this is my discord Minatoflash1 please be kind and read my original works, Jauary John And stuck in an island with twelve beautiful woman. I'm always expecting your support. this story is just in my point of view. I hope everyone likes it. Read the volume zero to know more about the story.
Ichigo walked towards Vegeta. Ichigo had double the height compared to Vegeta. He looked down on Vegeta and asked,
"Are you Goku?"
Vegeta smirked and said,
"You are lucky that I'm not the one you are looking for. He's standing over there."
Vegeta pointed his finger. Ichigo looked at Goku and he felt Goku is just a foolish looking guy with no power. Goku said,
"Hey there, I'm Goku. You must be ichigo."
Uryu came and looked at Goku. He didn't feel like a strong guy that destroyed civilizations. The others were wondering if these four guys are the real deal. Ichigo and others looked silent, normal and powerless. They started murmuring. That time master Roshi said,
"Shut up you guys. It's possible they might be hiding powers just like us or maybe we cannot sence them just like Minato here. They are from another world right? Minato, can you sense the enemy power level?"
Minato looked at master Roshi and said,
"No master Roshi, they do not have chakra based power's. Besides, the reaper I summon will also not be based on chakra. So they are much higher. I can see the boy in the black clothes is stronger than any of us."
Master Roshi said,
"I thought so! The four of them might wipe us out. Still we are not going to give up Goku without a fight. Now listen, my boy. You, your wife and Might Guy are not a part of any of this. No one will blame you if you step back. There is no guarantee if we survive this."
Kushina said,
"Master, don't worry about us. In our world we died a long time ago. Goku brought us back believing that we will help him win this battle. We have decided to never give up, we won't let anyone take Goku. I know Might Guy. He will fight no matter what. He's not the type to go back to a fight. Just look at him, he's still training."
Guy was doing push ups just by his fingers on the ground. He said,
"That's right. I have plenty of youth left in me."
Master Roshi realized why Goku brought them. They were the perfect allys.
Master Roshi said,
"Thank you guys."