
Chapter 412: Hermione Never Wears Makeup When She Goes Out (Edited)

The commotion at the Ministry did not reach the Granger's home. The couple had no idea about the events in the wizarding world. Their life during the holidays was peaceful but busy. Well, busy meant having new household chores waiting for them every day.

"Come on, Hermione, read it one more time. If there are no issues, this will be our final draft for the Potions essay," Tom said as he handed the paper to Hermione.

Hermione took Tom's essay and began reading it attentively. At that moment, an owl flew towards them carrying a letter.

Tom picked up the letter and noticed the Hogwarts crest printed on it, with the words "Mr. Tom Yodel and Miss Hermione Granger" written in emerald green ink.

Tom opened the letter and quickly reviewed it. Then he turned to Hermione and said, "Dumbledore has agreed to bring Hacker to Hogwarts with us."

"Us?" Hermione opened her eyes in surprise and confusion. "Why do I have to go too? And what about our assignments if we leave?"


"Dear, I don't understand why you won't tell me what that boy said to you that day," Annie sat next to her husband, Hacker, and quietly asked about the content of yesterday's meeting.

"I'm sorry, I really can't tell you," Hacker shook his head. Tom had warned him not to share the information with anyone, not even his wife. If the news leaked, they would have to erase the memories of those who shouldn't know about the magical world.

"It's a very important secret."

"A very important secret?" Annie snorted. "Everyone knows that when something is labeled as 'very important,' it means..."

"That it's a real secret, not like the ones we usually have," Hacker corrected her perspective.

At that moment, an owl flew in through their window.

"A owl!" Annie was completely surprised; it was the first time she had been so close to a nocturnal creature like that. Even in a zoo, it was rare to see them.

"Careful, its claws are sharp. Should we call the police to get it out of here?" Seeing the owl flying directly toward them, Annie grabbed Hacker's arm and tried to take him away from the room invaded by the owl.

"Wait!" Hacker observed more closely and saw that the owl was carrying a letter in its claws.

Hacker was not mistaken. The owl flew past them and dropped an envelope before flapping its wings and flying away. They both sighed in relief.

Hacker picked up the envelope. It was made of thick parchment, and the address was written in emerald green ink. There was no postage seal. On the front of the envelope, there was a wax seal with a very special design: the uppercase letter "H" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake.

Hacker felt a strong thumping in his heart, as if a rubber band had snapped inside his head. This way of receiving letters could only mean one thing: it was a letter from the magical world. Hacker knew that this was his first and possibly last chance to enter the magical world. He felt nervous, more nervous than when he stepped on stage for the first time to give a speech.

He knew that his connection to the magical world depended on the content of that letter. Whether he could go to Hogwarts or not depended on the will of that great wizard.

Hacker opened the envelope and took out the letter to read it:

[Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Director of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Confederation of Wizards, Recipient of the Order of Merlin First Class, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Hacker,

We have recently received your request to visit Hogwarts. We are delighted that you have shown such interest in Hogwarts and look forward to welcoming you.

Our students Tom Yodel and Hermione Granger will come to your house tomorrow at 9 in the morning to introduce you to Hogwarts.

Before you leave, please take the potion enclosed in this letter to immunize yourself from the effects of the Muggle-Repelling Charm.

Deputy Headmistress

Minerva McGonagall]

"Oh, yes!" Hacker jumped excitedly. He was going to visit the magical world! It was as if a child knew that the next day he would go to an amusement park.

Annie couldn't see the contents of the letter and felt curious. But she also knew her husband wouldn't reveal another word.

"Annie, help me choose an outfit," Hacker tucked the letter away and began getting ready for the next day: a suit, leather shoes, a watch, a tie... Nothing could be missing. He had to present himself in the best possible way to the wizards.

Time passed slowly, filled with anticipation and nervousness, until the next day arrived.

Hacker was very nervous, and so was Hermione. This time she would be taking the future Prime Minister to Hogwarts. He was the Prime Minister of the British Empire, a figure who could even trend by merely passing gas. He was someone recognized worldwide.

"Tom, what should I wear? Which of these outfits do you think looks better?" Hermione took all her clothes out of the wardrobe and tried them on one by one, comparing them.

"I think you should dress formally. A shirt, tie, wool sweater, JK skirt at the bottom, black stockings, and those little black leather shoes. Lastly, put on a wizard's cloak on top," Tom gave his suggestion.

"But this is what we used to wear when we went to school," Hermione still had some doubts.

"It's the right choice. We are representing Hogwarts when we welcome Hagrid," Tom placed the clothes Hermione would wear on her bed.

"You might consider putting on a little makeup, but it's also fine if you don't. My Hermione is always beautiful, even without makeup," Tom added.

"Stop flattering and get out of here! I need to change," Hermione playfully hit him and pushed him towards the door.

Once Tom left, Hermione sat at her desk. She decided to follow Tom's advice and not wear makeup that day. However, she thought she should do something more; a girl couldn't just wash her face and go out, she had to make some minor adjustments.

Hermione sat at her desk and took out a delicate box. From the box, she retrieved several small bottles and first sprayed some facial tonic, then applied serum and moisturizer. After finishing, she looked at the clock and saw she still had time, so she put on a face mask.

Then, she applied a bit of concealer and groomed her eyebrows, removing any stray hairs that had grown in the back. As a meticulous girl, Hermione often groomed her eyebrows, so it didn't take her long.

Half an hour later, Hermione dressed and left her room.

"Why did it take you so long?" Tom was surprised. "Didn't you say you wouldn't wear makeup?"

Hermione was also surprised. "I didn't wear makeup. I never wear makeup when I go out."