
Perilous Journey

Bailong picked his words carefully. “Why do you think I have a crystal?”

He had expected Bailong to accept it or deny it, not ask such a question. If he told the truth, he would be revealing his own crystal and if he did not, it would shake his own credibility of being a teacher of something he did not possess.

Sevir took a deep breath, said a silent sorry to RuIng, trained his ears around, and finally slipped his hand across his chest into an upper inside pocket. From there, he pulled out a crystal as big as the palm of his hand. Its surface was empty, reflecting the darkness around.

“Because I know how to use it.”

Then he quickly put it back inside because there were footsteps heading their way. He was taking a risk of revealing this to Hiwaga, based on the belief that she wanted Bailong’s safety above her intention towards him.