

Goku decided to stay there and watch Minato fighting Ginkaku. It was a furious battle. Minato used his teleportation combined with a big rasengan to defeat Ginkaku. But it didn't affect Ginkaku. He smashed the ground and Minato blew away in the blast. He used teleportation to escape the blast.

Minato was teleported beside where Kushina was standing. She told him that she can help him defeat Ginkaku. But Minato put his hand on her cheeks and said not to worry. She cheered up and put her complete trust on her husband.

Minato once again teleported towards Ginkaku. He quickly appeared and disappeared in front of Ginkaku to make him lose his concentration. Then he used a smoke bomb to cover Ginkaku's view. Then Minato created a giant rasengan to attack Ginkaku. It took him teleportation level 2 and four moves to hit Ginkaku perfectly. But this time he defeated Ginkaku.

Watching that made Goku realize that Minato is as fast as Goku in his instant transmission. Goku decided it's Minato or both of them. He put his hand inside the bag with the Dragon Balls. He was too afraid to drop the device Whis gave him somewhere. So he put it inside the bag. When he searched it inside it went down into the bag. So he sat down there and took out the Dragonballs one by one. When he was reaching for the sixth ball he got the device instead.

He pulled out the device and put the Dragonballs back in the bag. He looked into the Ninja world and didn't see Minato or Kushina.

He also felt something had changed. But Goku didn't mind that he used the device to get inside.

Goku came into the Ninja world. He was standing outside the leaf village. He quickly moved forward and at that time an Anbu black ops saw him moving towards the leaf village at a lightning speed and he was flying.

That guy suddenly reported to other Anbu members about what he saw.

Goku got inside the leaf village. Because he had no chakra in him, the barrier or any sensory Ninja didn't react to his entry. He looked at the stone faces of the hokages. The fourth one seemed familiar to goku.

There were seven faces carved into it…