

In the old times when two kingdoms fight against each other's ideals, dragons have to learn their ways how to live alongside it.

Wynvern · Fantasía
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4 Chs


A flash of light came with tremendous agony inside me, I couldn't do anything than scream at the top of my lungs, but unconventionally, I didn't have any. Corrupted memories drew fast in my front, reminding me of good times. No, those things don't exist. It was like watching someone's life, the chaos was somehow beautiful. Nothing was distinguishable, not even a face or a mere location. So abstract that I managed to lose myself, thinking that I was crazy.

When I less expected, staring at some sort of shadow that slide through an abandoned building, a strange thing came suddenly close. his eyes were like holes in his face. I couldn't distinguish any other information, a distorted bright light was reflecting in it and burning my vision. I would be crying now If I really could. What is happening, I don't get it. It was only me and this strange creature in the silence, staring at each other suspiciously. Then it gave his back on me and got out, in a delicate peace. So, with my mind full of useless questions, I followed it.

The linear path I was traveling became distorted and everything got lost. Blobs of light slowly swallowed the buildings around me, which were approaching me and the creature fast. When I less expected, the ground above me disappeared, and I fell into the void without knowing what to do. Strangely, I wasn't scared. I didn't feel anything like fear or anxiety, just when I stared at those eyes. They remembered me of nothing, to be exact. Maybe it was the empty feeling that came with it. I just stopped.

Still, on the pure blackness, I felt warm. The part where my chest would've been was gripping, I was suffocating. As my pain got sharper, came a loud distorted, and uncomprehensive voice, playing in a loop, screaming names unfamiliar to me. Her voice was getting louder and louder, I was in pain when another deformed face appeared in front of me, nevertheless, it was different from the one before.

It was deformed, in a way that made me nauseous and anxious, I couldn't see any part of his or her face, only that it was a pure white, that reflected the lights. It was touching me and whispering words unclearly. I couldn't do anything about it, only feel it. So familiar, so near my memories, but nothing was clear enough for me to identify it. It came closer and closer, the silence mixed up with my feelings made me instinctively scream, but I didn't have a mouth. With this realization, a shockwave of heat came ripping my presence, sending me out of everything.