Finegral + 42 Experience

Killed Molten Finegral + 42 Experience

Killed Molten Finegral + 42 Experience


*That's a lot, but how much is it to level up? Wasn't on the character screen…Swipe time.*

Lira cycled through what seemed like nearly infinite pages until he came to a strange page.


Path: Dread

Sponsor: Marquis of Pestilence

Class: Dreadknight

Element(s): Fear, Poison, Blood

Class Lvl. 9 – Current EXP: 1113

Class Lvl. 10 – Required EXP: 1210

Evolution Inactive: Requires EXP 42,000

Comment: You are blessed.

Capacity: Locked

*The Marquis of pestilence again…Also, I'm level 9 after all of that? I should have skill points or new skills, right? Better yet, am I on the top of the list?*

Lira swiped back to the World Leveling List.

1. Lira – Lvl. 9: 91.2%

2. Kotor – Lvl. 8: 72.3%

3. 英俊的国王 – Lvl. 7: 83.9%

4. Siraiya – Lvl. 7: 82.3%

*Holy shit, there must be some OP people, but on the other hand, if this is even slightly indicative, my current set-up is pretty good. Let's look at skills. 12 skills available and 9 skill points? That's a lot for just being level 9. Well, more like a single player RPG. I'll choose…*

Miasma – active skill: Pestilence flows through you into the surrounding 20 yards of air. Enemies will slowly lose their capabilities the longer they are in range. Enemies lose 1% of all attributes ever minute. Costs 10 mana every 30 seconds.

Fiery Armor – active skill: Magma forms around you increasing all of your defenses by 30%. Costs 15 mana every 10 seconds.

*Two skills…all my skill points. Worth it though.*

As Lira began to move again, free for a time of his newfound violent urges, he began to ponder his newfound abilities and the situation of the world as he saw it, talking to himself as he walked.

"I'm…definitely restricting myself. Even I can't just fully adapt so quickly. I'm not a pro mma fighter with supreme control per say, but with a sword in hand, even as a regular human, I wouldn't fear them. The issue is, I currently have no reason to fear them now, yet my mind can't adjust to that. I imagine fighting one and don't see myself just slamming him. Maybe I can reality and dream together with time as I can clearly move far beyond what a regular human can do."




In the background, many things were happening, each one worse than the next. A muscular humanoid creature about his size was smashing up a car. A group of hawk-sized wyvern-esque creatures were terrorizing a group of people at a store. Shrill screams echoed out along with the shrieking of the creatures. Chaos continued to ensue as more monsters began to spawn in the area. At this point, to say it was unlivable here was an understatement. The juxtaposition of organized, civilized middle-class suburbia with commercial zoning and blood, gore, and creatures that could only be seen in fantasy games was jarring to most. Deep in his thoughts, however, Lira failed to notice or, rather, he didn't care.

"More importantly, the game is just starting. I'm not certain how many levels there are, if there is a max level. I'm not certain if monsters respawn, if monster factions exist, if boss monsters are a thing. If weapons have tiers, are class tiers a thing or player tiers? If I'm so powerful at level 9, without even adding the remainder of my stat points, then at level 100, seeing how a player seems to get two skill points a level, I could have the equivalent of 26 people's strength stacked. The issue there is how the strength works. I don't feel heavier, but I'm clearly more durable. The force I can exert is clearly far more. My power is certainly greater, much quicker bursts. I also have a quicker reaction speed, but that may not have anything to do with increasing the strength stat. I can't exactly see farther or clearer than before, I don't think…I can't really remember the difference. Hearing? I've always been real sensitive. While I've practiced longswords and one-handed, and I'm quite good, I'm not world-class. My hand-eye coordination when wielding now though is far better for sure, though my form is still a bit sloppy. The main thing tiding me over is clearly the balance skill. It allows me to keep my center of balance regardless of the action. Shit, there's a lot to discern. Mentally, I can't right now, though."

Lira was rubbing above his eyebrows as he tried destressing himself, creating the weird metallic clinking sound of a gauntlet scratching against a helmet, not that he was registering it.

*Main quest. Make a deal with the devil and keep leveling. Humanity's base state of organization is due to change with the addition of potential large strength differences and no guaranteed safe areas. If one individual could be the equivalent of a tactical missile yet bulletproof, then gang wars change, politics change, war changes, human worth changes. I'll shoot for level 30 by the end of today. I've clearly got disproportionate defense thanks to this Marquis of Pestilence. I've been given god's gift. Why not use it? I wonder about other individuals supported by high beings?*

A middle-aged man with modest features, except his muscles which pressed the black suit he was wearing to the brim, was looking at the world leaderboard and swiping. His shoulder length platinum blonde hair was waving like a flag behind him as he stood upon a cliff overlooking the sea. His gold armor that seemed more like a royal pretense than useful gear gleamed in the ample light the sun shone down upon him.

"Who the hell is Lira? Why did he suddenly advance to the top? Leon, LEON! Are you done?"

"Yea, it's done."

"Are they deep enough? I don't even want to be able to smell them."

"Definitely deep enough. No worries there."

"Alright, alright. Call the rest of the boys. TKX is going big time. Bullets already can't kill me, hehe. We're gonna be kings! Round up some monsters. Save some for yourselves and give the rest to me!"

"Yes sir."

Helio looked at where he knew the bodies lay.

*Forget money schemes, hustling, all of that. It's about time we went big. Let alone those crime families, the world will fear us.*

Helio walked to the edge of the precipice his group was gathered near.

"Hey, Leon."


"We'll need a lot more space…for all the bodies. A lot more…Also, get me some headphones. Zeppelin doesn't just play himself."

Leon, a short, brown-haired man of small stature and a face full of freckles, gazed at Helio, his eyes lingering on the side of his face he could see.

A red blotch covered most of that right side of his face. If you looked closely, you could see the wires turning in his glass eye. The strings twisted upon each other, and the rays reflecting off of them created a strange picture.

A puppet who had long lost its master, out of place in the modern world of Instagram, terrorist cells, and total loss of connection.

Numb wasn't quite the word, but soon, it might just be.

Hong Kong

A young kid ran about as chaos ensued in the city. The government hadn't responded yet as the chaos had only just begun, though others might point to corruption. Even so, bodies were strewn everywhere. Bodies were flying in the air. Limbs rolled lopsidedly and intestines helicoptered as they soared comically high, getting stuck on various street lights and building edges. The streets and lower sections of the buildings were painted red as grotesque fleshy creatures of land and air had a grand festival.

This place would soon be known as the Corpse Garden.

The only strange thing here, comparatively, was the boy who continued to play amongst the gore. He was unperturbed by all that surrounded him, though he was well old enough to recognize it. At the same time, no creature approached him.

The more he played, the more his skin began to lighten up. He was slowly becoming pure white like snow.

He didn't speak much but swiped occasionally on the player screen in front of him as he galloped through the streets.

He did mutter a few words though with a confused expression.

"White…white, white like a rose? No, like a cat? White…white, white like death. There! Leer-a? Leer-a! Lira. He is…my enemy? Strong?"

Dark figures began to appear around the boy. Their bodies stayed out of focus, but they seemed to take the form of people and small animals – inhabitants of the city he had often seen around.

"I need more than this? I need…Light."

The figures instantly shot off, attacking the various nearby creatures. Slowly, the boy's experience began to increase. Of course, he didn't notice.

He simply continued to play among the corpses.

Ion was currently holding an ogre in her hand as she walked towards a group of red jellyfish-esque floating creatures. Its head was blue and covered in a light layer of frost.

*New species, new me, right? It's really powerful. I wonder if I could hurt Lira yet? Sooner or later, he'll remember, even if I have to make him remember. His friend though, Rex was it, he's kinda cute.*

She flicked her hand, and an intricately-lined, dark blue trident with a gold lining that snaked its way of the staff to the gold-plated, sharp three points of the weapon, appeared.

She immediately threw it towards the group of creatures.

Just as it reached the group, an explosion of ice shards from around the flying trident brought down most of the creatures, angering the rest.

*I'm definitely more athletic than him now, right? I would've seen the spear coming."

Ion's facial expressions changed throughout the course of her actions, but the slight frown on her mouth never did change. Satisfaction was not guaranteed.

Lira was checking his clothes after having taken off his armor..

*Well. I'll admit that I did not think that through. Phone left straight at home. Shit. Well, I'm almost to Mom's place, but I have no idea how to get to Dad's from here. Eh, he's probably got to her.

It was at this moment, a black screen popped up.


The first event is about to begin! The Advent of the Council of Kings!

There are 12 Kings. There are twelve dungeons.

If not all Kings and dungeons have been discovered and completed within one year, the Kings will rally together and have a council.

Do not let them have this council.

It is also important that all players know: What was tolerated before the coming of the Kings shall not be tolerated now.

Best of luck to the players of Elion 22.

*So, it's not just a personal thing. This message almost sounds casual. This is clearly a game for whatever those beings are. And we're not the only ones in it. Elion 22? More importantly, would ya look at this?*

Lira looked up to the sky watching as a massive tower descended slowly.

*Looks like the Coliseum, if it was stacked upon itself hundreds of times, silver and black, a bit technologically advanced, and just maybe more detailed than the Vatican City's constructions…magnificent right there. Opportunity has come a knockin'. The cost though is my certainty of my parents' safety.*

Lira took a seat on the pavement while screams and whines and roars continued to be issued all around him, though he had ignored these for most of the last many hours. He began to stroke his fledgling beard.

*Humanity has a year. This one will most likely be discovered very quickly though. It's massive and could probably be seen from over 50 miles away. Once things get relatively organized again, this will certainly be one of the dungeons done quickest. I've no idea how hard it is. They didn't say a minimum number of people. It seems to have a lot of floors. It will probably take weeks at the least. I have no certain supply of food or water. Common sense tells me wait. I'd lose so much less by waiting…but my gut says do it.*


Lira then swiped right quickly to the messaging function and sent Che and Ion a message before getting up, stretching, and walking towards the descending tower.

Soon, his figure was engulfed in a white light, and just like that, he was gone.