
The mysterious relationship between the three legendary dragon species (2)

during the academic debate, Emperor alfax's ruling was the fuse.

during the period of the large-scale competition between the magic Academies, the conflict between Wind and Fire has already been intensified. It's just that it has been suppressed in the hearts of the mages, and they've been holding back.

when the fuse was ignited, this war erupted like a volcano and got out of hand.

Garen said calmly as he looked at the apocalyptic scene.

Most importantly, Emperor alfalx's ruling had caused the wind mages to go into a complete frenzy, and the chain reaction that followed had led to the current situation.

Before this, Emperor alfax had always been regarded as a wise King.

The Emperor had courage, ambition, and execution, but he had underestimated the gods and was silently influenced by the Saint of the Lord of flames. His original wisdom was stained with emotions such as irritability, anger, suspicion, and so on.

At the same time.