
Dragonrage: Scorching Another World

In a new world and in a new body, Jean will have to deal with his issues and his burning anger. Will he give in to his destructive impulses or will he try to hold back in order to protect all that he has achieved?

Ozy_SSJ · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 03 – The Gorkaki Village

I fly over the southern plains in search of the blind shaman. This will take a lifetime. And patience is certainly something I lack. It was no surprise when I discovered that my main class is Barbarian.

But soon I'll need to work on my stats' build. I need to increase my mental attributes for my magical power to grow. I want to be huge, but I don't want to be stuck to the ground. Maybe I'll end up taking a few wizard or warlock levels. Or perhaps the blind orc will teach me some tricks and I'll become a shaman too.

But first, I need to find him. I think it's time for me to recruit a few more minions to help me with the task…

My method of acquiring minions was simple: I get some goblins, throw them into my lair and I threaten to burn their entire village if they run away. But now I'll need more of them. Maybe I should take control of an entire village. A small one with a dozen goblins should be enough.

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After a few hours of flying, I find the perfect candidate: a village under attack by a sabertooth. The beast has already killed at least three warriors. It's time for me to intervene.

I swoop down and sink my talons into the back of the saber-toothed tiger. The animal thrashes around and manages to land a few paw strikes on me. My thighs start to bleed. I bite down on its neck, trying to break it with the strength of my jaws. The beast is strong and eventually breaks loose. But before it can counter-attack, I inhale deeply and breathe fire. It's a direct hit. The creature's eyes pop in the heat and its fur starts to burn. It lets out a roar of pain and runs off erratically and shortly after, it collapses dead near the entrance of the village.

The goblins start whispering, "Vareg, Vareg." It means copper in Goblinoid. I walk to the center of the village as they all look at me in awe. They are apprehensive because I haven't attacked any of them so far.

"Goblins must... surrender." I speak in Goblinoid. I sound dumb when I speak due to my incomplete mastery of this crap language.

"This village... is mine now. You… are my minions."

An old goblin approaches me. She probably no longer fears death.

"Speak... Elder." I say.

"What does the copper beast want from the gorkaki?" The elderly goblin speaks with a tired voice.

"Work for me... I kill your beasts."

"What work do the gorkaki do for the copper beast?"

"Go out and search... for the orc shaman... with milky eyes."

She lowers her head in submission. It seems we have an agreement. It was easier than I thought.

I lie down in the center of the village and start watching the goblins. Their tents are made of sticks and animal hides. There are a total of eight tents for nineteen goblins. I remain lying down until evening. When darkness falls, I return to my lair.

The next day, I hunt in the morning and make my way to the gorkaki village. I lie down in the same spot and observe them. The elder informs me that two scouting groups have been sent out to search for the orc shaman. They are supposed to pass through other villages to inquire about his whereabouts. I tell her that it is not enough. They should send more scouting groups. She says there aren't enough goblins for that. Two groups have already gone out to hunt and should not return until the afternoon. I let out a growl and ask her to point me in the direction the hunting group went.

I take flight towards them. When I spot them, I see those little green creatures attempting to hunt a bison without success. One goblin tries to steer the beast towards the other hunters who are lying in wait. These stupid fools must have been at it all morning.

I fly low towards the bison. It tries to escape, but I grab its back with my talons and bite its neck. The hunting goblins seem to be puzzled by what's happening. Once the creature falls, I take flight again towards the second group of hunters. I repeat the same process and then return to the village.

When they return with their prizes, the old goblin swiftly orders them to set out and search for the shaman. Now there are ten goblins divided into five groups searching for the orc with milky eyes.

As the night falls, I return to my lair again and come back to the goblin village only the following morning. However, to my surprise, not all the goblins from yesterday went out for the search. There's enough meat for them not to have to hunt today. I question the old goblin, and she tells me that some of them are resting because they kept watch throughout the night.

It makes sense. I only protect the village during the day. The night can be just as dangerous, if not more so, for them. But I still don't want to sleep here. What if a goblin tries to stab me in the eye while I sleep? One of my minions attempted that once, and I had to tear him apart in front of the others to set an example.

I hope that doesn't happen. I need all the available goblins gathering information about the blind shaman.

In the following days, I started sleeping in the village. I only leave to hunt for myself or to help the goblins with their hunt. Some of them are starting to lose their fear of me. Since I spend almost the whole day doing nothing, I've been practicing my Goblinoid, which was already rusty.

After three weeks, a group of scouts arrives with news. They have found the whereabouts of the shaman in a cave further south.


Finally, I will be able to claim a piece of my heritage.

Do you talk like a child? You ARE a child, boy.

A baby wyrmling.

Ozy_SSJcreators' thoughts